My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 401 Control
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Chapter 401 Control

Chapter 401 Control

Ayan faintly glanced at Eileen, and a light smile appeared at the bottom of his deep eyes: "Although

you can't do anything to him completely, as long as this recording is played out he will not be able to

escape public opinion."

"Good, as long as I can help you I'll be relieved."

"Eileen, if you give me the recording, it means that you and Arnold will be completely separated and

become enemies, do you want that?"

"Naturally, from the moment I promised you, I knew this day would come, so Ayan, I hope you can keep

your promise to me as well."

Eileen only wants to cling to Ayan, so that, as long as he is there, Arnold does not dare to do anything

to her.

Their eyes locked for a few seconds, and then Ayan said in a shallow voice, "I'll have Kian arrange a

car to take you back, and this matter will be resolved clearly within today."

"Good." Eileen stood up, as for the heart of the desired conditions always or dare not speak, now or

wait until Arnold is settled.

But she was just about to take a step when Ayan suddenly asked, "Eileen, you're really not hiding

anything from me, are you?"

Eileen looked at Ayan in confusion, "Ayan, why do you ask that? Are you referring to this thing in


"Eileen, you know that's not what I'm asking about."

Ayan's deep eyes were staring straight at her, and after a second of staring at each other, she dared

not continue but quickly moved away to look elsewhere.

She said softly, "Ayan, if you're asking me if Camille's grandmother had anything to do with me? I still

say I didn't do it, and as for what exactly I was doing at the hospital? I don't think this has anything to

do with Camille's grandmother, and it has nothing to do with what you want to know, it's simply because

of my personal problems, so can I not say anything?"

Ayan did not force her to have to say the reason why she went to the hospital, but from her reaction

already expression can see that she went to the hospital must have happened something?

But what can be done by going to the hospital?

Ayan slightly narrowed his eyes, the bottom of his eyes just flashed a faint touch of warm indifference.

Aria, who was sitting on the couch, didn't say anything the whole time, and now when Eileen left, she

immediately got up and went to her desk to stare at Ayan.

Ayan lifted his eyes to look at her and asked lightly, "Brother, is Eileen working with you? Do you really

believe that the recording she gave you is true? "

Ayan did not have any doubts, because Eileen had no way back, if even he cheated, when Arnoldnovelbin

kicked her away, she really did not have any hope.

Ayan said, "We'll see if we believe in sending it out."

Ayan asked Kian to contact the media directly to walk out the recording, and specially bought the topic,

just half an hour immediately topped the hot search list.

Subsequently, the results of the Simpson Group audit were released.

It was only then that everyone realized that the Simpson Group was wronged because Arnold was

jealous of Ayan and had directed such a play.

As for why only Arnold is mentioned without the Burton family and Tomas?

This relationship is also known to the public, because Tomas and Burton family and Ayan's relationship

are very good, only Arnold has always treated Ayan as an enemy, so the relationship is naturally not


After this incident appeared, Sienna saw it in the hospital ward as well.

Once again she dialed Camille's cell phone, but this time it was answered.

A man's low voice came from the other end of the phone: "Miss King?"

"Ayan?" asked Sienna, a little surprised, and her mouth subconsciously calling out Ayan's full name,

"Where's Cami?"

"She's not available to answer the phone right now, what's up?"

Ayan asked lightly.

Sienna frowned and immediately remembered what Camille had mentioned to her when she talked to

her yesterday, and she said, "Why isn't it convenient? Didn't she go to the Simpson Group to see you

today? Why can't she talk since you have the phone too?"

"What does Miss King have to say that she can tell me directly?"

"Ayan, did you ground Cami again like you did last time?"

"Naturally not."

"Then you ..."

Ayan interrupted her and smiled lightly, "Miss King, Camille is pregnant now, I don't want her to take

any pressure and responsibility, what she wants to do is just because there are some small conflicts

between us as a couple, but it has been solved now, so I hope Miss King you don't think nonsense,

okay? "

"If you've made up, why won't she answer the phone?"

Sienna's heart is more certain guess, must be Ayan does not allow, or use what threatened her, maybe

now Camille people are not safe.

The more she thought about it, the heavier her face became. Without waiting for Ayan's response, she

said, "Ayan, you don't want to agree to Camille's terms but you want Camille to solve the Simpson

Group's problems, right? Do you think Camille really didn't have a backup plan?"

Ayan did not change his face and said, "This is why I am taking your call, Miss King, you have seen

what happened to Simpson Group, it was deliberately designed by Arnold, now the Internet has been in

a frenzy, everyone is very sympathetic and sorry for Simpson Group, now Simpson Group's troubles

have also been solved, if you release what Camille left you at this time, do you think people will believe

Camille or Simpson Group?"

"Naturally Camille, and don't you forget how much influence she has in this matter?"

"I know, but this moment is different, if you insist on releasing it then it's up to you, but I have to warn

you in advance, if your impulsiveness causes the identity of Camille's auditor to be affected, this result

is your responsibility, eh?"

Ayan's words ended here. He told Sienna to think about it and hung up the phone.

His words echoed over and over again in Sienna's mind, and eventually Sienna was a bit indecisive, so

she called Mario.

She talked to Mario in detail about her thoughts and the situation online today, and eventually Mario

just said, "Actually, what Ayan said is not wrong, the situation is now under control, just like at the

beginning when Camille used her identity as an auditor to gain the trust of the public, and at that time

everyone trusted whatever she said because of the preconceptions , Sienna, so you should not act

rashly, especially nowadays when there is no contact with Camille."

"So there's no other way but to let Ayan have his way?"

"So far it does, Sienna, have you thought about the fact that this is their business as a couple and it

doesn't seem good for you to interfere too much as a friend?"

Sienna did not speak, just pursed her lips, some inner conflict and hesitation.

Would Camille blame her if she didn't do anything?

Because she's all Camille has now.

The atmosphere was quiet for a brief moment, and it took a few moments before Sienna said, "Okay, I

get it."

At this point in the conversation, it was time to end the call as per normal.

Mario, however, had no intention of ending it; instead, he changed the subject to her and asked in a low

voice, "How long are you going to stay in Hance City? Are you not going to come back even when

Mom's birthday is ready?"

"I don't know yet. I will prepare the gift in advance and have it sent back to the King family for her."

Sienna's face was warm and light, with no visible emotion.

But her voice struck Mario with some detached coldness as he said, "So you're planning to stay in

Hance City permanently?"

"No such idea for now, but not necessarily in the future."


Her answer instantly sent Mario's emotions into overdrive.

He said, "Did you stay in Hance City because of Camille or because of Rex?"

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