My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 389 - Declaring War
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Chapter 389 - Declaring War

Chapter 389 - Declaring War

He said, "That's the decision for now, if I discuss it with her, she won't agree to it with how much she

hates me now."

Sienna: "Mr. Simpson, you are not being fair to her, she is still pregnant, if you want the adults and

children to be well, I hope you have something or talk to her properly, as for Eileen's matter, since you

have your plans, but Camille also has her insistence, if you can't have it both ways, then you have to

choose one or the other. "

Although in Camille's heart Ayan has chosen Eileen, Sienna is a bit doubtful because she also asked

Rex, Rex side is stumped to give a definite answer, so she thought there is probably something hidden

in it, right?

Ayan did not respond to this topic, but simply said, "I will refer to you and if I can convince her I will try

to get her to nod her head."

Sienna just gave a low muffled sound and the conversation was abruptly cut short.

Ayan said, "Then please, you can call me directly if you need anything, or call Kian, eh?"

"I know." She responded softly, but with some hesitation to speak, she thought carefully before asking

in a low voice, "Mr. Simpson, have you ever thought that you would completely break Cami's heart by

treating her like this, and if she were to divorce you, would you agree?"

Ayan was silent and did not answer Sienna's question until the end.

After the phone call ended, Ayan took a deep breath, his handsome face as covered by a gloomy fog

could not see the slightest light.

He returned the phone to Dr. Ellis and left the hospital to go back to the Simpson Group.

Simpson Group's tax problems are already in the final stage of finishing, this is the most critical time,

when all the finishing work is finished, the investigation team will announce the results like the public,

and whether Simpson Group has tax evasion will be clarified.

Inside the ward, Camille was alone, looking at the book, though she didn't read any of the handwriting

in it.

She has been thinking about one thing since last night, and has been following the results and

progress of the Simpson Group survey on the Internet all the time.

She pondered for a moment and closed the book.

Then picked up the phone on the coffee table and found the Simpson familythe Simpson's manson

number to call.

While waiting for the other side to answer, she lightly pursed her lips, her face was a slightly hesitant

and bewildered look.

The phone was quickly answered, it was the maid's voice, Camille answered straight away, "This is

Camille, I'd like to speak to Grandpa please?"

The maids were very impressed with Camille, and when they heard it was her, they immediately

informed the old Simpson, and the call was then received in the old Simpson's room.

Camille: "Grandpa, it's me. Are you feeling better? Mom said you were so anxious about the Simpson

Group that I couldn't go back to see you."

"I'm fine, so you don't have to worry about me. Besides, we're all family, Cami, so you shouldn't say

these insulting words."

the old Simpson's voice still sounded mid-air, and there should be no more problems with the body.

the old Simpson asked, "Cami, is there something you wanted to see me about?"

"Well, Grandpa, I do have something I want to talk to you about."

"You tell me."

Camille sighed silently and weighed for a while before speaking, "Grandpa, I might have to do

something that would be a problem for the Simpson Group and the Simpson family."

"Cami, why don't you make sense to me?"

the old Simpson asked with a slight frown and a somewhat puzzled look.

Camille said, "Grandpa, I don't have the means for you to say what I'm really going to do, but this is

something I have to do, I have no choice, I have to do it."


"Grandpa, the reason I'm talking to you in advance is that I don't want you to have any worries, and all I

can promise you is that if I don't make it at the last minute, then I will make the choice not to really put

the Simpson Group and the Simpson family in a desperate situation."

Camille interrupted her grandfather, she made this call to take a precautionary step with him in

advance, she wanted Ayan to compromise, it was a war of confrontation between her and Ayan.

The standoff has been declared since Ayan went behind her back to get Eileen to bail.

The end result of this matter is also to see who can persevere to the end.

She wanted to make Ayan choose between the Simpson Group and the Simpson family and Eileen.

She wanted to see if he chose the Simpson family, the Simpson Group or Eileen?

She couldn't say too much, but could only give the old Simpson a hint, hoping that he wouldn't get hurt

after what happened.

She said to the old Simpson, "Grandpa, I hope you can hide this from me for my grandfather's sake,

but of course, I can understand your uneasiness about the Simpson Group and the Simpson family's

refusal to grant my request, and I will support you in whatever you choose."

After Camille's words, she remained silent for a long time.

the old Simpson side was also silent in thought.

He didn't ask Camille exactly what she was going to do.

But the bottom of his heart has already expected that she is planning to start from the Simpson Group,

as for the matter of Camille's grandmother, he naturally also knows some general, and with the

involvement between Ayan and Eileen, he knows that Camille will not stop until she achieves her goal.

Now Camille is willing to talk to him in advance and to tell him, that means she respects him as a

grandfather in her heart, so he thought seriously about it and finally agreed.

He said, "Cami, you have to do what you want to do, if Grandma's matter is really related to Eileen, it is

Ayan to you and Grandma, even if something unavoidable accident happened, I and the Simpson

family will not blame you, it is because his behavior should pay the price. "

If he doesn't say yes and doesn't let Camille do what's right for her heart, there will never be peace

between Camille and Ayan.

Camille was touched by the old Simpson's words.

Camille whispered, "Grandpa, thank you."

"You child, what are you talking about? When you get well, come back and stay with me for a few days,

we haven't seen each other for some days, I miss you very much, and I don't know if you have

forgotten me as an old man?"

The old Simpson joked with a smile.

Camille hurriedly said, "Of course not. When I can be discharged, I will go back to stay with you for a

few days."

"Okay, that's what you said, no backtracking."

"No, you can rest assured!"

Camille had a nice conversation with the old Simpson, only to be covered by the gloom on the old

Simpson's face when the call ended.

He tightened his eyebrows and sighed with a somewhat heavy expression, and the old butler saw this

and hastily asked, "the old Simpson, what is the matter with you?"

"The child has grown up, his wings are hardened, and he hides everything from me!"

"Do you want to talk about Ayan and Cami? They are married soon children are about to be born, there

is something is not big where, you ah don't worry about it."

After the old butler finished, the old Simpson's face did not ease in the slightest, just a slight frown, said

faintly: "You go to arrange a thorough investigation of Eileen, to see whether this woman has any

relationship with Ayan? Because of this woman, the Simpson family happened too many things, now

they can not easily settle down, I do not want to see because of her in the occurrence of any accident."

"Okay, I'll go and make the arrangements, and you should not be anxious about the fire."

The old butler hurriedly poured a glass of warm water for the old Simpson.

the old Simpson took the glass of water, but did not drink, just instructed: "Cami called back the matter,

you and I know on the line, do not be mentioned to them."

"Don't worry, my mouth is tight."

The old butler nodded his head, naturally he would not say anything to the others.

The old Simpson, however, had deep speculation about what Camille was really up to.

But there is not the slightest clue.

Camille also fell into a short silence after speaking to the old Simpson on the phone.

Her only worry is that the old Simpson can't stand the excitement, so she'll hint at it in advance, and the

next time is to wait for the results of the Simpson Group's side of the tax leak audit.

Before that, Camille let all her thoughts go. She went out for dinner with Sienna in the evening, and

then the two of them took a walk back to the hospital.

Dr. Ellis came to check her in the evening before leaving work and the baby is now on track to be

normal and there is no need to continue the birth control medication.

Still, Dr. Ellis instructed, "Be sure to relax and stay happy."

"Yes, I know, I will." Camille responded with a nod.novelbin

Camille was in her best two days since her grandmother left, probably because she was in a good


She was now looking forward to what Ayan's mood would become when she did that thing.

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