My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 385: Why Bother
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Chapter 385: Why Bother

Chapter 385: Why Bother

Ayan's deep eyes stare closely at Eileen a momentary stare, Ayan face slightly stiff, eyes are also

subconsciously dodge.

Her reaction caused Ayan to continue, "Is there something you can't say?"

"Ayan, Grandma Camille's death really has nothing to do with me, I really didn't do it, I wouldn't do that,

although all the evidence now points to me, but if I really did it, there's no way I wouldn't run away as

quickly as I am now, right?"

Eileen still won't say exactly what she's doing at the hospital.

But all she could do was deny it over and over again.

Her desire to speak and hesitation also made Ayan suspicious, but her reaction was so overwhelming

that Ayan eventually stopped asking further questions.

Ayan was briefly silent, and Eileen suddenly asked at this point, "Ayan, have you really given up on me


Ayan did not move his eyebrows, just looked at her very warm and light.

To Eileen, he had always been aware that she had saved him a year ago, and although she had a

great deal to do with what happened a year ago, he existed grateful anyway.

So keep indulging her.

So he was a little upset and warned in a shallow voice, "Eileen, don't believe what Arnold says

anymore, if you continue to be used by him the consequences will only be self-digging."

The reason why Arnold let her use that fake tax leak record to negotiate with Ayan, once Ayan chose to

agree to Eileen's request in order to avoid some unnecessary trouble, then it completely fell intonovelbin

Arnold's trap.

Arnold will surely bite back and tell the public that he is weak-minded, and even if there is nothing

wrong with the findings, he will be booked with a remedial charge, and as for the future, even if there is

nothing wrong with the Simpson Group, it will be brought out in a big way.

So Ayan is suddenly glad that Camille and Eileen have completely broken off contact, otherwise the

Simpson Group would be in more trouble than it is now.

He gazed at Eileen for a few seconds in contemplation, and with a new intention in mind, he spoke up

and asked, "You want me to bail you out, don't you?"

Eileen looked at Ayan in disbelief, as if she had caught the last straw: "Ayan, you ... will bail me out?"

"Since you want to get out and get out of here, how about we make a deal?"

Ayan asked lightly.

Eileen was stunned and asked, "What kind of deal?"

"Go back to Arnold and do whatever you can to get close to him to gain trust, I need you to get the

evidence that Arnold framed the Simpson Group."

This just came to him on the spur of the moment.

If you continue to investigate once you find out that Arnold is related and even involved in the Burton

Group and Burton family, but he does not intend to deal with the Burton Group and Burton family, he

will only deal with Arnold a person.

In addition and most importantly, he did not want to waste unnecessary resources and energy to deal

with Arnold alone, so he intended to use only Eileen alone can solve all the things.

He said in a light voice: "You think it over, return to him will certainly pay the price, if you cheat on me in

order to get out of here, Eileen, I and Arnold who is more ruthless means some you should know best."

On the ruthless nature is Arnold, but on the ruthlessness is Ayan.

He does not do it easily, once the decision can not be changed by anyone.

Eileen understands that it's impossible to get love from him, so she needs to be protected by Ayan.

She thought about it briefly, then said, "Yes, I promise, I'm willing to do what you say."

Eileen agreed, Ayan side also directly called Logan, but no one knows what he said to Logan, Logan

left a few minutes and then came back to Eileen to handle the bail procedures.

The whole thing is a state of secrecy, the police department is also very few people know.

Eileen came out of the police station in Ayan's car. She sat in the passenger seat, Kian drove the car,

and Ayan sat quietly in the back seat without saying a word.

Eileen slightly pursed her lips, hesitated again and again before speaking out: "Ayan, you bailed me

out, Camille side if you know .... "

"It's not your business to worry about, it's my business, you just have to do your own thing, Eileen,

remember what I said, I want a result, as for the process how you want to do it I don't care,


Ayan directly interrupted her to show her mind again.

Eileen immediately nodded her head, and there was no sound after that.

To prevent being watched, Ayan didn't take Eileen back to her apartment, but dropped her off on an

easy-to-fight road.

Kian then drove away directly, Kian looked through the rearview mirror to the diminishing Eileen, he

asked with some surprise: "Mr. Simpson , Madam had a hard time putting pressure on the police side

to let Eileen be detained, you bail Eileen at this time, if the lady knows, will not be angry ah?"

Ayan face cold: "Eileen is useful to me, not only for her to get close to Arnold to get the evidence, but

also about Preston, she must know something, just as a last trump card."

"Then why don't we wait until she has nowhere else to go before we reach out to her?"

"You think she's so stupid that she can't even think about that? If she really couldn't tell the seriousness

of things, she would have told about Preston long ago, but she kept her mouth shut and instead kept

clearing it with Preston, you think she's stupid?"

She is not at all stupid, doing all the things for her own sake.

The reason why I agreed to Eileen's request at this time is because I wanted to be gracious and hope

she would weigh in and not do anything too much.

But Eileen's nature has completely changed, and that will not change.

Ayan sat in the back seat with his eyes closed and kept silent, he let Kian drive straight back to the

office, there was a cooperation meeting to be held later, so even the hospital side was not free to go


He and Camille had not contacted each other for two or three days, and if he went to her at this time,

she would only think it was because of Eileen, so he simply did nothing and finished dealing with the

Simpson Group first.

A few moments later, the car steadily parked in the Simpson Group basement, Ayan opened his eyes

in the second before getting out of the car slowly said: "Tell those who are watching Eileen, do not have

to watch too closely, and no matter what she wants to do or what has happened, do not need to come

out, I just need her every word and deed and met with the truthful report of what people. "

"I understand, I'll make the arrangements." Kian nodded his head.

Ayan then got out of the car and took the elevator directly upstairs.

Eileen, who had separated from Ayan, took a taxi back to her apartment, and she had just stepped into

the front door of her apartment when Arnold received the news.

His assistant said, "Mr. Burton, Miss Khan has come out and our people saw her go back to her


"She's all alone?"

"Yeah, took a cab back."


"I asked the police side, and the side just responded with unclear, so I guess it shouldn't be an

acquittal, right?"

After the secretary's words, a cold look appeared on Arnold's face.

His cold eyes narrowed slightly, and a few coolnesses flooded under his eyes, and he coldly snorted:

"Who knows if she is acquitted? Since she is out, there will always be movement, do not pay attention

to her, wait for her to take the initiative to find the door!"

That evening, Arnold received a call from Eileen.

Eileen said on the phone, "I'm out, Ayan bailed me out, Arnold, I can approach Ayan like you want, I

mentioned to him that he was shaken up a year ago because he almost didn't have a life."

Arnold obviously didn't believe it and just said lightly, "Then congratulate you for being able to gain

Ayan's trust and heart once again, since he thinks highly of you now, why do you still need to come to


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