My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 380: Initiative
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Chapter 380: Initiative

Chapter 380: Initiative

Some tax professionals have also analyzed, if Simpson Group once convicted, then they have to pay

back the tax up to several billion.

There was no shortage of keyboard warriors on the Internet, so the Simpson Group was directly put in

the limelight, people were constantly saying that they want a response and an explanation from the

Simpson Group.

Camille also saw that the tax department had set up a special investigation team to look into the

Simpson Group's taxes, so that's what Ayan was talking about when he answered the phone, right?

She was silent, her brow slightly knitted and never loosened.

She hesitated for a moment and finally picked up her phone and dialed an international call, which was

answered rather slowly, and Camille asked in a low voice, "I'm sorry, am I disturbing your rest?"

"No, I'm packing a suitcase."

"Packing? Is this a convenient time for you? I'd like to consult you on a matter."

"You tell me."

Camille pursed her lips and recounted what she had seen on the Internet so far, then asked, "In a

situation like Simpson Group, can I step in as an auditor to audit the investigation? "

"Can this matter wait until I return home first? I have a flight back home in two hours."

Camille was a little surprised by the other person's words, "You're going back to your country?"

"Yeah, I might have to confess something to you, but let's meet and talk when I get back, and I'll

contact you when I get back home, okay?"

"Sure." She said.

The other side also said: "Simpson Group matters you do not need to rush for the time being, Simpson

Group can not leak tax, as for other we will meet to talk."

"Good, then you pack your things now, I'll leave you alone for a while."

Camille finished and the call was over.

But a hint of doubt rose in her heart, but she didn't continue to think about it.

At that moment, there was a knock at the door.

Camille frowned slightly, thinking that Ayan had gotten someone else to come over to keep her

company, so she just spoke up, "Come in."

The person who came in was not someone Ayan had arranged to come over, but a nurse he hadn't

seen before.

The nurse looked at Camille with some coyness and said in a very soft voice, "Miss Armstrong, I have

something I want to talk to you about, I wonder if it's convenient for you?"

Camille froze, then immediately said, "Sure, go ahead, what is it?"

The nurse pursed her lips slightly seemed to hesitate, but finally spoke up: "Miss Armstrong, this matter

has been weighing on my mind for days, originally I didn't want to say anything, but my own conscience

wasn't able to convince me to pretend I didn't know, so I thought I'd tell you."

Camille didn't quite understand what she meant and gazed at her with a puzzled expression.

The nurse continued, "Miss Armstrong, I actually saw Eileen, Miss Khan go into your grandmother's

ward, and at that time, because of the power outage, everyone's attention was on the instruments and

why the power suddenly went out? So no one ever noticed if someone had gone in the ward?"

Camille's eyes looked straight at the nurse as she asked, "Did you really see her go into the room with

your own eyes?"

"Really, I do not have to lie to you, I do not ask for anything in return, just because I am upset inside I

do not have the means to clearly see and pretend not to see." The nurse said can not help but fall into

tears, she said in a low voice: "I have a grandmother, since childhood I grew up with my grandmother,

what I said is true."

The nurse sobbed, but Camille didn't make a sound.

Probably worried that Camille would not believe, the nurse then said: "Miss Armstrong, if you do not

believe it does not matter, I just to keep from internal torment so confess, if you do not believe me, then

just pretend that I have not said anything!"

The atmosphere was briefly quiet, just as the nurse thought for a moment that Camille wouldn't believe

her and was about to leave the room.

Camille spoke up, "Since you saw it with your own eyes, can you do me a favor?"

"What kind of favor?"

"You just said you had a grandmother too, right?" She asked softly, the nurse nodded, she pursed her

lips to reveal a smile and continued, "I also grew up with my grandmother, if there was no grandmother,

probably would not have me today, so I do not want my grandmother to die in vain, you .... Can you

help me testify against Eileen's actions?"

Camille's request was immediately denied by the nurse, who shook her head.

The nurse said, "Miss Armstrong sorry I can't help you, if I testify for you, I will be drowned by Missnovelbin

Khan fans spitting all over me."

"The police side will protect the information of the witnesses, there is no need to worry about that, and I

will protect you too."

"I won't, Miss Armstrong, I can tell you the truth, but I won't testify that you can protect me for a while,

but not all the time, and I'm afraid."

"You believe me, since you are willing to tell me this, it means you trust me and I will not let anyone

bully you." Camille even offered to pay in order to get her to say yes, but was refused.

The nurse said, "I'm not asking for money, if I wanted money I wouldn't have told you."

The nurse's words convinced Camille of the truth of her words, that everything she said was true.

She told the nurse, "I'm doing all this to get justice for my grandmother, she's so old, if she leaves

because of the accident caused by Eileen, there's no way I can have peace of mind in my life, so I

hope you can help me, okay?"

Camille's sincerity as well as filial attitude eventually impressed the nurse, who nodded in agreement,

but the matter Camille meant not to tell a third person for the time being, and at the same time, just in

case, Camille also specially recorded the audio.

As for when to bring the recording of the nurse and the nurse herself over to the police station? She still

needs to wait for the screw in her heart to be completely screwed on before she makes a decision.

After Camille finished talking with the nurse, she let her go out first, so that Ayan or others would not be

suspicious if they came over.

After the nurse left, Camille's side continued to keep an eye on the Simpson Group. The Internet was

already abuzz with video and photos of Ayan rushing to the Simpson Group, which Camille was sure

was taken by reporters as he rushed from the hospital.

He had a stony face, indicating that this matter is a bit tricky?

She was a little uneasy, but the person she just contacted by phone is still abroad and on his way back,

so for the time being, she can only wait.

A morning has passed, the Simpson Group's heat has increased rather than decreased, and the official

number has not issued a clarification or explanation for a long time.

This has led to constant speculation among watchers: "Simpson Group is going cold this time, right?"

"It's a tax leak, and it's definitely not forgivable."

"No wonder the usual do so much charity activities, in fact, are taking a small part of the money out of

the tax leakage to do it, thanks to I have been supporting the Simpson Group, now think about it are

regretted dead."


The comments are sharper than one, saying anything.

This has led to a considerable change in the Simpson Group's stock, yet at this moment in the

Simpson Group group, an intense financial investigation meeting is taking place in the highest level

conference room.

The atmosphere is very heavy, Ayan sat at the top of the main seat without saying a word, but a face

as gloomy as ice is very serious.

At that moment, his cell phone suddenly rang.

The silence was temporarily interrupted, Ayan picked up the phone and walked to the floor to pick it up,

did not know what was said over there, only to hear coldly: "No, wait until you come back, you are the

most clear about the company's finances, the others I do not trust. "

After ending the call, Ayan stood in front of the window and sighed silently, then only then put away the

phone and returned to his seat.

The financial investigation team asked Ayan: "Mr. Simpson , checking all the accounts of Simpson

Group for the past ten years will take a long time, before that if there is anything on your side that you

are willing to confess voluntarily, we will give you a chance to handle the back taxes afterwards, so do

you see anything to say?"

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