My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 377: Handle
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Chapter 377: Handle

Chapter 377: Handle

"It's impossible to spell it out, she could have denied it, but it would also let Preston know about that. It

will be difficult to find Preston again, if her reaction is the same as my guess, then find a reasonable

excuse to make her believe it and muddle through, it is best not to let her have any suspicion."

"Okay, I got it."

This ended the call after Kian responded.

However, Ayan stood there, and never left. his gaze leveled at the sky outside the window, the gloom

on his face didn't relief from beginning to the end.

A question popped up in his mind, why was Camille so sure that Eileen had something to do with this?

Was it her own speculation or was someone behind the scenes instigating her?

From what he knew about Camille, she couldn't simply settle for someone like this, there must be

something hidden in this?

He narrowed his eyes slightly, the phone held in his hand tightened, he hesitated for a while before

dialing a number out.

The answer from the other party was quick.

A woman's warm, muted voice rang out, "Mr. Simpson, what can I do for you?"novelbin

"Miss King, you're not at the hospital with Camille anymore, are you?"

He asked.

Sienna was silent for a moment, then said, "No, Cami wants to eat dessert, so I went back to the

apartment and asked my aunt to make her some dessert, and I will send it over tonight, what's wrong?"

"No, just asking."

He simply responded.

Sienna didn't think so. She couldn't have simply called to ask a question, she thought back carefully,

that every time Ayan called her, it was something important and it was all related to Camille.

She asked, "Mr. Simpson, is there something you'd like to ask?"

Ayan didn't deny it and asked directly, "She strongly believe that Gramdma's death was related to

Eileen, do you know what's the causes behind all this?"

"Mr. Simpson, how would I know this? Wasn't the reason for her suspicion caused by Eileen's

behavior? Didn't Cami tell you about this?"

Sienna probably also guessed the specific conflict between Camille and Ayan, plus some of the things

Camille said to her, and associated with the purpose of this phone call from Ayan at this moment, so

she was pretty much sure.

But she thought Ayan had made the wrong call, and it was impossible to get the slightest important

information from her.

Whenever and wherever she was, she favored Camille, no matter right or wrong, she has never been

the one who support the truth rather than the people. Therefore, she always favored Camille.

Why would Ayan not understand about this? Of course he did.

Ayan knew there was nothing he could ask from Sienna, so he said, "Can you persuade her for me?

She can't get too excited at the moment, she needs to recuperate. All she is thinking is how to convict

Eileen, but she doesn't think that this has nothing to do with Eileen at all. Miss King, you are a

bystander, so you are much sensible than her, so can you please do it for me?"

"Mr. Simpson, I'm sorry I can't promise you. I can't do this, although I'm not Camille, although my

feelings with Grandma is not as deep as Camille, but if grandma really died in a man-made accident,

then I think we still need to find out clearly, as for why Camille suspect Eileen, Camille is not being

unreasonable and smear Eileen, she has the evidence. But Mr. Simpson, do you feel guity?"

Sienna rejected Ayan's request, instead, she even suspected him.

Her words made Ayan's face gloomy, warm, and indifferent, he couldn't help but sigh under his mind,

these two girls were indeed good friends, their ideas were the same.

But Sienna didn't take advantage of it either. The two of them went back and forth, and ultimately no

one acquired any information.

After ending the call, Ayan was a little upset and dialed a string of numbers out directly after short two

seconds of silence.

Before the other party spoke after the connection, he said indifferently, "Haven't you and Bella already

broke up the engagement? When do you plan to take Sienna in?"

"I would like to, but she doesn't want to talk to me."

"Heh, you can't even handle a woman? Can you still do it? If you can't, I can find someone else."

Ayan snorted lightly.

Rex said somewhat helplessly, "Ayan, I didn't provoke you, did I?"

Ayan didn't speak.

Rex asked tentatively, "What's wrong? Did she mess with you?"

He remained silent, just gave a silent sigh.

Rex then said, "She blamed me for breaking up the engagement with Bella because she was upset.

and I didn't know what to do to get her back?"

"Camille is pregnant now, and Grandma's death had something to do with Eileen, and because of my

analysis, she thinks I'm biased in favor of Eileen, so she is now giving me a cold shoulder and totally

not wanting to see me."

"Sienna wouldn't even meet me, and I didn't even have the courage to call her."

"I'm not biased towards Eileen, I'm just stating the facts, there's no way this has anything to do with

Eileen, if she had the guts to do this, she would have pointed all the evidence at someone else instead

of herself, why would she let someone catch her in the act if she had the heart to do it?"

The two of them spilled their hearts out in a word.

After Ayan's words, Rex did not continue to continue to say, but some curiosity asked: "So you have

other objects of suspicion in mind? If this matter has nothing to do with Eileen, then who is involved?"

"Nothing has come of it yet, but the only thing that's certain is that there's no connection to Eileen."

"You trust Eileen that much?"

"It's not a belief, it's just a normal judgment, don't you think so?"

Ayan asked, wrinkling his brow.

Rex said, "Ayan, I know what's on your mind and I understand that you can't be wrong in your

judgement, but Camille is the person in question, she can't possibly know what's going on in your

mind? Not to mention the fact that you and Eileen had a history together, which is how a normal person

would react, so it's no wonder she's suspicious of you."

"So it's my fault?"

He asked with a frown.

Rex said, "You're not wrong either, just in the wrong way. Since Camille doesn't believe you right now,

wouldn't you just do something to make her believe?"

What would make her believe in something? What would make her believe in something?

Ayan's eyes narrowed slightly in contemplation.

But while the two had an argument, Ayan didn't leave the hospital completely.

He returned to the ward once more after his phone call with Rex, and his turning back took Camille by

surprise, having expected him to leave and not come back, at least not today.

So what's the situation now?

The two didn't speak, Ayan walked over to the couch, and in a short while Kian came in with a laptop

and some work papers that needed to be used.

Kian nodded to Camille as a greeting, and has been talking softly with Ayan about work since then.

The original cold atmosphere in the ward followed and became warm.

While they were busy over there, Camille lay in her hospital bed and slept, disturbing no one, and so it

went on into the night.

When she woke up again, Kian was gone and Ayan was the only one left.

She sat up from the bed, he heard the movement and looked over, spoke in a warm voice: "Get up and

wash up for dinner, Sienna brought you dessert, I didn't disturb you because I saw you were resting."

Camille froze, hesitating for several seconds before making a sound, "Hmm."

She got out of bed, grabbed her phone and went to the bathroom.

There was a message from Sienna on WeChat, she said, "Why are you asleep and why is Ayan still


"I just woke up." As for why Ayan was still there, she didn't know.

There was no reply from Sienna, and Camille didn't wait. She simply washed up and went out.

She walked over towards Ayan and ended up sitting on a single couch to the side, with the meal for two

already opened in front of her.

She was the first to pick up her chopsticks and start eating, Ayan started later.

The two finished their meal in silence, then he wrapped up and put all the thermos boxes to one side,

his eyes also met Camille's eyes at this time, and asked softly: "Want to take a walk? I'll walk you

down, you've been lying down all day, this will be tiring, hmm?"

Camille frowned slightly as she asked, somewhat unsure of what she meant, "You .... What's wrong?"

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