My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 371: Prejudice
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Chapter 371: Prejudice

Chapter 371: Prejudice

He laughed coldly, while the coolness and anger under his eyes were obvious, and although he came

out of the ward, he didn't leave the place.

How could he be comfortable with Camille being here?

Just the thought of her attitude and those heartless words made him angry.

The two spent the afternoon like this across a wall.

In the evening, Sienna came over with the meal and saw Ayan sitting on a chair at the entrance of the

ward, directly opposite the nurses' station, and several nurses looked at it with fascination for a while

and could not look away.

Sienna frowned slightly, really want to shoot Camille to see, this eye-catching husband does not hide

and put outside for what?

She tsked, then walked over with her meal.

She reached the door of the ward before looking at Ayan and asking in a light voice, "Why isn't Mr.

Simpson going in?"

Hearing Camille's voice, Ayan then looked up at her: "Go in and check on her, she should be awake, so

you can have something to eat with her, I'm going to have a smoke."

After saying that, Ayan has got up, even the computer is also placed on the chair did not take away, but

his things, no one dares to move.

Sienna looked at his back somewhat puzzled, from his words, also vaguely perceived that these two

are quarrelsome?

But Camille is most upset and sad at this time. Normally, he shouldn't be.

But she didn't think much of it, knocked on the door and went in.

The ward is quite large and also separates the parlor from the hospital bed area, but it is all in one

space, not separated like the suite is.

As soon as she entered the room, Sienna saw Camille sitting dazed on the bed. She went over and put

the food down and asked in a low voice, "How do you feel? Are you feeling better?"

"Much better, there's nothing wrong with me, don't you worry."

Camille whispered.

Sienna sat down, opened the box of rice and handed her the chopsticks, "Please have something, I

made this myself with the assistance of my aunt."

"Just assisting? Aren't you the one who assisting Auntie?"

"Hurry up and eat, it's better to plug this mouth of yours."

Camille smiled faintly, but that smile is particularly faint, if you don't look closely simply can not see.

She picked up the chopsticks and took some greens into her mouth, there was no appetite, so chewing

felt a bit hard to swallow as well.

Watching her eat, Sienna couldn't help but tease to liven up the atmosphere and her mood: "What? I

made it for you personally, what's that look on your face?"


"Then you say whether it is good to eat? I'm the first time, you mouth to show mercy ha, or you never

want to eat in the future."

"It's delicious, really, I swear."



Camille nods, then sighs.

Sienna looked at her, never quite happy, and said in a low voice, "Had a fight with Ayan?"

"Not really a fight, I guess, but a little argument."

"Because what is convenient to tell me?"

Sienna and Camille respect each other and if it's not convenient, she will open up in other ways to

make Camille feel better.

Without any hesitation, Camille spoke directly: "I suspected that Grandma's departure was related to

Eileen, but he thought I shouldn't think so without any evidence, Sienna, do you think I did wrong?"

Sienna frowned slightly, she thought carefully, and then said: "I think this is not a matter of who is right

and who is wrong, this is a divergence in your heart, but it is normal, after all, everyone's ideas are

originally different."

"But I have proof." She told Sienna about the text messages, and she asked, "You told me you saw

Eileen talking to Ayan the day of the game, right?"

That's what she suddenly remembered.

Sienna nodded, "You said at the time that nothing was wrong."

"Sienna, I want you to go to the competition venue, I want to know what time Eileen went to see Ayan?

I want to know what exactly was said between?"

Camille suddenly seems to have a new idea, she must find out this matter, otherwise how can she face

her grandmother?

Sienna naturally agreed, but there is a condition: "You eat first, I'll check after you dutifully eat, but it's

already this point, it should also be tomorrow morning."

"Well, there's no rush, we can do it tomorrow."

She nodded and then picked up her bowl and started to eat.

After dinner, Sienna was about to go back, so she told Camille, "I'll be there first thing in the morning,

and I'll tell you in person after I have any news, so I won't call, right?"


Sienna packed up the food box, thinking about it, then said in a low voice: "Cami, before things are

clear what is going on, I think you should be a little more normal to Ayan's attitude, not too indifferent, I

just saw him sitting at the door when he came, it can be seen that he still cares about you, if it is just a

misunderstanding, you If it's just a misunderstanding, how do you have to coax people then?"

Camille lowered her eyes and said in a shallow voice: "I know what you mean, but this is something I'd

rather be wrong than let any suspicion slip."

"I understand your mind, but Grandma also does not want you to have any conflict with Ayan because

of her old man, after all, Grandma was very fond of Ayan when she was alive, this is clearer than me,

isn't it?"

"Because of this, that's why I feel uncomfortable. Grandma loves him very much, even if it's because

she loves him, or she hopes that Ayan can treat me better, excluding all these reasons, grandma still

has a genuine liking for him, but he said that he wants to lock me up again because I insist on

investigating Eileen, Sienna, you say that his bias Isn't it too obvious?"

The relationship with Ayan is conflicted because of this incident, but it is a decision that Camille does

not regret at all.

She has always been very measured in what she does, and she has her own firm decisions and her

own opinions and ideas, which cannot be influenced by others.

Whatever the purpose of the caller, it didn't matter to Camille. What mattered was that the words

checked out with something she had personally experienced and faced.

Sienna knew she had made up her mind completely, so she didn't say any more and just wished she

could have figured out the whole story sooner.

After Sienna left from the ward, Camille was left alone in the empty room.

It was already getting dark, and the atmosphere was silent.novelbin

After a while, the nurse came in to take her blood pressure, and her condition was still stable, but she

was still told again and again that she must be in a happy mood and not too excited.

Camille nodded her head in response and then said thank you again.

But Ayan didn't come in again until Camille went to bed, therefore, Camille didn't bother to call out to


After a brief wash, she laid down to rest.

Although she couldn't fall asleep, meditation still made her feel better.

They didn't know how long it took, Camille slept dazed, but still awake to know that someone came in,

she wanted to open her eyes to see who it is, but the eyelids were too heavy, because she din't get

much sleep in the past two days. She was too lazy to open her eyes when she could barely fall asleep.

Seeing her eyelids move slightly, and then immediately breathe steadily without any further movement,

Ayan's cheeks floated with a faint expression.

He stood at the bedside for a few seconds, until the phone in his hand rang a vibration, he then

withdrew his gaze and turned to walk out of the ward.

Ayan picks up the phone and it's Thomas on the line.

On the phone, he was in a somewhat low mood: "Ayan, is it convenient for you? Can we meet up?"

"What's up?"

Ayan lightly asked, with slightly light gaze, he seemed to have expected what Thomas wanted to say?

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