My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 369: Rest In Peace
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Chapter 369: Rest In Peace

Chapter 369: Rest in Peace

Her question made Ayan subconsciously froze, and his deep gaze which looked at her expressionless

face was slightly stiffened too.

Two pair of eyes looked at each other, the bottom of each other's eyes revealed the expression that

neither of them could see through.

He didn't say anything for a long time, and Camille asked once again, "Ayan, how did Eileen get to

Grandma's funeral? How did she know the place?"

"I don't know." He responded lightly, then put down the bowl of soup, followed by a tissue to wipe his

hands, and stared at Camille with a slightly stony face, "If you want to know, I can have Kian to check it

out, okay?"

Camille's expression did't show the slightest bit relieved, and with slightly narrowed gaze, she asked

warmly, "You really don't know, do you?"

She didn't quite believe it.

Because not many people know about the funeral.

She simply asked this question, without expressing any other questioning.

Ayan looked at her reaction and eyes, of course he understood the meaning under her mind, with his

pupils fiercely shrink, he said his low and deep voice: "I don't know why Eileen was there, if you have

any doubts in your mind, you can just tell me, I can explain, okay?"

Camille's mistrust was showed extremely obvious outwardly, he could clearly felt it. He knew that once

she had doubts in her mind, it would always be stuck in her mind, he didn't want her to hurt herself at

this time because of other things.

However, Camille didn't ask or say anything more, just slightly shaking her head. Merely, her reticence

look and cold attitude reminded Ayan all the time that the doubt in her mind didn't diminish a bit.

He looked grave and frowned, but did not know where to begin.

The two did not speak again, just stayed quiet.

No one knew how long it took. Until Ayan's cell phone rang, then he spoke out, "Kian's on the phone,

should be talking about work, I'll pick it up outside, why don't you lie down and rest for a while, call me if

you don't feel well, I'll be right outside, okay?"

"Okay, go ahead."

She responded faintly and then lay back down.

Ayan gave her a deep look before heading out.

Then he picked up the phone: "Mr. Simpson, Miss Khan tried to contact you but was afraid you wouldn't

want to talk to her, so she came to me here hoping I could help ask you what you think?"

"Figure out the circumstances of why she was at the funeral today?"

Ayan was not in the mood to care about what Eileen wants from him right now?

Kian hastily replied, "Checked, I think Miss Khan got the news from the hospital, because her mother is

still in hospital."

"So she went to the hospital yesterday?"

"Yes, she should has been, but because of the complexity of the personnel, it cannot be determined

temporarily, it's also possible that she knew the news of madam's grandmother if she really wanted to

know even without going to the hospital. After all, her mother still lives in the hospital, so she might

have got the news from her mother, right?"

"Check it out, keep an eye on Eileen for the next two days, besides, have you already revealed what I

asked you to do?"

He asked with a slightly cold expression.

Kian said, "Yes sir, it's done."

Ayan's handsome face looked extraordinarily dark and cold, he was now in dilemma, since everyone

was looking up to him, then he will not let those people down for sure.

He then arranged Kian: "How's it going with the person you asked to arrange to approach Molly?"

Kian's answer let his originally cold and sullen face gradually overflowed with warm indifference, and

his dark black eyes were as gloomy and obscure as if they had been splashed with thick ink.

In the ward.

Camille did not fall asleep, because less than half a minute after Ayan's first foot out, the phone in her

bag followed.

It was an unfamiliar number calling.

Attribution is to Hance City.

Her face was slightly light, her heart overflowing with inexplicably strong feelings, as if unconsciously

reminding her to pick up quickly.

She was silent for a brief moment, then immediately picked up, "Hello? Who is it?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I want to tell you something that you care about and is

important to you."

The voice coming from the phone is a woman's voice processed by a voice changer. The reason why it

can be directly identified as a voice changer is because the voice carries a mechanical like blend that

can be distinguished at first hearing.

Camille frowned tightly, "What are you trying to say?"

"Do you think your grandmother's sudden departure was really just an accident?"

"What do you mean?"

Hearing words related to her grandmother, Camille's face instantly gripped, and she sat up from the

hospital bed in the next second.

Her emotions were slightly agitated, and without waiting for a reply she immediately asked, "Do you

know something? Who the hell are you?"

"Like I said, it doesn't matter who I am, shouldn't the important thing be how your grandmother died?"

The other party's words hit Camille in the heart, word for word.

She froze in a daze, without any reaction or movement for a while.

The voice of the woman who changed her voice slowly sounded again: "Camille, your grandmother did

not leave by accident at all, someone did it on purpose, do you think the hospital oxygen mask is so

easy to break free? That is just a hypothetical speculation. "

"Who are you to say that?"

"Of course I'm the one who knows the inside story."

"What proof do you have?"

She continued to press the issue.

The other party seemed to anticipate her purpose and smiled lightly: "Do you want to set me up? But

I'm sorry, I can't tell you, or I'll get myself involved."

"If you were afraid of being implicated why did you bother to make this call to me?"

Camille said indifferently, her face cold to expressionless.

The other side added: "I am just being kind, after all, I can't bear the thought of an old man leaving like

this for no reason, if you don't believe me then I can't help it, after all, everything you believe or not lies

in you."

She pursed her lips and analyzed the other party's words word for word, although not quite sure what

the other party's purpose was?

I don't know if the other party's words are true or not.

But Camille heart care about this matter, so she will not be able to resist to get a clear clear clear clear.

She took a silent breath and asked faintly, "I don't know what you mean? But how can I believe your

words are true or false when you have no evidence?"

"Don't you have a suspect in your heart?"

The other side asked lightly.

Camille froze momentarily.

Her eyes were dull and somewhat unbelievably open and unblinking.

The other side added: "So you really never thought that this incident was not an accident but man-


Camille mentally asked herself silently, not an accident is man-made?

Her brief silence caused the voice on the other end of the phone to snicker, the voice even more

mocking: "You're not blinded, that's why you can't see anything, are you?"

Camille is still silent, she slightly narrowed her eyes look cold and light, she tightly pursed her lips quiet

for nearly half a minute, and only then indifferently said: "I will not believe your words, because

grandmother is old, and because of such a major operation resulting in physical weakness will naturallynovelbin

have irresistible hospital, you do not have to provoke my heart since you do not have any evidence of

practicality that. "

After saying that, Camille made a move to hang up the phone.

But the other party immediately said: "Camille, are you so distracted by sadness or are you really so

stupid that you can't even see such an obvious thing?

Eileen, is Eileen, all this leading people is Eileen, not only her, perhaps even Ayan may have known,

just did not tell you it, if you do not believe that then take it as I did not say anything!"

Camille narrowed her eyes slightly, with her face as cold as ice.

In fact, she said that just to provoke the ace in the hole in the conversation , but when it finally did, she

didn't have any joy, but only expressionless indifference.

She looked cold and narrowed her eyes, it was like another inexplicable wind in which blowing towards

her again and again to make her waver under her mind, she indifferently mocked: "What makes you

think I will believe your nonsense? You're just a person who doesn't even dare to let me know your true

identity and voice, so what kind of person are you?"

Camille's words seemed to surprise the other party, who was surprised that she would make such a

reply, which the other party thought she should have believed immediately after hearing those words.

But at this moment he found that Camille's thoughts as well as her reactions were totally unpredictable.

The other side also paused briefly, and then could only say indifferently, "In that case, then you can

pretend that I didn't say anything, but as long as you can endure the lost of your dead grandmother?

Do you think your grandmother can rest in peace?"

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