My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 365: Make A Bow
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Chapter 365: Make A Bow

Chapter 365: Make a Bow

Sienna held Camille's hand: "Cami, I know you're really upset, I understand all that, but you have to

take care of your body and don't argue too much with the Armstrong family."

"You misunderstand, I'm not here to argue, I just hope she can go to grandma's funeral, after all,

according to the relationship, she is grandma's daughter, so she should be there."

Although there was no blood relationship, the identity of the grandmother cannot be erased after all.

Camille pushed the car door open and went out, then walked inside with Sienna.

Sienna rang the doorbell for her and the door was opened by Grace, who was a little surprised to see

Camille: "Cami ..."

Then she nodded to Sienna as a greeting.

Without exchanging too many pleasantries with her, Camille asked directly, "Is Mom there?"

"Yes, come on in." She hurriedly pulled open the door to let Camille and Sienna in, but her eyes still

noticed Camille's slightly red eyes, she must have been crying, right?

In the living room, Page sat with Brody on the long couch, Camille and Sienna stood by, and Grace

hastily greeted, "Have a seat."

Her enthusiasm is probably the only light in the cold atmosphere of the Armstrong family.

Camille didn't sit though, she looked over at Page and Brody and then did what no one expected, she

bowed slightly towards them.

Sienna saw this and immediately tried to block it, "Cami."

Camille pushed her hand away, then whispered to Brody, Page, "Mom and Dad, I am sorry for the

many disrespectful acts and words I have done to you, I don't ask for your understanding and

forgiveness, I just hope you can not count my disrespect on Grandma."

Page looked at Camille with a shocked expression, "What do you mean by that?"

Usually it is impossible to make her give in, what is wrong with her today?

Camille didn't answer the question, but simply said, "Grandma's gone."

These four words made Brody, Page and Grace did not react to the meaning of this.

Page said nonchalantly, "If she's gone, she's gone, but isn't she going to have surgery? Is she going

back to Flento City without surgery?"

"Yeah Cami, didn't Grandma have to have surgery recently? Why is she gone again?"

Grace also asked with some confusion.

Camille said with an expressionless face, "Grandma will never come back."

Camille's expression and these words made Grace and Page look at each other, and only then did they

gradually realize what she meant?

Grace's face was also a little less than convinced as she asked, "How could it be so sudden?"

She then understood why Camille's eyes were red and swollen.

"Grandma finished surgery yesterday, the operation was successful, she was supposed to wake up at

this time, if there are no accidents ..."

Camille whispered, her voice sounding a little choke with sobs.

Page also didn't speak for a while, the atmosphere also became quiet a piece.

Camille looked up at Page as she said, "Grandma's funeral is scheduled for tomorrow, and I want you

to be there to give her one last ride."

Page met Camille's gaze and said lightly, "What am I going to do? It's not like I have anything to do with


"Grandma is Grandpa's wife and you are Grandpa's daughter, so that makes you Grandma's daughter,

so how can there be no relationship?"

Camille whispered the facts.

Page, however, sneered and laughed, "You are considering me now when you need to get me to do

something? You just ignore me when I ask you for help, Camille, what do you call that?"

Camille pursed her lips as she bowed once more in apology, she said, "I know it's all my fault, I was

disrespectful and unfilial, I'm willing to review and apologize, all I beg is that you can go and see

Grandma off for the last time."

Camille has used the word "beg", enough to show her attitude and determination on the matter.

But Page refused outright: "I won't go, it has nothing to do with me, since she is the one who took care

of you until you grew up, you are responsible, after all, it is not me who raised her."

Camille looked at Page faintly, such indifferent chilling words made her eyes drift with sad sorrow.

Although Page was not the first time to say similar things, but that was when Grandma was still alive,

but now people are no longer, she can still be so clear in the calculation, Camille is no matter how did

not expect.

A helpless and impotent smile crossed Camille's face as she said, "So no matter what I say, you won't

do it, will you?"

Before Page could speak, he was immediately interrupted by Grace.

Grace said, "Mom, Grandma's always been good to us, we're going no matter what, and the Simpson

family will be there tomorrow. Not only are you going to be there, you're going to be there to help out,

Grandma's your mother, you're Grandma's daughter, that's what everyone else thinks."

Grace's words sounded like she was thinking about Page, but in reality Camille knew what she meant.

Camille shot Grace a grateful glance.

Eventually Page agreed to do so.

As for the reason, she simply didn't want others to tease the Armstrong family and her inappropriate


But that didn't matter to Camille at all, as long as she promised to be there, that was enough.

Camille didn't stay much longer, just said thanks and left with Sienna.

Grace is the last to chase out, she said to Camille: "Grandma loves you the most, she will always

watch over you silently in heaven, you ... You pay more attention to your health, do not be too sad."

"Well, I know, thank you."

Camille nodded politely.

But there was still a layer of detachment between them, and finally Sienna spoke up: "Aren't you

sisters? Why do you have to be so polite? I can't even stand it, it's so awkward."

Grace followed and agreed, "Yes, you're welcome, it's all I should do, after all, it's my grandmother too."

Camille's face eased slightly to reveal a not-so-subtle light smile.

As she got into the car from the Armstrong family's side, Camille leaned back in her seat and looked

out the window, waiting for another traffic light, when she overheard an old woman of her

grandmother's age on the sidewalk, followed by a young girl.

The two were talking and laughing, and the atmosphere seemed extraordinarily pleasant.

Camille's mouth followed with a light smile, and her heart silently said that she would never have suchnovelbin

an opportunity again.

She envied that girl.

Back on the hospital side, Ayan has arranged for the funeral home to take Grandma away, and

Camille's mood is unconcealably low and sad.

But she understood that the hospital side is not possible to keep the people who left, and eventually

can only be transferred to the funeral home side.

Ayan told her, "Don't worry, Grandma left in a decent manner, everything is taken care of, tomorrow

morning we will go over there around six o'clock."

She nodded her head.

Returning to her apartment from the hospital, Camille went alone to her grandmother's bedroom, where

she closed the door behind her and was left alone.

Ayan didn't feel comfortable wanting to accompany her, but Sienna blocked it: "Mr. Simpson , you leave

her alone, she knows what to do and what not to do."

Ayan then did not move, only the face slightly stiff, the eyes of the look is also very cold.

He asked, "Did she go to the Armstrong family for something?"

Sienna subconsciously frowned with a look of lust.

When she thought of Camille's respectful and humble appearance, she couldn't help but feel

distressed, especially Brody, Page's attitude towards her was just too cold.

Sienna's reaction was well received by Ayan, and he said lightly, "What can't you say?"

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