My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 361: Goosebumps
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Chapter 361: Goosebumps

Chapter 361: Goosebumps

Kian was stunned by this question.

His eyes were lost in thought as he looked at Ayan, not quite understanding what Ayan meant in his


But before he could make a sound, Ayan had already spoken out to interrupt, saying, "That's fine, you

don't have to talk."

Kian kept his mouth shut and remained silent.

Ayan didn't bring up the issue again after that, the game had officially started and the host was on

stage to liven up the atmosphere.

He walked to the guest table and sat down, and Sophia asked in a low voice, "Ayan, what took you so

long to get here? Did you go to see Camille?"

He said, "No."

Sophia saw that his clarity did not seem to be good, so she did not ask more questions, or faintly

looked at him and then withdrew her gaze to the stage.

The first architect on stage had already come up, and the architect's design was shown on the big

screen. The audience applauded and the jury side nodded their heads.

Sophia tilted her head and asked curiously, "What is Camille's entry this time? Do you think she will

make it to the final?"

"You're curious to know?"

Ayan asked unenthusiastically.

Sophia nodded her head, "I want to."

Ayan warm indifference said: "She has not been on stage, you can go over to her lounge now to

understand clearly, eh?"

"Ayan, what is wrong with you? Why do you have fire in your voice? I'm a girl, I'm not going to do

anything to Camille, why are you so hostile to me?"

She thinks Ayan has really changed and become a bit too dominant, right?

She subconsciously imagined that if her boyfriend or husband was so strong and domineering, would

she be tired of it?

Suddenly, she was a little distressed by Camille.

Camille should be very tired, right?

In the lounge, Camille had just finished reviewing her work, and now everyone was sitting together

eating something, and they were in the bottom three.

When Yessica got the ranking on the stage, she couldn't stop joking, "I hope we get good luck in the

top 3."

Sienna said, "But you're holding the third one everywhere."

"Miss King!" Yessica was on the verge of tears, and Sienna laughed.

Camille said out loud, "She teases you, no matter the term as long as we try is the best, you eat first

and later repeat the details of the work around and what I just said to you to remember again."

Yessica nodded her head, but asked, "Why should I remember it?

"Yessica, this time you take my place on the stage to show your work."

Camille looked at her very seriously and said.

After Camille's words, the entire lounge fell silent.

Not only was Yessica alone surprised and shocked, but Liam and Benjamin were also very


Yessica reacted and immediately asked, "Why?"

Then immediately denied himself: "I can't do it, I can't do it, I don't feel anything at all, I'm nervous now."

Yessica's reaction made Sienna laugh, and she deliberately said, "I told you not to look for her, but looknovelbin

at her wimpy appearance, she'll cry like a kindergarten child when she goes on stage later."

Yessica immediately looked at Camille and tried to deny it, but no word could come out of her mouth.

Liam asked, "Camille, why did you suddenly make this decision?"

"Not suddenly, it was always the intention, this time the rehearsal works actually you guys participate

more than I do, and most of them are your main I vice, recently there are a lot of things in this period,

you also see, so your own efforts I hope by yourselves to show everyone, the reason why I choose

Yessica is not because of eccentricity, just simply think Her energetic expression might be more

suitable for this venue today."

Camille said a lot, she will not deliberately to bury anyone's efforts and excellence, and will not hog the

give and take that belongs to them.

Camille's confession made the atmosphere serious and gloomy.

Yessica kept her head down and didn't say anything.

Camille tapped her on the shoulder: "Sienna's not saying that to look down on you, she's just trying to

motivate you, so think about it, huh?"

There was still a short time before she went on stage, during which Yessica closed herself off.

Camille came out of the lounge with Sienna, wanting to give the three of them enough space to talk

and discuss.

Sienna asks, "What do you think she'll choose?"

"My people, of course, won't back down."

Camille responded with some pride.

Sienna smiled, "You do believe in her."

"She's been with me for quite a long time, so I believe it's only right, right?"

Camille has faith in Yessica and feels that she will rise to the occasion.

Sienna did not continue to say anything, but suddenly remembered what she had just heard when she

went to get the take-out, she said, "I just saw Eileen come to Ayan, they seem to talk about something,

Eileen has been crying, you remember to ask Ayan later?"

Camille nodded her head with a slight start, "Yeah, I know."

"That's the reaction?"

"Or what? I'm going to go over to him now?" Camille's reaction was not much, she just sighed silently

and said, "Eileen came to him is just some drama of serving tea, to be honest, more times I also feel

quite tired, as long as she does not touch my bottom line range I have not bothered to take care of this


Especially with so much going on lately, and with all her thoughts on her grandmother, she's almost

reluctant to bother with much else.

Camille pursed her lips slightly, her face was emotionless.

Sienna nodded her head in understanding as she said, "I guess I shouldn't have told you."

"What's all this nonsense? You're telling me that it's not for my own good? I'm just telling you what's in

my heart, will there be that much to hide between you and me?"

Camille smiled, then raised her hand to take Sienna's arm, and their eyes looked at each other,

followed by a light smile from each other.

Camille looked at the time on her watch, there was not much time left before the stage, she and Sienna

reentered the lounge.

The three Yessica had already discussed it after, and when she came in, they took the initiative and

said, "Camille I've thought about it, I'll do what you want."

Camille smiled faintly, "Good, then go for it."

Sienna said, "It seems that you are still the better judge of people."

Camille laughed and Yessica lowered her head a little embarrassed.

After making sure Yessica was on stage, everyone went through the instructions and some routine

questions for her review in an orderly manner.

Yessica had already copied all the details into her head, so it was almost all answered subconsciously.

This is what Camille has been asking and training from the time she was preparing for the rematch.

Half an hour later, Camille received the message to go on stage and the group came out of the lounge

to walk backstage.

Yessica also began to be a little nervous, Camille whispered to comfort: "Do not think too much,

everything try your best, as for the rest do not think so much, you have to calm down now, put your

best effort to play is enough."

Yessica nodded her head and kept telling herself in her heart that she would be able to do it.

When the name of their work was shouted out from the host's mouth, the group gave Yessica a

cheering gesture and then watched her walk to the stage.

Camille watched as she took center stage and exhaled deeply, then began to introduce the work in a

natural and fluid manner.

The corner of her mouth turned up slightly, "She's fine."

Everyone echoed and nodded, "Yes, Yessica is great!"

While Yessica was making the introductions, Camille had some time to look at her phone. There was a

message from her aunt who was taking care of her grandmother.

Just as she was about to lock the screen, her phone's text message alert suddenly sounded.

She did not click on the text message, just through the prompt on the screen saw the first half of the

text message content, she frowned slightly, fingertips trembling lightly, clicked on the text message.

"Camille, leave Ayan and ask for a divorce from him, immediately, or face the consequences! This is

the last chance I'm giving you, if you don't believe it you can pretend you didn't see it, but I guarantee

you'll regret it, if you don't believe it we can walk and see!"

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