My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 353 Conditions
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Chapter 353 Conditions

Chapter 353 Conditions

"Of course not, I know we are a couple, but there are some things that even if we are a couple I think

we have to separate some of them, because I don't want the other person to carry the responsibility

and trouble for me that I shouldn't."

"It's not a hassle."

"I'm just using a metaphor, I know your good intentions and I understand your heart, but Ayan, the

Simpson Group is not yours alone, there's Dad and Grandpa, we have to think about them too."

Camille spoke seriously and did not notice the obvious smile that surfaced as the man looked into her


When her words were finished, Ayan handed her the content of the message from Kian displayed on

her phone screen: "The mansion has been signed into contract, and Kian will finish the closing

procedures within tomorrow."

Camille stared at Ayan in shock, "When did you have someone do this?"

"While still at the office, I overheard your mother having someone sell the mansion in Flento City."

Ayan just brought it up in a sentence, and Camille didn't think much of it.

Camille said, "After the closing you tell me how much and I'll transfer it to you."

"No need." He was firm.

Camille wrinkled her brow, "Ayan, I don't have anything else in mind, I know we're married and I

understand that spending your money isn't a big deal, but the mansion is something I want to honor my

grandmother with, so ...."

"Since you know that we are husband and wife, this mansion is our husband and wife's filial piety to

grandma, Camille, the reason why I am doing this is not to make you give me the money, I just want

you to understand that not everything needs to be handled by you personally, you are the one with a

husband, you can properly leave your matters to me, eh? "

His voice was low, his deep black eyes were fixed on her, and that handsome face was wrapped in


Camille's heart is like a warmth flowing through, that temperature can not be dissipated for a long time.

Her eyes were vacant as she stared at Ayan for a long time before she said softly, "Okay, I get it."

Ayan's words touched her.

Ayan asked, "She suddenly did these things when her grandmother's surgery was approaching, did

she really just want to sell the house in exchange for you? Or do you have some other plans?"

Camille was also stunned, she hadn't thought that deeply.

Her face instantly froze and she shook her head, "I don't know, I can't imagine what she's going to do?"

"It's good that you have a bottom in your heart and a defense for everything, huh?"

She nodded, but the gloom on her face remained undiminished.

Ayan covered her eyes and then had her lie down as he said in a clear voice, "Okay, it's time to go to

sleep. I'm not telling you this to keep you preoccupied, just to give you a heads up, and as for the rest,

I'll keep an eye on it for you, okay?"

"But you have your own things to do too."

"At least until Grandma's surgery is over, huh?"

Camille nodded, and a smile appeared on her face.

She suddenly felt good to be married, never had such a feeling. She used to only want to marry Ayan,

then she was preoccupied with how to cultivate her feelings to make him like her, then he wanted a

divorce, and she was just preoccupied with it, but this time, she felt a sense of dependence.

She couldn't help but mentally murmur, "Is this, like, a good place to start?"

Because of Ayan's words, Camille becomes defensive about Page, who has previously gone to the

hospital behind her back to see her grandmother and said very disrespectful things to her, so she still

feels uneasy.

But just in case, Camille called Grace the next morning.

She asked Grace for help, softened her attitude and confessed her inner concerns, hoping that Grace

could help keep an eye on Page's every move in the matter of Grandma, not spying, or at least not let

Page do anything until Grandma's surgery was over.

Grace asks, "Cami, do you suspect Mom of trying to harm Grandma?"

"I'm not suspicious, I just want to avoid something like that." Not wanting to say anything more than

what she meant, she told Grace, "Grandma means a lot to me, and I'm not going to force you to help

me guard against them, but I'm talking to you with a discussion, and if you want I can grant you anovelbin


Grace asked smoothly, "You'll agree to any request?"

"As long as I can do it, I'll say yes." Camille said.

Grace smiled, "Cami, if you were to divorce Ayan, would you be willing to do the same?"

Camille frowned slightly, and instead of answering, she simply asked, "So your request is for me to

divorce Ayan?"

"What if it is?"

"I don't think that's the only thing you're asking for, and can you be sure that if I divorce him, he'll marry

you 100%?"

Camille asked in a shallow voice, without any mockery or provocation, just the tone of a normal

question, so it didn't make Grace feel uncomfortable.

But Grace knew in her heart that she was right. Even if she and Ayan were divorced, so what?

Even if there is no more Camille, Ayan can't marry her.

Grace silently sketched out a self-deprecating smile, recalling that birthday Ayan's every move towards

Camille was enough to show how much he valued her.

She was briefly silent, then changed the subject: "I know what to do, and Grandma used to love me, so

I'll see to it."

Camille was stunned for a moment, then said, "Thank you."

Grace did not speak.

Camille added: "I said I would promise you a request, when you think of anything you need me to do

you can tell me, it's always valid."

Camille does a lot for her grandmother and makes Grace realize that she is only cold to the Armstrong

family, but she is quite caring to her grandmother.

Because she agreed to Camille's request, Grace naturally couldn't do nothing.

She took the opportunity to test Page after Brody went back to the study after lunch, and she asked,

"Mom, are you really going to trade the sale of the mansion with Cami in exchange for this? But what if

she doesn't agree?"

"The answer doesn't matter now."

Page said faintly.

Grace asked in disbelief, "Why?"

"Because the mansion has been sold, it doesn't matter now even if Camille doesn't help, I already have

a new law."

"What's the law?"

Page loves Grace and feels that everything in the Armstrong family is Grace's in the future, so she has

nothing to hide from Grace.

So also said directly: "I recently negotiated a foreign investment company, because we Armstrong Corp

is an old enterprise, so want to inject capital to our Armstrong Corp development of new business, I

have promised each other, now waiting for each other to come to Hance City to sign the contract, this

cooperation not only This cooperation not only can make Armstrong Corp's status in the circle to the

next level, but also can solve all of Armstrong Corp's current difficulties."

Page's words were like a pie in the sky, making Grace look grave.

She asked, "Mom, are you sure the other side wants to invest in Armstrong Corp?"


"Armstrong Corp doesn't have any worthwhile counterparties to invest in today, don't you think it's not

such a good thing?"

"Grace, how are you talking? Armstrong Corp is only in a temporary predicament, our company has the

bottom line, people are looking at the old business, do you understand?"

"The other side has no conditions? She would rarely speak to Page in such a questioning tone,

showing how much she opposed and disapproved of the matter.

Page put down the dishes in his hand, the look under his eyes with a dodge: "Of course not, we've

already talked about the terms."

"What are the conditions?" Grace asked with a frown.

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