My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 347 - Reward
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Chapter 347 - Reward

Chapter 347 - Reward

"I have nothing to do with him, I don't know what you want to threaten me with this Preston?"

"No relationship whatsoever?" Ayan hooked his lips and smiled, then the smile dissipated and all that

remained was a cold chill: "You're beating around the bush with me? Your wife was taken away from

your home and hidden by him, you think he can do this for you when you have no relationship


Elijah reacted strongly and said, "Ayan, if you dare to do anything to my wife and children, I will not

spare you."

"You're inside the prison now, what do you think you can do to me even if I do something?"

Ayan smiled coldly.

Elijah stared at him in a daze: "Preston is just a friend of mine, and the reason he helped me was my


"A friend? What friend risks doing this kind of fishy stuff for you? There is a limit to my patience, you

have one more word to say, miss it and it's gone."

His voice is light and can't hear much emotion, but the words are filled with an irrefutable command

that people can't ignore.

Elijah didn't respond for a long time, and Ayan didn't want to wait any longer.

He stood up and looked down at Elijah's face full of various emotions, his voice was not light but heavy:

"Since you do not say, I will not force you, but whether it is Preston or your wife and son once there is

any news, I will have someone inform you at the first time, hmm?"

After saying that, Ayan lifted his feet and walked towards the door.

His pace was subdued, and his slow footsteps hit Elijah's heart as hard as a heavy hammer.novelbin

Just as Ayan was about to approach the door, Elijah suddenly spoke up, "I said, I said, I'm willing to tell

you about my relationship with Preston if you'll just leave my wife and son alone."

Ayan did not speak.

Elijah knows that this man is not easy to fool, and understands that at this moment he does not count,

and he is not qualified to negotiate any terms.

He pursed his lips lightly and took a silent breath before gathering a lot of courage to say, "Preston is

my nephew and I am his uncle."

After Elijah's words, Ayan did not turn around, and after Kian opened the door he walked out in a

straight line.

Elijah saw the situation very emotional: "Ayan, Ayan you do not talk, you do not look for my wife and

children, my wife and children are innocent, what you have direct to me, they do not know anything."

Whatever Elijah said didn't get a single look or response from Ayan in return.

From the meeting room, Ayan stood in the doorway and gave Kian an expressionless look, then said,

"Go and instruct him that Camille will come to see him this afternoon, what to say and what not to say, I

hope he will weigh his answer."

Kian nodded in response, then returned to the meeting room and relayed Ayan's words to Elijah.

And remind Elijah that it's easy for him to live and easy for him to die in there, but not dying is the

hardest part.

As for his wife and children, if he is peaceful, there will not be any accidents, but if he does not follow

the rules, then all is not well.

Elijah did not react any more, a face dull and silent, he knew he had lost.

The conversation Ayan just had with him was nothing more than psychological warfare.

He was much older than Ayan, but ultimately failed to play Ayan.

From the prison, Ayan got into the back seat of the black car and Kian debriefed the situation and then

asked, "Mr. Simpson , Preston and Elijah are an uncle and nephew relationship, should we tell the lady

about this directly?"

"No." Ayan refused outright, saying, "Preston can't just be dealing with the Simpson Group and me for

Camille, he has a soft spot for Camille, so why would he let Elijah target the Armstrong family? As far

as I know, Elijah has worked for the Armstrong family for many years, and the Armstrong family has

treated him well, but why would he turn his back on them?"

This is the question in Ayan's mind.

He was puzzled and couldn't figure it out.

So there is no intention to tell Camille the truth about everything, even if Camille knows it, it will be of

no use.

Kian nodded his head to show that he understood.

Ayan was silent before speaking, "Why don't you accompany Camille to the prison again this afternoon,

she wants to see Elijah and wants to know from Elijah why Brody is keeping his mouth shut about

Elijah setting up the Armstrong family?"

Kian said yes, but was a little curious, "Why didn't you just ask Elijah in passing what his relationship

was with the Armstrong family?"

"I don't need to ask that question, Camille will naturally ask it."

Ayan wasn't curious, just more shocked by Preston's relationship with Elijah.

This is something he did not anticipate and did not think about.

After seeing the two videos, he simply thought Elijah might be involved in some way with Preston, so

he didn't think deeply about it.

Ayan went back to the office, and then immediately called Camille over as well.

He told Camille, "It's been arranged, you can come with Kian this afternoon, eh?"

"So soon?"

"Of course, Mrs. Simpson ordered things, naturally, the faster the better, to be too slow to make you

dissatisfied with what?"

His low voice with a few light laughter, let Camille suddenly feel a little funny.

Camille says, "Ayan, is your mouth covered in honey today?"

"Smeared honey?" Ayan's voice was low: "I don't think it's honey, it's probably a reward."


What is he referring to?

That kiss last night?

Camille lightly pursed her lips, the corners of her mouth flushed with laughter, then said lightly, "Are you


"Hmm? Don't like me anymore?"

"I'm not talking to you anymore, I have work."


Ayan laughed out loud.

Camille is not sure what she means.

Then I only heard him say without any displeasure, "Mrs. Simpson, do you ever feel like you're scum?"

"I'm scum? Where am I?"

"You're not a slag now? This is not lifting your pants and disowning people? After using me, you want

to hang up immediately and refuse to even say a nice word?"

Camille was completely helpless, she pursed her lips slightly, "Ayan, what's wrong with you?"

Why is it like a different person?

Ayan: "Do you still care what happens to me?"

Camille raised her eyebrows, sighed helplessly, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Simpson, thank you, shall

I buy you dinner tonight?"

"Is that a nice thing to say to me?"


He seemed satisfied, but was not going to eat, but just said, "I can skip the meal, don't refuse me at

night, eh?"


Camille just cut the call off.

Don't reject him, what don't reject?

The more she thought about it, the more shy she felt. Was this man crazy?

This scene also happened to be seen by Sienna pushing in the door, and Sienna asked in disbelief,

"What's wrong with you?"

Camille sighed helplessly, then said faintly, "Ayan's crazy."

Although she didn't say what she meant, Sienna saw through it: "Is it Mr. Simpson's discontent? "

Camille glanced at her, expressionless and without much reaction.

She rested her cheek and suddenly asked, "Why didn't you reply to me when I messaged you last

night? Did you sleep so early?"

Sienna is a king of staying up late, basically resting after midnight. Last night, she sent her a message

around 10:00, so what's going on?

After Camille's words were asked, Sienna's eyes dodged and looked away, then she hurriedly changed

the subject: "Yessica asked me to ask you, is it better to have an open design for the farm's dining


"Sienna, are you pretending with me that you can't hear me?"


"Then why don't you answer me?"

Camille asks.

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