My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 343 Hate
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Chapter 343 Hate

Chapter 343 Hate

"It's not like going to war? The battlefield in here is much harder to deal with than the one outside."

Sienna couldn't help but tease.

Camille hooked her lips in a smile, then got out and went inside.

Brody has been at home recuperating lately, and he opened the door after Camille knocked. When he

saw Camille, he asked with a warm face, "What are you doing here?"

Brody's coldness gave Camille a brief lurch, but she was used to it, so it didn't make much of a ripple.

She looked at Brody: "I have a few things to ask you."

Brody glanced at her lightly, the look under his eyes was cold: "What do you want to ask?"

Camille pursed her lips and finally hurried to ask: "I want to ask about Elijah, Elijah has been your

secretary for many years, how could he suddenly betray you? You have always been good to him,

does he have any hard feelings or unspeakable secrets?"

Camille's words just finished, Brody's face immediately pulled down, he cold as gloomy full of

displeasure glared at her: "Camille, do you do not understand my words? I have already told you, thisnovelbin

matter is not your business, you should not ask again, you do not rely on the status of your current

Ayan to take my words as a deaf ear."

Camille wrinkled her brow, last time because of Brody's health reasons so she did not pursue the

question, but now Brody's body has recovered, so she also asked more questions: "You do not want to

say because this is hiding something? I don't mean anything else, I just want to understand it clearly

because ...."

"Because what? Because you've changed your status now, so you're going to dictate things to THE

Armstrong family too?"

"I didn't think so, I just ..."

"That's enough." Brody coldly drank: "I said, do not need you to ask this matter, the Armstrong family

still have me in, not your turn to make the decision, as for what Elijah did in the end, because of what to

do, are not your turn to care."

Brody even sternly accused Camille not to mention this matter, and finally is not happy.

Although he was mentally prepared before he came, when he was actually faced with it, the doubts in

Camille's mind would still deepen.

She was really quite curious as to what Brody's reaction was so much about.

Elijah to Brody according to normal circumstances should not be such an attitude, he is not very hateful

Elijah is right?

Camille couldn't figure it out even though she had a headache thinking about it.

Coming out of the villa, she got in the car.

Sienna could see the result from the expression on her face and said faintly, "Didn't do anything to you,

did you?"

Camille shook her head and sighed wordlessly, "Nothing can be asked."

"What exactly do you want to ask?"

Camille was silent, then told Sienna the question in her mind.

The car slowly driving on the road, Sienna listened to the face is also a flash of surprise, and then

whispered: "Then have you ever wondered if your father does not want to mention this matter is to

protect Elijah?"

"I've had the thought, otherwise I couldn't convince myself that I didn't know what else was possible

other than that?"

Camille is annoyed because she thinks so.

She whispered, "Do you think I should talk to Ayan about it?"

"If you figure it out first you can talk to him."

Camille nodded and did not make a decision right away.

She kept silent to look out the window, and a thought suddenly came to her mind.

Brody won't mention it, what about Elijah?

Will he be willing?

He is now in prison, is it possible to get some answers from him?

Camille fell into contemplation and thought seriously about the idea, and eventually decided that it was

not out of the question.

After that Camille went to the office with Sienna, who is now completely in a state of disarray with her

design work, and has not been in charge of it since she was grounded. Today she came over especially

to see their work and then to give some advice as well.

Camille took a good look at it, and the three Yessica's doing very well, much better than when she was

a rookie.

But the design work is not good enough, but also has to have a sense of design and unique style to

make a new impression on the eyes.

Camille helped with the revisions and gave them new inspirational directions. The current design is

entirely a matter of repeatedly grinding and typing, and then retyping and retyping, and then grinding

and typing again, so that it will be repeated many times until the final presentation of the most perfect


Camille was busy until the end of the day.

She looked at her phone and planned to eat out with Sienna before going back. Since she moved back

to her apartment, her aunt hadn't come over to prepare the meal, and she didn't want to actively ask,

and she was too lazy to do it herself, so she basically ate out.

But the two were just getting in the car and ready to leave for the restaurant when the phone suddenly

rang at that moment.

It was Ayan who called.

Camille froze with the phone in her hand, then heard Sienna say, "Answer it!"

Sienna simply pulled the car over and waited for Camille to answer the phone.

Ayan's voice comes over the phone and he asks in a low voice, "Where are you? Are you done with


"Well, just got out of the office for a bit and am going to dinner with Sienna, what's up?"

She responded lightly.

He was quiet for a brief second or two before saying in a warm voice, "Want to join me for dinner?"

Camille frowned slightly, "Hmm?"

She was a little unresponsive.

After realizing what he meant, a trace of surprise flashed across his eyes.

In his ear was his voice: "What's wrong? Don't you want to?"

"No, it was just a bit of a surprise."

"Camille, I'm your husband, and you're surprised I asked you to join me for dinner?"

His voice was hoarse and he pronounced the word "husband" as clearly as if he were right next to her


Camille's cheeks flushed, and Sienna saw it too. I'm still on the sidelines, and you're not treating me

like a human being at all, are you?"

Camille lifted her hand and patted her gently, but the embarrassment on her face became more


Ayan on the other end of the phone also heard Sienna's words, he laughed lightly and said, "Come

over to Ginza Village, I've already booked a place, since Sienna is with you, I won't pick you up, let her

come with you, eh?"

"Well, I'll ask her." Camille turned her head to Sienna, "Going to dinner?"

"Mr. Simpson's treat?"


Sienna restarted the car before saying, "Of course I'm going, it's Mr. Simpson's treat, how can I not


Camille responds to Ayan, "So we go over there now?"

"Well, be safe." Ayan whispered, then hung up the phone as he grabbed his keys and set off over from

the company side.

Inside the car, Sienna asks Camille as she drives, "So you two are sort of making up now?"

"I don't know."

If we go by the current situation, it does seem to be reconciled.

Although they did not mention those things and misunderstandings again, but each other's heart will

still think who knows?

Sienna glanced at Camille: "Last night he went to the hospital and could see that he was in a hurry and

told me thanks and trouble, I actually felt quite confused about him and kind of couldn't see what kind

of person he was, but Cami, I can't deny that he did treat you very well, so ..."

"I had the same thought as you, but then I understood the truth that good is not like and love, maybe

it's just responsibility!"

Camille whispered in response.

Sienna didn't say anything else, since Camille had her own perceptions and ideas, she said more than

she could to sway her decision.

Camille looks out the window, looking a little deflated.

The heart silently thought, Ayan is good to her, other than the basic responsibility, there is no other

reason ah?

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