My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 324 - Ugly
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Chapter 324 - Ugly

Chapter 324 - Ugly

Molly's eyes were stern, and a face was even more occupied with fierceness.

After she finished, she lunged directly at Eileen and then held her down directly on the bed and tore her


Eileen reacted and started to resist, and the two of them fought together.

Two people while fighting and arguing were not heard, such a big noise soon attracted the nurse, and

then immediately dragged the two away.

One is a thousand-year-old lady, the other is a goddess of the entertainment industry.

But at the moment the two have messy hair and torn clothes and scratches on their faces, so the image

is completely reversed.

Eileen pointed at Molly: "I'm calling the police, she broke into the ward and hit someone, I'm suing her."

Molly also looked like she was going to do whatever you want: "Fine, then sue, you better call the

police right away, I'm going to tell the police about your relationship with my brother."

Eileen's face froze, a flash of dissimulation under her eyes, in fact her subconscious thought was

impossible, there was no way Preston would tell Molly about their relationship, even if the Walker family

had been kind to him, but it wouldn't be possible for someone with a mind like his to tell the truth.

But Molly doesn't look like she's just saying that, does she really know something?

Eileen is silent, Molly is more sure that she must be dating with Preston boyfriend and girlfriend

relationship, their own boyfriend something happened, she is a girlfriend not only did not have any

defense but also help to step on a foot, so the more you think about it, the more angry.

Molly smiled coldly: "Afraid? Eileen, I tell you, if something really happens to my brother, I will not let

you go, I will make you pay!"

"Brother?" Eileen coldly snorted: "You call out brother on your lips, but what feelings do you have for

him in your heart? Are you disgusting? This kind of thinking is very nasty and abnormal, don't you think

it's disgusting? Have you ever thought about whether he would like to ah?"

Molly's mind was directly pierced by Eileen, her whole body stiffened, her cheeks also suddenly white,

even looking at Eileen's eyes with a trace of weakness and unease.

In fact, her mind Preston is aware of, because she has long expressed, only Preston refused, saying

that she is still young, the idea is not mature enough, and said that when she met a better person will

not have such a mind.

At this moment Eileen's words make Molly think more, is Preston with Eileen also have the same idea


And how did Eileen know about it?

Did he say that?

Molly felt her heart was blocked by something and it was hard to breathe.

Eileen saw that she didn't speak anymore, and a cold smile spread under her eyes, but in the way of

the nurse. She said gently like water: "You like your brother is not blessed, you will make people look at

you differently, I just kindly suggest that you can be angry with me or hate me, but you are still so

young, I still hope that you can properly face the emotion is right."

The two nurses looked at each other with a sense of dawning realization.

At the same time, she felt that Molly was very unreasonable.

Faced with such a turn of events, Molly's heart was tormented like an ant on a hot pan, and she

pointed at Eileen and drank, "You're talking nonsense."

She looked at the two nurses and tried to argue, "You don't know anything, this ugly woman in front of

you is a goddess on the surface but she is actually bad to the bone, she is in a relationship with my

brother but she wants to stomp hard when my brother is falsely accused, this kind of woman is the


"Molly, I'm not with him, and if you don't believe me there's nothing I can do, and if you think it makes

you feel better to cover up your inner feelings in this way, then take it for what it's worth!"

Eileen put away all the angles and sharpness, the only thing left is aggrieved and pitiful and generous,

a kind of self-sacrifice for Molly even if it is wrongly accused or misunderstood also does not matter.

Eileen's image stood more firmly and the two nurses took on a greater goddess glow towards her, one

of them suggested, "Miss Khan, you're so nice, I can't believe she's doing this to you, why don't I call

security up?"

"No, don't do that, I just got angry at her like that just hope she can sober up a bit, don't let the security

guards come up, after all, it's a girl, can't do that to her, I'd rather be hurt by her abuse than let her be

driven away by the security guards, although maybe this way everyone will be safer, but I still can't

bear it."

Eileen's words were explicitly a rejection of the nurse's request, but in reality it was a way of telling the

nurse that if the security guard didn't kick Molly out she would be hurt, after all she was in the hospital

and the hospital was responsible for any injuries, so the nurse decided to let the security guard come

up right away.

Molly looked at her acting, heart anxious and panic, emotional said: "you do not be this hypocritical

woman to deceive, she clearly knows that people Ayan married, wife will soon have a child, but also to

Ayan has been stalking, the Internet can be rumored to have a nose and eyes, said no wind can not

make waves, you really believe that she is simple? "

Molly is not as good at disguise as Eileen, so she has to try to say something to make the nurses

believe it.

For Ayan and Eileen things, everyone is there to gossip, but they do not dare to discuss without

permission, after all, the other party is Ayan.

So Molly's words did not have much effect, the security guards soon came up, and when they were

about to take Molly away, Eileen immediately came forward to stop them again: "I have two words to

tell her."

She narrowed her eyes slightly, showed a smile, looked at Camille and said in a low voice: "Molly,

Preston won't like a spoiled girl like you, he likes a girl like Camille who is self-reliant, so you are no

match for her, and you will never be liked by her, so just die! Even if he has feelings for you, I won't say


Molly's eyes boggled and her emotions were once again stirred.

She said in a loud voice, "Who do you think you are? You're nothing, my brother won't listen to you,

what are you?"

"If you don't believe me, we'll see." Eileen took a step back and said in a shallow voice, "But Preston's

whereabouts are unknown, so it's not certain if you have a chance."

She raised her eyebrows with a smile, provocative in the extreme.

Molly immediately tried to rush over and hit her, but the security guard saw it and stopped it just in time.

Molly, with her arms held by the security guard and her pretty face full of angry hate, shouted at Eileen,

"Eileen you will get what's coming to you, I won't let you go."

Eileen is fearless and does not care in any way, but instead shows a face of helplessness and

aggravation, and her appearance makes Molly even more angry.

But she was grabbed by the security guards simply powerless to make any move, and finally was taken

out of the ward, the atmosphere was quieted down.

Eileen thanked the nurses in a heartbeat and expressed her embarrassed apologies. Her excellent

attitude won the nurses' care and understanding.

After sending the nurse away, she closed the door of the ward behind her, and the coldness and anger

on her face was then revealed.

She grimaced with a slight narrowing of her eyes, then slightly tidied up her messy hair and the

scratches on her face, a hint of apprehension and ambivalence rising up in her heart.

She should also think for themselves, Preston drove into the river, it must be more than bad luck, as to

whether they can live is currently unknown.

If Preston dies, then those purposes between them can not be completed, and she also needs a

dependency to do, otherwise it is difficult to survive in this circle.

Eileen thought hard and carefully and finally came up with a new idea.

She took a long breath, then picked up her cell phone and dialed out a series of numbers.

The other side picked up quickly, and came the man's low voice: "Something?"

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