My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 322 Backbite
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Chapter 322 Backbite

Chapter 322 Backbite

Camille wrinkled her brow, she looked at the person in front of her, obviously he was close, but she had

the feeling that he was very far away from her.

Her face was cold because she didn't know what was going on outside?

So she had a slight doubt about Ayan's words, but all the actions and looks that Ayan showed were

telling her that the matter was not a lie.

Her silence made Ayan smile lightly, "Are you worried that something will happen to him?"

She did not speak.

He then taunted, "A man like Preston wouldn't just die, after all, he's a man who would do anything to

escape, and he would go to great lengths to keep himself safe."

He thin lips carelessly pursed, his eyes sunk like an abyss, not penetrating any light, can not see the

bottom, the lips are net mockery, no temperature.

Camille's bright and beautiful face was flooded with uncomfortable curiosity because of his gloom and

doom, and she just couldn't resist asking him, "Ayan, you minded between me and Preston like that,

did you mind because I had some unspoken relationship with him? Or is it because you mind that I am

displeased with my brief concealment of you in this matter?"

Ayan was silent, a face gloomy to the extreme, ugly.

He narrowed his eyes and swept Camille, the latter did not hide or avoid without the slightest flinch, the

two eyes collided in the air, just like this gazing at each other for a long time without any reaction.

The words that Preston provoked him came to his mind, and the hidden patience of his heart was

about to burst out, and when he had suppressed it for a long time over and over again to make sure he

couldn't suppress it, he finally spoke up.

He coldly questioned, "Camille, who is your ex-boyfriend? Who is it that you can keep your mouth shut

and never forget?"

He had suspected before that it could be Preston?

But if they really are, why don't they get back together?

And because later she was detached from Preston heart of doubt gradually less, but this time because

Preston said those words, knowing that it is provoking him, but something in the heart took root, so it is

difficult to completely and utterly remove the roots.

The atmosphere once again became frosty, and this question even made Camille rise up in the air with

a hint of unspeakable anger.

Camille laughed lightly and asked indifferently in return, "Ayan, does this question have anything to do

with what's going on right now?"

Ayan thinks she is deliberately avoiding any questions about the ex-boyfriend who has been on her

mind for years.

Ayan sneered, "Is that how you love him? Afraid of what I might do to him if I find out anything about


"Ayan, why are you always clinging to this?"

"Do you think it's just me holding on tight or have you been intentionally avoiding it? Camille, with our

baby on the way, don't you think this matter also needs a thorough resolution?"

Ayan's attitude was insistent, and he was clearly trying to get this straight.

But Camille won't tell him.

If he knew that the person in her heart was him, it would probably be the most humble and inferior

moment for her.

She had told herself since he filed for divorce that she would never let him know this secret.

So she would rather be misunderstood than tell the truth.

Because there is no need for any of them.

Camille sighed silently, her expression as warm as water, and she said, "I don't know what you mean

by avoidance. If you think that one's past is also an escape then I have nothing to say, just like when I

asked you about your relationship with Eileen, didn't you also refuse to reveal a word to me?"

"Now say more about you, to keep me out of the loop, you've now learned to bite back?"

"Is this a back-bite for me? Isn't it treating everyone equally? Why is it that you don't have to tell me

about your affair with Eileen, but you have to know everything about my past?"

"It's not comparable."

He grimaced and made his position clear again.

Camille, however, laughed helplessly, "Why isn't it comparable, isn't it the same thing? Or is there

something you and Eileen can't tell me?"

"Camille!" he shouted sternly, "The more you do this, the more it means you still love that so-called ex-

boyfriend of yours in your heart, right?"

"What about you? Are you still in love with Eileen just as much?"

Camille pressed on, following his tone and attitude.

Ayan sneered, "I already told you, I don't feel that way about Eileen."

"If you didn't, why did you spend the night together in a hotel?" She asked in a low voice.

So far Camille only knows that "Eileen" came out of the hotel with Ayan, but she doesn't know that it

wasn't Eileen, and she doesn't know that Eileen has issued a statement to clarify.

So all she knows is that Eileen spent the night with Ayan in a hotel and then came out the next day to

be photographed by the media.novelbin

After her words were asked, Ayan just hooked her lips and smiled, the mockery under her eyes was

heavy, but until the end she didn't say anything else.

Ayan walked right around her and out of the room. Camille didn't go after her, but soon heard the

sound of a car engine coming from outside the balcony.

He's gone.

So what was the purpose of his special trip over here?

Camille shook her head, her mood growing gloomier.

In fact, she and Ayan are the same person, in some things are not willing to take the first step to bow

down, two people's temperament and character are very stubborn, enough to make each other feel

their rigid and attitude.

Camille walked to the sofa and sat down, she did not move for a long time, a face is also as cold and

clear as ice, the emotions of the heart has not been completely calm down.

Ayan won't say what happened between him and Eileen? And why did he spend the night in the hotel

with Eileen?

The more she thought about it, the more confused she became.

A person's imagination can make up a world, so she had to force herself not to think any further.

Ayan asked Kian to drive him back to the hotel after he came out of the villa.

The atmosphere was so quiet that you could only hear each other's breathing, until the car stopped at

the hotel entrance, Ayan opened his eyes, his voice was low and spoke: "You take time to go to Flento

City in the next two days, check out Preston and Camille related to everyone, I want to know whether

they have been together or not? "

Although it had been checked before, what was found was not thorough, so he did not believe it.

Kian immediately felt a lot of pressure and subconsciously asked, "Mr. Simpson, will it be bad if the

lady knows about it?"

"That's your business, I want results."

Ayan was not polite, and after saying that, he had already pushed open the car door and went down.

Kian screamed, but had no choice but to find another excuse so that Camille could find out later.

Ayan returned to the hotel is close to 3:30, outside the sky seems to be ready to flood white, but he did

not have the slightest sense of sleep, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, poured a glass of

strong wine a drink, the sting of alcohol slipped through his throat bones, leaving a painful feeling.

His deep eyes were cold and chilly, and his brow was floating with little hostility, so he stood for a long,

long time.

The following morning, everything resumed as usual.

Kian came to pick him up early in the morning and took him to Simpson Group. Sophia also came from

Hence City, and she had heard about what happened in Hance City in the past few days, and when

she saw Ayan, she couldn't help but laugh and tease: "Why are all your rivals so powerful? I feel that

Camille's husband is much harder to be than you as the president of Simpson Group!"

Ayan looked at her indifferently: "You are in charge of the second round together with the Simpson

Group team, so you can take this opportunity to bond and facilitate the cooperation later."

"Are you trying to take advantage of the competition to test my abilities?"

"You can say that if you want." Ayan didn't have the slightest euphemism.

Sophia was briefly speechless, then asked, "So will Camille continue to participate in the competition?"

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