My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 315 Showing Goodwill
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Chapter 315 Showing Goodwill

Chapter 315 Showing Goodwill

The Internet is a very wide world, and once the news is fermented it is known to everyone.

Sienna got up early in the morning to see the news push, and with Yessica's phone bombardment, she

didn't need to look at the heat to know the details.

She was frozen for a few minutes, unable to stay calm inside, although Ayan was not her person and

not directly related to her, but related to Camille.

Camille is the most important person to her, more important than anyone else.

So she couldn't stand it, and there was no way to pretend that nothing had happened.

So far, it has been five days since Camille was lost.

If she could put up with it for a while before this, for Camille's safety, for Camille not to be bothered by

Preston, but after this, could she still put up with it?

Can't anymore.

Sienna got up with a blank face, washed up, changed her clothes, and went out.

She exited her apartment and drove down the street wandering like a man without a purpose, and

eventually she drove down to the Ward Group.

She sat in the car for a long time in silent thought, and finally had to push open the car door to get


She mustered up a lot of courage and walked into the Ward Group building.

She told the receptionist what she wanted to see, and they said, "Sorry, you may not be able to see Mr.

Ward without an appointment."

"You call for me and tell her I named King, I think he'll see me."

Sienna had a smile on her face, she was good looking and had a sweet mouth, so the receptionist was

quickly captured.

The receptionist called the secretary's office and relayed her words truthfully. The secretary was also

shocked, but immediately went to knock on the conference room door and went to Rex's ear and

whispered, "Mr. Ward, Miss King is here, downstairs, and wants to see you, what do you think?"

Rex was slightly stunned, his eyes filled with surprise, and then immediately got up and walked out.

The meeting was thus interrupted, and everyone looked at Rex with surprise. The secretary hurriedly

spoke out to explain: "The meeting is suspended, everyone take a break first, Mr. Ward has some

urgent matters."

The crowd nodded their heads, and that was the end of any other questions.

Rex came out of the conference room and went straight to the elevator. The secretary immediately

followed him and whispered, "Mr. Ward, why don't I go down and bring it up?"

"No, I'll go by myself."

He faintly refused, and slightly straightened his suit jacket, a face tightened, seemingly a little nervous.

The elevator was extraordinarily slow, making Rex feel very impatient.

Finally, it was hard to wait and face down the time to wait.

He came out of the elevator and saw Sienna standing at the reception desk. She had her head hanging

down, her long, slightly curly hair cascading down her sides and still blocking her cheeks, but her high

nose and fair skin could still be seen.

She also seemed to sense something and subconsciously raised her head to look over and her eyes

met the man who was walking towards her.

Looking at each other with four eyes, both of them looked at each other in silence.

Rex was the first to speak, asking in a low voice, "Why didn't you call me when you came over?"

Sienna wanted to say that she was afraid she would hesitate if she called, so she simply did nothing

and came straight away.

She didn't answer, just said, "Do you have a minute? I'd like to ask you a favor."

Her tone was very polite, and there was a strange detachment in her words.

Both people can feel in their hearts that they want to be close to each other but don't dare to be close

to the feeling of alienation.

Rex, in particular, looked at the woman near him with an indescribable feeling in his heart, and he was

briefly silent, then whispered, "Go upstairs or talk here?"

He asked her opinion.

There is no reluctance or coercion.

Sienna pursed her lips in silence and thought carefully before responding, "Go upstairs."novelbin

People come and go here, which only attracts attention and is not very suitable for talking.

After all, this is his territory, he stood here for a short while, has attracted a lot of eyes coming and

going, she did not want to be surrounded by people and talk, so still go upstairs with him a piece.

However, Sienna was a bit surprised that he could have called his secretary to come down or informed

the receptionist to let her go up directly, why did he come down himself instead?

She didn't ask and followed him into the elevator.

With only three people in the elevator, the atmosphere was extraordinarily quiet, and awkward.

Rex kept his eyes on Sienna and took the initiative to break the silence: "You're here because of the

Camille thing, right?"

Sienna didn't deny it, she nodded and then asked, "I saw all the news on the internet, is it true that

Ayan and Eileen?"

Rex frowned slightly, at the time of learning she came over already thought she came over because of

this matter, but he still felt an unprecedented flutter in his heart, at this moment to hear her personal

acquiescence, the heart will still have a kind of indescribable loss.

He just smiled lightly and responded casually in a warm voice: "It should not be true, as I know him, he

will not be that kind of relationship with Eileen, if he really wanted to be with Eileen, he could have just

divorced Camille."

Sienna nodded her head, indicating that she understood.

The elevator door opened, the three walked out of the elevator directly back to his office, the secretary

knew enough not to continue to follow in.

Sienna and Rex were the only two people in the office. He told her to sit down and then poured a glass

of water in front of her.

Sienna faced him, her voice was much softer than usual, she was taking the initiative, she said, "I want

to know where Camille is? She's been out of touch for some days now, and if nothing really happened,

I don't think it's possible to be disconnected, is it because of what happened to Preston and what Ayan

did to her?"

Rex narrowed his eyes slightly and immediately became more certain that Camille was living in the

villa, no wonder Ayan had asked him to keep an eye on it and not allow anyone to enter or leave, so he

was keeping Camille inside?

He frowned tightly and looked somewhat grave.

Sienna also caught the change in his countenance and asked softly, "Do you know where Camille is?"

Rex met her eyes, she was staring at him with full attention, depression radiating from her brow, her

face full of anxiety was very obvious.

He didn't deny it, because there was guilt inside for her itself, so Rex couldn't do anything to deceive in

the face of any of her questions.

He nodded gently and said, "If there are no accidents, it should be in their wedding room."

Sienna has never been to the villa, but knows where the address is.

At this moment, after hearing Rex's response, she immediately got up, "I'm going to find her."

Rex reached out and took her arm, gently pulling her along as he looked downcast and said, "You can't

get in, Ayan has someone guarding it."

"What does Ayan mean? He's breaking the law, not to mention that Camille is pregnant!"

Sienna's emotions were very excited, and a pretty face flushed slightly red with anger.

The two were very close together, so Rex stared intently, his throat bones rolled subconsciously, and

his deep eyes flushed with a few peculiarities.

When Sienna noticed, the words that came out of her mouth immediately came to a screeching halt

and she reacted with hindsight to how close the two were at the moment?

She hastily dropped her head and her voice whispered, "I want to see Camille, is there any way you

can take me to her?"

And how could Rex refuse?

He just laughed and shook his head somewhat helplessly, "You just ate me up, didn't you?"

Sienna's cheeks flushed and she took a step back, her eyes subconsciously looking away to avoid the


Rex's grip on her arm loosened, and the two were separated.

Sienna pretended not to understand, she just faintly said, "I'm worried about Camille, she's pregnant

with her baby, it must be hard to be locked up and lose her freedom by such a misunderstanding, I

want to know if she's okay?"

She had already made a thought in her mind that if he were to make any conditions, she would

probably agree to them for Camille's sake as well.

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