My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 293 Deceived
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Chapter 293 Deceived

Chapter 293 Deceived

Camille's birthday was about half a month away, but she rarely celebrated her birthday, she used to

have a meal with Sienna or Preston when she was still in Flento City, after she came back to Hance

City, her first birthday was after she got married to Ayan, she celebrated it alone, Ayan had work that

day, and she didn't initiate it.

She remembers that Preston was angry about it and felt that Ayan had completely failed to do what a

husband should do, and if she hadn't stopped him, he would have wanted to go to Ayan to seek justice.

Thinking about this, Camille's heart is very uncomfortable.

Even if the current situation, Preston did not do the right thing, but some things others can blame him,

but only she can not.

Camille did not immediately give an answer to Sienna, just said, "We'll see, it's been a long day, let's go

home early."

The two packed up their things and then came out of the office, it was dark outside and everyone in the

company was off work.

Sienna joked, "Do you think we should call them back for an extra shift? Otherwise we both get off work

so late how bad is it?"

Camille laughs at her for being a person.

The two were laughing when the door to Preston's office suddenly opened from the inside, leaving

Camille and Sienna stunned, their eyes unblinking and stunned, even their breathing stopped instantly

and they didn't dare to breathe heavily.

Until the person inside came out and said in a gentle voice, "Cami? Are you done?"

Camille was slightly relieved by the familiar voice and asked, "Preston, why are you still at the office?

You haven't left yet?"

"I saw that you and Sienna hadn't left yet, and I was worried that you two girls weren't too safe, so I

waited a while."

His gaze was gentle and his eyes revealed tenderness.

Camille, however, was a little uncomfortably stunned, then subconsciously looked at Sienna as if to

ask, "He didn't hear anything, did he?"

Sienna was also bewildered, and only after she reacted did she say with displeasure, "Mr. Walker didn't

stay to eavesdrop on the chat between our girlfriends on purpose, did he?"

Preston just smiled, his gaze was always gentle and there was no hint of displeasure on his face as he

said, "Did you guys say something bad about me so you were worried about being heard by me?"

"Mr. Walker is funny, if we really say something bad about you, we can still admit it?"

Sienna said nonchalantly.novelbin

Camille reached out and tugged her arm, then said to Preston, "Preston, don't listen to her nonsense,

it's getting late, why don't you go back quickly too?"

"Well, let's go."

Preston nodded, and the conversation with Sienna was over.

The trio took the elevator downstairs and Preston offered to see them off.

Camille said, "No, just go back, I've asked him to come and get it."

This he refers to Ayan, naturally.

Preston also heard it, did not say anything more, whispered hmm, and then went ahead and drove

away to the parking garage.

Camille and Sienna stood still and watched as Preston's car disappeared from sight, before Camille

withdrew her gaze.

Camille said, "Come on, take a cab home."

"Can we drive tomorrow?"

"Well, that'll do."

Car maintenance two or three days is also enough.

Sienna took Camille's hand and walked towards the curb, she said with feeling, "Cami, don't ever lie

again, otherwise one lie has to be filled with many lies, it's too tiring."

"Yes, this is probably the price you pay for lying, although lying to others, but tired of yourself."

She wouldn't want to lie if she could.

Ayan was already home when Camille returned to her apartment.

She had sent a message to Ayan this afternoon saying she would be back later in the evening, so he

had been waiting for her in the living room.

When he saw her open the door and come in, he asked, "Dinner?"

"Well, ate, ordered take-out with Sienna."

"Busy with what? Why are you so late?"

He glanced at her and asked lightly.

Camille did not have any avoidance, very natural to meet the gaze of his gaze, lightly responded:

"Autumn helped me get the major brands of internal membership information, Sienna and I sorted out,

her studio is ready to come out with a luxury necklace, want to see what type of purchase records on

the side of more people, plus I also need to understand their preferences. into the interior design of the

farm this time."

Although the real purpose is to find Molly's purchase records, but in order to make the matter more

justified, Camille and Sienna carefully discussed and then agreed to come up with a temporary


So Camille's answer wasn't a lie, and Ayan just nodded when he heard it: "If you need anything, just tell

Kian and he'll set it up for you, huh?"

"Good." Camille also nodded directly without being polite, but she couldn't help but ask, "Does this

count as going through the back door?"

Ayan hooked his lips and smiled, "What do you think?"

"I don't think it counts, right?"

"What? Afraid I'll come after you for payment?"

His face is handsome and his thin lips reveal a distinctly light smile, giving him a spring-like feeling.

At night, the two of them were lying in bed in the bedroom, Ayan was chatting on his phone instead of

reading a book, and Camille asked curiously, "What are you talking about? "

He handed her the phone directly, a chat page with Rex, and he said, "Rex's confession bureau."

Rex sent several long messages, starting with a question about what he did when he was drunk, and

then asking about Sienna's attitude toward him.

How did Ayan respond?

He said without mercy: "In order not to be disturbed by you, and do not want you to enter the house,

she also squatted at the door with you for half the night, so what do you think her attitude is?"

Then Rex had no response.

Obviously struck by these words.

Camille looks to Ayan and asks, "What makes you say that?"

"I'm just telling it like it is, isn't that the truth?"

He asked faintly.

Camille shook her head, "I don't know, and I didn't ask Camille what she thought?"

Ayan also ignored Rex again, so the page stopped at his sentence.

Camille handed the phone back to Ayan and then casually asked, "How did Rex know to go upstairs

with you to find Sienna when he had too much to drink?"

She gazed at him waiting for an answer.

His gaze is warm and indifferent, there is nothing much to look at, his eyes are also in the next moment

aside to look elsewhere, his voice is faint: "Probably not drunk, just pretend it."

"Fake?" Camille was a little shocked, pretending to be Sienna after hearing her voice, that's too much

of a mind trick, right?

She frowned, unhappy, "Rex is quite the actor, I'll have to warn Sienna tomorrow that I can't be fooled

by him."

"Hmm." Ayan responded without changing his face, his deep eyes flooded with a faint indifference.

I can only silently pray for Rex in the bottom of my heart and ask for more luck.

A dreamless night.

The next morning, Ayan received an early morning call from Dr. Ellis.

Dr. Ellis said, "Ayan, I had to travel for a week for an emergency, and I scheduled Camille's

grandmother's surgery for after I returned, just in time to nurture her body, which is much better now

than when she was first hospitalized, which will also be beneficial for her recovery after the surgery."

The surgery was originally scheduled for the nearest one, but Dr. Ellis said so and Ayan naturally


After Camille woke up he relayed it to her word for word, and Camille had no comment, but asked with

some unease, "It doesn't matter if it's postponed, does it?"

"No, if there was Dr. Ellis wouldn't have done that."

"That's good."

Camille was only worried about her grandmother's health, and she chose when it was in her best

interest to have the surgery.

The two of them had breakfast together, and Ayan left for the office first, while Camille went with

Sienna later.

Before leaving the door, Ayan suddenly instructed, "Don't interfere in Rex and Sienna's affairs, let them

decide on their own."

Camille nodded, probably because Rex had told him something, but she didn't think much of it.

Then again, I heard him say, "The baby is getting bigger and bigger every day, and you are getting

more and more tired every day, so there are some things that you don't need to deal with personally, so

you can just talk to me, huh?"

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