My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 290: Sabotage
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Chapter 290: Sabotage

Chapter 290: Sabotage

Camille pursed her lips, her mind was filled with Sienna's words just now.

If something that was so discreet, even the police have not been able to find out anything after so many

days of investigation, why did she find out?

Was it just because of coincidence?

Or Was it because she was luckier?

The more Camille thought about it, the more uneasy her mind became. After all, she had only just

started tracking for the first time and she had made such great progress, it was unbelievable.

She whispered, "Let's go back first."

There was no point in continuing to follow it any further.

She wasn't quite sure now if Preston had suspected that she was stalking?

What did Preston mean if he really suspected it, but revealed it to her on purpose?

Did Preston want her to tell Ayan?

Camille is in a quandary, confused and unable to find answers.

When she got back to the office, Camille went straight back to the office. She was a little tired and her

back hurt a little, so she just laid down on the couch.

She let Caroline in and asked, "Did Mr. Walker call back after we went out?"


"What about his secretary's side?"

"No either, he stays with us all the time."

"Okay, go out and do your work, and remember not to tell the fourth person."

Camille instructed.

Caroline nodded her head to show that she understood.

In fact, Caroline also wondered if the two bosses were going to split up. Anyway, no matter what, she is

going to be with Mr. Armstrong.

She told herself silently in her mind.

In the office, only Camille and Sienna, Sienna peeled a fruit and handed it to Camille, casually asked:

"What do you plan? According to today's situation, I reckon the possibility of this being Preston is

already ninety percent, so are you going to talk to Ayan?"

Camille didn't answer right away, just stared out the window in silence.

The result of telling Ayan speaks for itself, Preston must take all the blame, and once this matter

develops into a deliberate frame-up, and because it is a business-to-business sabotage, then the

consequences must be severe.

But if not, will Preston change it?

Who will make up for those who were injured and the consequences suffered by the Simpson Group?

Camille sighed silently as she said, "Do you think I should say anything? If it were you, what would you


"One is a friend and the other is a husband, and honestly, I feel guilty about it. The question at hand is

do you know what Preston's reasons are for doing this yet?"

Camille was silent, how could she possibly know?

She had countless assumptions, but each of them felt unlikely, because Preston was completely

unknown to the Simpson family and Ayan before he met her, so she ruled out any other conflicts

between Preston and Ayan, after all, Preston did not mention that the two first met only because of her.

Camille sighed silently and was in a very low mood.

She asked Sienna rhetorically, "Should I give Ayan some hints? Let him follow those hints himself?"

Sienna shook her head: "You think clearly before making a decision, if you once with Ayan hinted, you

think he will be so easy to let go of Preston? At that time you can really do completely regardless of it?

In my understanding of you, you will definitely find a way to make Ayan let Preston go, as a lesson to

him, but what are the consequences of you doing so you know?"

Sienna asked in a low voice, and the meaning of the words was clear enough.

If she really does, Ayan will definitely agree to her, considering that she is pregnant.

After all, the bottom line for men in some things is unchangeable.

Camille sighed silently, not waiting for her to think thoroughly, Yessica came in with a document-like

courier: "Mr. Armstrong, there's your courier, you need to sign for it in person."

Yessica walked up to her and handed it to her. Camille took it and looked at it, thinking it was just some

design convenience document, or maybe some company contract or something, so she didn't think

much of it and signed it.

Yessica tore off the courier bill number: "I'll take it to the courier, it's still waiting outside."

Camille acquiesced and casually set the file aside.

Sienna picked it up smoothly and looked at it lightly: "What is it? It also says confidential document."

Camille shook her head, "I don't know, just open it and see."

She was in little mood, leaning back on the sofa with her head cocked, her eyes dazed for a moment.

After listening to her, Sienna unwrapped the delivery wrapper straight away, but what she took out was

not any document, but a few photos.

She wondered a little and flipped the picture over to look at it twice, especially since the person on it

made her freeze slightly, and she handed it to Camille: "Preston?"

Camille looked back at the photo in Sienna's hand, her eyes slightly startled, her brow furrowed, then

she took it straight away.

The men in the photos are Preston and Isaac, both of whom are pictured having dinner, each with

different clothes, and it seems to have met several times in private.

Camille narrowed her eyes slightly, if just now it was just a suspicion, now it is already confirmed.

Sienna said, "These are the best evidence, Cami, if you really intend to finish this matter once and for

all, you can take this evidence to Preston and ask for clarification."

Camille murmured, "Yeah, it's time to ask for clarification."

She repeated Sienna's words.

Sienna asked in a low voice, "Will you cover for Preston for the sake of knowing him for years?"

Will it?

She was silent.

Camille didn't say anything, but some of the answers were already in her mind.

Since there is going to be a showdown, it is important to make everything clear so that there are no


Camille gave Molly a call.

The first time she reached out to Molly, she was surprised and said, "What? Are you here to make fun

of me? Are you proud that I'm back in Flento City?"

Camille just frowned, "Molly, I did call you to ask you something, but it wasn't to mock you or because

you were back in Flento City."

Molly didn't quite believe it because she didn't think she had anything to talk about with Camille, but

asked anyway, "What is it?"

"Did you send a hat to your brother?"

"What do you mean? It's our business if I send a hat to my brother, what do you care about that? Does

it have anything to do with you?"

Molly was less than willing to cooperate, but Camille didn't give up right away either.

Camille said, "I don't mean anything else, I just want to ask for clarification. If you're willing to cooperate

and keep this a secret, I'm willing to completely disassociate myself from Preston, how about that?"

The offer was tempting for Molly.novelbin

Because she dreamed that Camille and Preston would never see each other again.

But now that it has come true, she is naturally delighted.

But at the same time she was surprised when she asked, "What's the point of just talking about it?

When you've finished using me for your purposes and then contact my brother, who should I talk to?"

Molly's concerns seemed to have been taken into account by Camille.

She said, "So to be fair, I can promise you a request in advance, and I will object to your promise after

what I want to know is confirmed, how about that?"

The offer was a sure thing for Molly.

But the requirements were naturally limited.

Once Camille understood the conditions, Molly spoke up and said, "I don't have any demands for you

to agree to, you just need to do one thing for me."

"What is it?"

"My brother has a woman named Eileen with him, right? She sings, and as far as I know, she and Ayan

are still ex-girlfriends, and I want you to help me get her away from my brother, is that okay?"

Molly asked faintly.

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