My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 276 Shattered
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Chapter 276 Shattered

Chapter 276 Shattered

"Know, his current job in Flento City again is still Grandma's help to ask someone to introduce him, to

say the least I have you to thank, if you didn't let me take care of Grandma, I wouldn't have met her."

Auntie's words and look are very natural without the slightest variation or loophole.

Camille looked at the smile on her aunt's face and followed it with a slight smile, then asked in a low

voice, "So you didn't know my grandmother before you took care of her, right?"

"Of course I don't know you, Cami, I'm the one you're looking for, have you forgotten?"

The smile on Auntie's face deepened.

Camille also smiled and didn't ask any more questions.

In fact, she didn't suspect that her grandmother had done anything for her, but simply wanted to be

sure before she was sure.

Because of this collapse accident, so she and Ayan did not continue this matter, if not because of the

accident, she does not know what will happen afterwards?

I wonder what else Ayan is doing for Eileen?

Camille tells her aunt to take good care of her grandmother, and then goes to find Dr. Ellis.

Dr. Ellis gave her an examination of the examination, the child was not injured but touched the lumbar

side bone a little shattered.

Because she is pregnant, she can't use too many drugs at the moment, so we can only fix her to see if

she can recover?

But the pain was unabated, because of the fixation she had to be careful even to breathe, and her body

could not be bent but kept straight, which was particularly unpleasant.

Camille couldn't drive, so she asked Sienna to come and pick her up.

She didn't go back to the office and asked Sienna to take her back to her apartment.novelbin

Ayan also received a call from Dr. Ellis and learned that Camille had injured her left back, and because

Camille had not called him to tell him, he asked Kian to check it out directly and soon got the results.

Ayan listened to a face ugly to the extreme.

He narrowed his eyes, his eyes cold with displeasure, and he said, "Have Grace come to the Simpson


Grace is now in charge of Armstrong Corp, and although nothing has picked up much, it is much

smoother than the difficult times.

And because Camille gave those people in the company a wake-up call, no one dared to make a fuss,

and it went well.

But since some people are not satisfied, he does not need to leave any mercy.

Grace came to Simpson Group and went straight into Ayan's office.

She had not seen Ayan for a long time and understood that there was no chance or possibility between

them, so she had gradually let go of her thoughts about him.

Today, he asked Kian to inform her to come to Simpson Group. She was quite apprehensive on the

way, wondering what he wanted.

When they met, Ayan gestured to the couch and indicated for her to sit first, then he also got up from

his desk and walked to the couch to sit down, he lightly swept Grace and asked Kian to pour a glass of

water over.

Jiang Grace's initiative asked, "Brother Ayan, you specifically asked me to come over shouldn't be as

simple as simply asking me to drink a glass of water, right? Do you have something to tell me?"

Grace is very smart, although she and Ayan have known each other for many years, but the love

between the two is only because of grandfather's sake, he is still considered to take care of her, but not

close, at most, just know a sister in the family friend.

Grace knows all of this, but has always had other ideas.

But she never crossed the line.

Ayan faintly swept her a glance, deep gaze, but the meaning under the eyes is heavy.

He said in an indifferent voice, "Grace, as I told you before, now that Camille and I are husband and

wife, you should call me brother-in-law by the count, hmm?"

Grace's eyelids fluttered and she pursed her lips: "I understand what you mean, it's just that I feel a

little too uncomfortable calling your brother-in-law, and if you don't want me to call you Ayan, then from

now on, I'll call you Mr. Simpson."

A term of endearment completely pulled the relationship between the two to a hundred thousand miles


But Ayan didn't say no, so that's an endorsement.

Grace subconsciously clenched her hand, the light smile on her face remained, and she asked, "Mr.

Simpson, just say what you have to say."

Ayan didn't continue to make things difficult for her in terms of name calling, and went straight to the

point: "Did you know that Mrs. Armstrong went to the hospital to visit her grandmother today?"

He deliberately added the word visit.

Grace frowned slightly, "I don't know, what time did you go today?"

She was a little surprised.

Because Page's relationship with her grandmother is the most clear to her, so it should not really be a

visit, plus Ayan's tone of voice cold, with an air of displeasure, so she is more sure.

So without waiting for Ayan to respond to her words, she hurriedly asked, "Did my mom upset


"Heh, you think an old lady who doesn't have any say in your THE Armstrong family can be upset by


The man's voice was heavy with questioning.

Grace, however, pursed her lips and made no sound.

He said, "It doesn't matter how you the Armstrong family treats Camille and Grandma, good or bad it's

been so long, I think they've gotten used to it, but only if you can ignore it and not make it worse and

find ways to force it."

"Ayan ... ... Mr. Simpson , I don't understand what you mean, is it something my mother did? If it was

something she said that upset Grandma, I can apologize to Grandma instead of her, my mother she is

not forgiving on her lips, but her heart is still worried about Grandma ...."

"Do you think you believe these words, yourself?"

Ayan hooked his lips and smiled, the bottom of his eyes were full of ridicule with a smile.

Grace wrinkled her brow, she opened her mouth to explain, but Ayan did not let her speak, he said:

"Mrs. Armstrong pushed Camille into the bed guardrail and hit her back, she did not tell you what she

did in the hospital? "

Grace's eyes widened in disbelief as she looked at Ayan, but his every move and reaction didn't seem

to be a lie.

Grace: "How could mom? Did you make a mistake?"

"Camille didn't say it to me personally, but so many people at the hospital would say it was wrong?"

Ayan asks.

She was silent.

She frowned tightly and asked with some concern, "Is Cami okay?"

"What does it mean to be good? What does it mean to be bad?"

"Sorry Mr. Simpson , if it's true, I apologize for mom, but I think there's some misunderstanding,

otherwise how could mom treat Cami like that? though ...."

"It's not possible, just call and ask?"

Ayan deep eyes flooded with coldness, a face is also expressionless without the slightest temperature.

The reason he called Grace to come to the office was to have her call Page in front of him.

As for doing what?

Naturally, there is a use for it.

Grace lightly pursed her lips without movement, and Ayan's voice was dull, "Why don't you fight?"

She clasped her hands together, somewhat reluctantly, and her heart actually had little bottom.

But Ayan's step by step, she eventually dialed Page's cell phone.

Ayan asked her to put her on speakerphone. Grace was reluctant, but his falcon-like eyes gave no right

to say no.

The call was quickly answered, and Page's voice came from the other side: "Grace? Calling me at this

hour, what can I do for you?"

Grace looked heavy and whispered with a slight frown, "Mom, you went to the hospital today, didn't


Page didn't deny it: "Camille told you?"

"Did you really go to the hospital?" Grace looked hard: "Did you go to trouble with Grandma? And you

pushed Camille?"

"She deserves it, who told her to protect that old woman? The Armstrong family has nothing to do with

her, and she doesn't even think about the fact that she would have married into the Simpson family if

the Armstrong family didn't exist. I want her to know that even if she is the king of the world, she is

nothing in front of me."

Grace listened to Page's venting, her eyes also subconsciously looked to the side of Ayan, his face

was sullen and dark, but the corners of his thin lips were overflowing with a sneer that seemed to be


She was just about to stop Page when Ayan's cold voice slowly rang out, "Since Mrs. Armstrong

admitted it herself, I think this is the best evidence, intentionally hurting a pregnant woman is not a

small crime, right?"

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