My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 274 - Withdrawal From The Competition
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Chapter 274 - Withdrawal From The Competition

Chapter 274 - Withdrawal from the competition

Ayan didn't say anything and simply cut off the call.

Sienna is satisfied, who told him to rush Camille away last night and not to spend more time with her?


In this world, only women and villains should not be offended.

Sienna put down Camille's phone and swept her gaze lightly over to the two men chatting over there,

her eyes flushed with hesitation, intending to give them five more minutes.

Camille came to the office early in the morning and took precautions with Yessica several people, she

said that there was a possibility that the competition might be terminated and hoped that Yessica and

the girls would not be discouraged, it was not their mistake and it was not a matter of their ability.

Yessica and the three of them thought very openly and were prepared for this, they said, "We are fine,

this time there is no fate in the competition, isn't there another time? As long as your first choice of

assistant is still us next time, that's enough."

With a smile on her face, Camille stated, "You will be my first choice whenever I enter a competition."

This statement is certainly a guarantee.

That was enough for Yessica and the others.

Several people also even agreed that they will not let this matter affect the motivation to move forward

and work hard.

But Preston knew about it, and he immediately approached Camille for a chat alone.

So at the moment the two are talking about it.

Preston said, "Cami, the reason why I insisted on filling in for you as the architect of the collapse,

besides not wanting you to be threatened by public opinion and abuse, was most of all because of the

design competition."

Camille looks at him wordlessly.

He continued, "This competition is the heart and soul of you and Yessica and the others, it's not easy to

get to this point, especially because you almost lost your entry to the preliminary round because of

Molly, if not for these accidents, you would have had absolutely no obstacles to take the title."

"So I hope you can listen to me, not for your own sake alone, more over or for Yessica and their three

trust as well as the future development of the company, do you think?"

Camille remained silent for a long time, what did she not understand about what Preston said?

It's not easy for a newcomer to meet the right opportunity.

But an opportunity missed, there will be opportunities later.

But she didn't want Preston to take her place as an architect simply because she didn't think it was


Even if you take over now, what can you do?

Everyone knows that she was the architect of the collapse, and even if she puts Preston out there now,

it will only make the outside world distrust her more and more, and not only that, it will drag the

Simpson Group and more people down with it, so she doesn't want that.

After all, even a child knows to take responsibility for doing something wrong, let alone she is an adult.

So Camille declined anyway.novelbin

She said: "Preston, this matter should not be said again, I do not agree, this is not only unfair to you, to

others is a kind of deception, not to mention that the accident is not my fault caused, so I do not want to

escape and do not want to shirk responsibility! "

The accident wasn't caused by her mistake, so she doesn't need to care what people think, let alone

what they say.

That's what Ayan told her last night.

It made sense to her, and rightly so.

Why be vain about something you haven't done?

Her insistence made Preston blush slightly, and he actually wanted to say something else, except that

Sienna's voice suddenly rang out, "Finished talking?"

Camille and Preston both turned around subconsciously.

Camille asks, "What's wrong?"

Sienna: "Ayan called for his wife, I think there's something going on?"

Camille frowned, eyes uncomprehending, staring at Sienna with a questioning face, what the hell?

Sienna, however, pretended not to be able to read: "Hurry up and go return the call!"

After saying that, she has turned around and walked away.

The atmosphere was somewhat quiet.

Camille pursed her lips slightly and looked at Preston: "Preston, I'll go return a call then, and as for

what you just said, I understand your good intentions."

"Okay, you go ahead."

He nodded lightly, his face faintly pale, almost difficult to see the emotions and ripples.

The second after Camille lifted her foot to leave, a cold fade came to his face.

No matter what he said, she wouldn't.

This made Preston wonder, did Ayan say something to her?

Preston narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sly coldness flashed under his eyes.


Camille went back to her office and she casually closed the door and asked, "What the hell did you just


"What the fuck?"

"You said Ayan called me?"

"Yeah, look at the phone yourself if you don't believe me."

Camille picked up her phone and clicked on the call log. Ayan had indeed called.

Camille asked Sienna as she returned the call, "What's wrong with him?"

"No." Sienna responded lightly, and then said unsteadily, "But I said something bad about you."


Camille looked puzzled, but Ayan's voice was already in her ear, "Finished with your work?"

"Well ...."

"Having fun talking to your suitor?"

The man's low voice carried a clear note of displeasure.

She paused slightly and subconsciously looked over at Sienna the culprit was smiling slightly at her.

She told Ayan, "It's not a chat, just another discussion about work."

"So the suitor is Preston?"


Camille lost her voice.

Ayan sneered, "What do you think I should do with you?"

Although the words are cold, but the tone of voice is helpless.

Camille said, "Sienna's talking nonsense, you can get back at her."

No way, friends are used to betray.

Because it was inconvenient through the phone, Camille didn't continue to explain anything.

As for Ayan, naturally, he minded.

He said faintly, "Write a five-hundred-word review."

"Ayan," Camille said a little helplessly, pursing her lips lightly, "Have you forgotten what Grandpa said

last night?"

"So you're threatening me?"

"Sort of."

Ayan smiled lightly: "With grandpa to back you up the sky is not afraid of the earth?"

"So are you listening?"

Camille asks.

He compromised: "Listen, if not you shall not ask grandpa to give you a new husband?"


Camille immediately digressed from the topic, if we continue to talk about it, it may be her fault again.

She asked, "So what did you just call me about?"

"About the design competition, if this matter is not resolved before the start of the second round, there

may be some dissenting voices appearing, and I know you will not withdraw from the competition or

give up halfway, so I want you to be mentally prepared in advance."

This is the second time today that this matter has been mentioned to her.

Only the former was hoping to take her place as an architect to allow her to compete smoothly, while

the latter was to prepare her mentally to face the different voices.

In contrast perhaps many people would choose the former.

But she does not hesitate to choose the latter.

People will always grow and it is unrealistic to rely on others for the rest of your life.

A serious expression also flooded Camille's face as she said, "I know, don't worry about it."

"Don't worry it's not just you talking about it I can really do it, if it really affects your mood, I will let you

withdraw from the race, then no temper tantrums with me, eh?"

He put the ugly words in front of him, just don't want her to be angry and unhappy when it really


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