My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 266 Escape
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Chapter 266 Escape

Chapter 266 Escape

Ayan faintly swept to Kian: "What's the result?"

Kian handed Ayan the test report from the forensic doctor: "It's just as you suspected."

Ayan reached out and took it, his eyes faintly glanced at it.

The examination report clearly stated that the deceased had stomach cancer, and the survival rate was

more than a month away.

So everything was also clear and unambiguous.

Because the deceased was terminally ill, so his family members were well aware of the reason why

they refused to autopsy because they were afraid that Ayan and the police side would found out.

Now it seemed that everything was premeditated.

Ayan narrowed his eyes slightly, outlining cold chill, he said indifferently: "Let Logan show them these

test reports, I would like to know how they are going to explain the excuses?"

Kian nodded, then got out of the car and walked into the police station.

Kian handed the report to Logan and when he saw the test report, Logan asked, "Is that true?"

"Of course, this is the authoritative identification of the forensic side, everything is testified by the

forensic doctor."

Logan explains, "It's not that I suspect anything, it's just that I want to make sure it's true so I can move

on to the next step."

"Understood, Logan. You've worked hard, now can we have the family side look at it?" Kian asked


Logan nodded and then went to the surveillance room with Kian.

He handed the test report in his hand to the others, then he stood with Kian in the surveillance room

and waited.

The police took the test report and handed it to the family of the deceased, and confessed the situation:

"The deceased had advanced stomach cancer do you know?"

Several people looked at each other, followed by a denial: "Officer, what are you talking about? We do

not understand your words, my brother he is a good person, how can he get sick ah, you do not say

nonsense ah!"

Faced with the other side's denial, Logan looked at them seriously and pointed to the test report on the

table and said, "You can deny it, but now the evidence is overwhelming, if you continue to hide it, not

only the direct family members, but also the collateral family members will not be able to get away with

it, if you don't believe us, we can try."

After that, Logan immediately called for someone to point at the family of the deceased and said,

"Detain them all, and notify the court that we will sue them in the name of the police department, they

lied and made up false stories to deceive the police officers, which is already a violation of the law."

The cousin froze at the sound of breaking the law.

The parents of the deceased were also all at once powerless.

Only the wife of the deceased stood up, she was in tears, looking at Logan and others in a daze: "I'm

sorry, I'm sorry, we were wrong, and I didn't want to hide it from you, it was him, he took money from


He coaxed my husband to go to the construction site to work and caused an accident, although my

husband did not live long, but I do not want him to die in such a miserable death, it is all his faults, he

forced us."

After the wife of the deceased said these words, the cousin immediately reacted and tried to do hit her,

but naturally did not succeed in the end, Logan and others immediately controlled him, and directly

brought the handcuffs to handcuff him.

Logan took the deceased cousin away to separate him from his parents and his wife, and then spoke to

them alone.

After investigation, because the cousin knew that the deceased had a terminal illness without a cure,

so he made such a request to him, which was originally not agreed, but the cousin said:

"You're dead, but what about your kids, your parents, and your wife? You might as well leave them a

sum of money to make them comfortable for the rest of their lives."

Because of the children, because of the parents and the wife, the deceased agreed to do so.

According to the investigation, the cousin's wife had a record of a $3 million transfer in her account.

But they only told the parents of the deceased and his wife only two million, because the cousin was in

the middle of the mediation, so he got the share of 500, 000, after the completion of this matter, there

would another one million dollars, as for the success of the matter, only the cousin would really know

how much he probably can get paid.

After this series of statements, the wife of the deceased prayed that the Simpson Group would give

them a chance, because they still had children to support, and they can give up compensation, but only

hoped that the Simpson Group would not hold them responsible.

Kian was involved in the whole process, and in the face of the pleading of the family, Kian immediately

asked Ayan: "Mr. Simpson, do you think they should be held responsible?"

Ayan was silent before indifferently saying: "Let them accept the media interview and tell everything

they know, although this matter is not planned by them as direct family members, but since they have

had this idea, once the Simpson Group compromise, they would be succeeded, so the responsibility

will never be less, as for the compensation, its their business whether they accept it or not, since the

person was dead in the Simpson Group's territory, it is left to the police side to determine how much

compensation is appropriate?"

The mastermind of this matter was the deceased's cousin, then it is natural for him to bear all the


But before that, Ayan still hoped to get words out of him, so after a few seconds of contemplation, he

said to Kian, "Find a way to take the man away."

Kian hesitated with a slight frown, and only after reacting did he understand what Ayan meant?

Ayan had to take the deceased cousin away from the police station in order to ask what was in his

mouth, otherwise there was no way he would have talked on the police side.

Kian to Ayan words truthfully told the family of the deceased, the other party did not have any

objections, Ayan has been enlightened, otherwise compensation would not be possible, the

responsibility can not just let the police side of the sentence.

Coming out of the interrogation room, Kian said to Logan, "Logan, we, Mr. Simpson, would like to take

someone out of here for two days."

Logan had some difficulty: "Mr. Reid, this is not appropriate."

Kian just smiled, then leaned over to Logan's ear and whispered, then Logan face changed slightly,

then agreed: "at most two days, two days later the guy has to come back to the police station,

otherwise there is no way to explain to the public."

"Don't worry, it's a deal."

Kian nodded his head in reassurance.

Logan then arranged for a car to take the deceased's cousin to the address left by Kian.

After the arrangements were made, Kian also came out of the police station and got into the car.

He said to Ayan, "Mr. Simpson, it's all set."

"Well, let's go straight there then!"


Kian stepped on the gas pedal and drove straight away from the police station.

While on the road, Kian took a phone call from the person he had arranged to find out who was behind

the release of these statements of support, and the results were in.

After receiving, Kian looked at Ayan through the rearview mirror and whispered, "Mr. Simpson, for the

support online issue, I asked people to find a few companies that have cooperated with us to ask, the

other company said that they are not aware of this matter , it is not only the boss who personally issued

a statement of the content, but also the boss who personally operated."

Things were so confusing that one has to be suspicious.

Although it's a good thing so far, it's all good for the Simpson Group, not only for the reputation of the

Simpson Group, but also for its future development.

While the Simpson Group doesn't need to rely on any one company or celebrity to be strong, it makes

a difference when it is associated with dozens of them.

Kian saw that he had no reaction, so he asked, "Mr. Simpson, do you think it could be the old Simpson

side of the relationship?"

Ayan subconsciously frowned, "It can't be Grandpa."

If it was grandpa, he shouldn't have waited until now, perhaps he would have made his move already?

And who would that be?

Ayan had no time to think, the car was parked steadily in front of a villa.

He pushed open the car door and went down, heading directly inside the villa.

In the living room, there were two bodyguards and a man lying on the floor.

The man's hands were handcuffed behind him, and he tried to sit up as soon as he heard thenovelbin

footsteps, but he couldn't sit at all with his hands free, so he could only turn sideways and tilt his head

back to gaze at the long, slender Ayan.

Ayan walked to the couch and sat down, crossing his legs and staring at the man on the floor with a

good-natured expression.

Kian poured him a cup of warm water, and Ayan took a slight sip before speaking indifferently, "Say it,

who told you to do this?"

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