My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 257: Delete
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Chapter 257: Delete

But Ayan did not waver at all. He said in a low voice, “Well, I’m sure. It’s not convenient to talk more

there. The police will let you go after you finish the statement. You need to keep an eye on the workers

carefully. If there’s anything wrong, let me know immediately.”

“OK, I see.” Mr. Moss nodded.

Ayan got up and came out of the room. Logan and Kian were waiting outside. Seeing him come out,

Logan immediately asked, “How about your talk, Mr. Simpson?”

“He just wanted to confirm something with me. Now it’s confirmed. You can come in and continue your

statement. If there’s anything else we need to do, please get us informed.”

He said officially.

Logan nodded and then led somebody to take statement.

Ayan and Kian came out of the police station. He sat in the car as Kian asked, “Mr. Simpson, are we

going back to the office now?”

“Not hurry.” That done, he closed his eyes and leaned on the back seat.

Kian was a bit confused. Should he drive or not?

Ayan didn’t say, so he didn’t move.

It was about 10 minutes later when Kian’s phone rang.

He glanced at Ayan subconsciously and answered, “Hello? Speaking. OK.”

After the call, Kian looked back at Ayan and said, “Mr. Simpson called and asked Mrs. Simpson to

come down to the police station.”

“Well, come on. Let’s go in.”


“She is my wife. I’m here, so there is no need for her to come over.”

That done, Ayan pushed the door open and got off.

Kian followed closely behind.

The two walked into the police station. Logan saw him and asked in surprise, “You are?”

“Now only Camille knows all the monitoring locations and the backstage-management system, so she

is the first person you suspect now, right?”

Ayan asked directly.

Logan nodded in acknowledgement.

Ayan added, “This incident has had a big impact on Simpson Group. As the involved company, I think I

can come forward to guarantee that Camille cannot be the mastermind behind this. Therefore, in order

to get the people behind it to show off, I want it to remain a secret for the time being. If somebody

reveals it, he must be related to the accident.”

They were a couple. Although the people and things involved in this matter have gone beyond the

marriage bond, but Simpson Group was a tremendous fascination of Hance City, which has done very

well in charity and other aspects. It was hard to find fault with anything. After the accident, what has

been found so far was enough to prove that someone was making trouble.

Therefore, with Ayan’s assurance and denials, the police agreed to his request after careful


Logan said, “Mr. Simpson, we grant your request, but you should pay more attention to it. You’d better

not have any intention to leave Hance City before the result comes out. If necessary, we may need

your cooperation at any time.”

“Of course.”

Ayan nodded and left the station after Logan’s words.

Mr. Moss came with the police. When he returned, Ayan asked him to drop along.

About forty minutes later, Kian pulled up at the back door of the construction site. The door was rarely

known and locked at all times, so there were few people guarding it. Mr. Moss entered quickly.

Getting away from the construction site, Ayan let Kian drive around. He could see that there were still a

lot of people around the entrance, including reporters, medias and onlookers.

Through the window, Ayan looked out indifferently. Maybe one of the them was the mastermind?

He squinted, withdrew his gaze and said slightly, “Go to Camille’s company.”


Kian turned around and drove to Camille’s company.

On arriving the office, Ayan called Camille.

Camille was focusing on a drawing, so she quickly answered.

“Is that Ayan?”

“Go downstairs. I’m waiting for you on the ground floor.”

“Are you there?”

Camille frowned in surprise.

Ayan replied in hoarse voice, “Well.”

Camille quickly told Sienna. Then she grabbed her phone and bag to go downstairs.

Camille wondered why Ayan was here this time.

It is not the time for meal, nor an appointment in advance. His coming must be related to the accident.

When she came out of the building, she saw Ayan’s car park on the side of the road with double-

flashing lights

As she walked over, the back door opened. The man got out of the car and stood beside it, waiting for


She walked up to him and asked in a low voice, “Why are you here?”

Ayan reached out to fix her hair, “I have something to ask you. Well, let's get in the car first.”

The two got in the car, and Ayan asked Kian to drive.

The black car immediately started and drove forward.

Standing in upstairs office, Preston looked down through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Though all the

people and things were smaller, he could recognize Camille and Ayan clearly. Until the shadow the car

disappeared, the chills in his eyes grew deeper and deeper.

Preston turned back to his chair. The indifferent look made his face look cold.

It was hard to guess his abysm between his eyebrows.

Camille and Ayan were sitting in the car while the car was driving aimlessly.

“What are you going to ask me?”

“Mr. Moss said that you had the monitoring backstage-management system of the construction site.”

Ayan looked at her while they were hand in hand.

Camille was a little shocked and said immediately, “Yeah, I forgot it. It's in my phone, but I didn’t even

open it. I wanted to tell you yesterday but I went to the warehouse and forgot that.”

As soon as she thought of it, she realized that Mr. Moss would definitely tell Ayan and the police would

investigate it certainly. She was going to tell Ayan but she forgot.

Ayan didn’t doubt Camille’s response.

“The police checked the video and found that the video picture of the time period of yesterday's

accident and the handover of the goods were deleted.”


“Well, deleted.”

Camille was a bit stunned.

She paused for a moment and then said, “So what now?”

Noticing that she was worried, Ayan said, “Don’t worry. I’m telling you to let you know not to let you

worry, alright?”

How could she not be worried?

She twisted her eyebrows, looking gloomy.

Ayan said, “Does anyone else other than you know the backstage-management system of the


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