My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 243 Fierce
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Chapter 243 Fierce

Camille pressed her lips slightly and said, "I'm working now. It's not a big company like the Simpson

Group, but I need to be responsible for my job. You can go home if you're in a hurry."

Ayan scoffed and kept his angry eyes fixed on her. "You said the company is not as good as the

Simpson Group, so come and go home with me."

"The company is not as good as Simpson Group", this sentence was sending some kind of threat.

Preston heard this and sensed that something was clearly wrong. He defended, "Mr. Simpson, our

company is not as big as Simpson Group, but Mr. Simpson, you still have to respect everyone's work,

right? Cami and I have a project to discuss. Isn't Mr. Simpson telling her to go back with you


"So what?" Ayan's dark eyes were cold and bitter, and he said in a cool tone, "do you think you could

sit here and talk to me now without her help?"

Meaning that if it hadn't been for Camille, Preston would have been kicked out of Hance City.

He said it so proudly, but when it came out of his mouth, there was nothing incongruous about it.

His voice was not so soft that the rest of the office heard what he said.

Everyone suddenly looked at them and did not dare to breathe.

Preston also went silenced by his words, trying to hold back the emotions that were about to burst out.

In the end, Preston was unable to defend himself, and said, "Mr. Simpson, you can’t force her to obey

you. Cami is your wife and you cannot treat her as your employee or subordinate."

Ayan, however, laughed.

His voice was full of sarcasm. "So? Should I act like you, who hides his true feelings and uses work as

an excuse? Since you do have not the courage, I advise you to put away your impossible thoughts

thoroughly. As for whether she will listen to me is none of your business."

Ayan stared at him intently, interpreting his every word, but he could not find a way to defend himself.

Preston put on a serious and cool face, stiff but warm.

The atmosphere in the room turned stern.

The two men looked at each other, but it was clear who was winning and who was losing.

After a few seconds of this standoff, Camille stood up and walked out. If she didn't give in, Ayan would

continue to say worse things.

She didn't want anyone else to get unnecessarily hurt for her sake.

Coming out of Preston's office, Camille walked straight out of the office building and Ayan followed.

The two remained silent until they got into the car.

Camille looked at him faintly. "Is that funny?"

"Camille, I told you to stay away from him. I don't want to see you getting too close to him."

He looked at her with his deep eyes, and his deep voice was very husky enough, rising from the bones

of his throat.

She felt speechless and ridiculous.

She stared at Ayan with a stony look in her eyes. "We were working. What do you think we can do in

this company? Besides, I'm pregnant!"


"There are only two of us here. You don't need to talk so loudly. I can hear you."novelbin

Camille's manner was impassive, and her face was expressionless.

Ayan's face was as cold as it could be. "So, you don't listen to what I'm telling you?" he said. "Do you

want me to personally take some action on your company so that you will be happy?"

"Ayan, don't you dare!"

Camille suddenly stopped, not expecting him to say such a thing.

He sneered with disapproval and said, "Camille, there is nothing I dare not do. If you don’t keep your

distance from him, I will do it."

"Well, whatever you want to do, I can't stop you. After all, you could have gone to see Eileen as soon

as she was injured, and you could have carried her to the hospital in your arms. What else you won’t


Ayan twisted his eyebrows, looking a little serious. He finally said in a low voice, " I went there

specifically wasn't because she was hurt. It was because I had something to ask her. As for her falling

off the horse, it happened after I arrived, it wasn't my intention."

Was that an explanation?

Camille narrowed her eyes slightly. "Ayan, you don't have to explain yourself to me."

"Will you believe me if I don't explain?"

"It doesn’t matter if I believe you or not. After all, you know best what's going on. You've been telling me

to keep my distance from Preston, and what about you? "

"You’re also married. Why can't you keep your distance from Eileen? Sure, you can say there's

something going on between you two, but that's just an excuse. If you really don't want her to be

wronged, wouldn't it be better to give her an official title?"

"Camille, I don't have to lie to you. Haven't you listened to anything I've told to you?"

Camille stopped talking.

She was all over the place now.

On the one hand, he was swearing he didn't like Eileen at all, but on the other hand, there were all

these trending searches.

So, what was she supposed to believe?

Her silence made Ayan get worried, and he said in a deep voice, "as you said, I could have given her a

title. So, I wouldn’t worry if you would misunderstand me, but Camille, I didn't. Do you know what it


Camille lowered her eyes without speaking, and her face looked very gently.

She did not know since when she became more and more silent. Sometimes when she was unhappy,

she could have been silent all the time. She did not know that this would drive people crazy.

Ayan reached up and lifted her jaw. "Camille," he asked, "give me an answer. Have you thought

through what I have said?"

She flashed her eyes and frowned slightly. "I don't want to think about that for now. It's all about

Grandma's surgery at the moment."

A sentence about her grandmother's surgery completely made Ayan speechless.

Ayan's face was obviously turning serious and cold.

The woman in front of him was clearly unwilling to talk to him about it, not to mention to give him an


What was she hesitating about?

Because of Eileen?

Ayan's eyes were slightly turning dark.

The conversation stopped abruptly. Ayan drove back to his apartment with Camille.

Several times he actually tried to get her to move back to Hanyama Manson, but she was too stubborn

and he didn't want to force her. So, he just let her choose where to live. It didn't matter where she lived,

as long as she was with him.

Back at the flat, the servant had prepared dinner.

These days, Sienna ate with them, but today Sienna and Yessica had dinner plans together, so it was

just Camille and Ayan.

They ate in silence. It was a very quiet atmosphere, so quiet that only the sound of each other's

chewing and breathing could be heard.

When they finished eating, Ayan asked, "would you like to have a walk together?"

"No, I'm a little tired. I don't want to go out."

"Ok, then I’ll find a movie to watch with you, ok?" he asked softly.

Camille frowned. "Don't you have work to do?"

"I want to take the day off to spend time with you, huh?"

He said in a deep voice, the last note spilling from deep in his throat with a magnetic huskiness.

She looked away unconsciously. Naturally, she was not answering the question.

Ayan found a classic old movie. They sat down on the sofa with one person distance away from each


Ayan didn't lean in for fear that she would just get up and walk away. She would do anything when she

was upset.

Thinking of this, he looked at her with a soft smile and thought, "although she was usually warm and

soft, she could actually be very fierce!"

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