My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 236 Like A Stranger
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Chapter 236 Like A Stranger

Camille narrowed her eyes slightly.

There was Sophia's voice explaining, "my father sent someone to get some good tea and asked me to

visit your grandfather on his behalf. It doesn’t seem appropriate for me to go alone. Can I come with

you so it won't be awkward, ok?"

Ayan was silent. His face was indifferent and there was a slight frown on his brow as if he was thinking

about something.

Camille also remained silent. The phone was still on the line.

Sophia quickly asked, "is it inconvenient? If so, it doesn't matter, I will bring it to grandpa some other

time. I just thought that you and Camille happen to go there and I have time too. But it doesn't matter, I

will find another time!"

"We can go together," he said in a low voice.

Sophia’s face didn't change much, and she asked, "that won't interrupt your family's dinner, will it?"


Ayan said casually.

Sophia was relieved.

After hearing their conversation, Camille hung up without saying a word and texted Aya, "Since Sophia

is coming, I'll go first and let them know. You and Sophia can go there directly from the office. No need

to come to pick me up."

She didn't want to go to meet them in the office.

Camille put her phone away, but never took it out again, so she didn't know if Ayan had returned any of

her messages.

She asked the driver to take her back to the Simpson's Manson. She bought some fruit and had

nothing to lose.

Talia, who had not seen her for several days, was still caring and very fond of her. Fletcher was also

kind and gentle. As for Grandpa, of course, he loved her most.

After chatting with them, she said, "Mom, please ask them to prepare two more dishes. Sophia will

come with Ayan later, saying she is coming to visit Grandpa."

Talia was stunned. She stared at Camille but didn't see anything wrong. She said, "Sophia is coming

too? Why is she coming with Ayan?"

Fletcher knew Sophia and responded, "Camille told you, she's here to see dad."

The old Simpson asked, "Who's Sophia?"

"She's from the Benson family in Dane City. She went to school with Ayan. "

The old Simpson nodded his head to show that he understood, then said lightly," as I am old, I’ll try not

to meet guests at home in the future. It was many years ago that we were close to the Benson family.

All these years, we have been living our own lives."

Camille laughed after hearing what the old Simpson said.

By saying this, the old Simpson was defending her and telling her that no one was more important than


Then talking about Camille's baby, Talia says, "Camille, there are only a few months left before the

baby will come. You don't need anything to prepare for the baby. I have everything ready for the baby,

both for you and the baby. Then you have to start thinking about the name."

Camille smiled, unconsciously put her hand over her stomach, and whispered, "Let grandpa and dad


The old Simpson and Fletcher both laughed. "Okay, we will think about it and you'll pick."

Camille nodded. Talia then asked, "would you like to schedule a test when the baby is older?"

"No, let nature decides, what do you think, Grandpa?"

"I listen to you. Either boy or girl will be the Simpson family's first child and the Simpson family's


The old Simpson said firmly.

Talia said, "I just thought it would be easier to buy clothes if I knew the gender, but it wouldn't matter if I

didn't know. I’ll prepare for a boy and a girl. I don’t need to save money for that.

They were chatting, and the maid reminded them, "Mr. Simpson came back."

Just then, Ayan and Sophia came in through the door. Sophia was holding an exquisite and high-end

tea gift box in her hand. She greeted politely and modestly to the old Simpson, Fletcher, and Talia,

"Grandpa, uncle and aunt, how are you? I'm really sorry to bother you suddenly."

After that, she apologized for disturbing their family dinner.

Grandpa looked pale and said, "you're welcome. I hope you don't mind joining us for a casual meal."

Seeing her friendly attitude, they were naturally polite to her.novelbin

Later, Sophia talked with Fletcher and grandpa about the cooperation between the Benson Group and

the Simpson Group. Although she was a girl, she had a boy's spirit. She was the only girl in her family,

so she would naturally take over the company in the future.

Sophia took the initiative to talk, "My father is especially worried that the husband I will find can’t

manage the company well, so now I have to work hard."

"In today's society, men and women are equal. Every couple needs to complete each other," the old

Simpson said, "if both husband and wife focus on the company, it will no longer look like a family.

Ayan's parents were like that, and so were Ayan and Camille."

Sophia's face twitched and she smiled. "Grandpa’s right and my dad meant it too. If I can meet a man

who can take care of me and the Benson Group, I think I'd be willing to step back and be a good wife

and mother."

The old Simpson just smiled and didn’t reply to her.

There was a short silence. Then, Talia said, "Camille, how's Grandma?"

"She's stable for now. She'll be ready for surgery when she feels better."

"Well, that's good. Make sure to let us know about the surgery. You're pregnant and you can't be too

tired. Let Ayan take care of her or I can also bring meals to her. "

"Yes, I know, Mother, " she said.

Camille and Talia were like mother and daughter. Sophia couldn't help but exclaimed, "aunt, you are so

nice to Camille. My mother passed away so early. God bless me to have a mother-in-law like you."

Talia smiled faintly. "You will."

They knew that Sophia's mother passed away early. As a mother and a woman, Talia felt sad for her.

During the meal, Sophia talked about her school days and mentioned that Talia used to prepare food

for them. As she was talking, she said, "I really appreciate what you did, aunt."

"That was in the past, and I'm embarrassed that Sophia still remembers."

"Aunt, you still call me Sophia, you have been keeping calling me Sophia, I feel like a stranger to you."

Talia smiled and didn't say anything, but she didn't know if she said yes or no.

Camille had not spoken much since Sophia and Ayan came. If she did, she was answering Talia or the

old Armstrong. She did not look at Ayan the whole time, deliberately ignoring him.

After dinner, it was getting late. Since Sophia was here, Talia asked them to go home early without

keeping them to have a chat.

As the three of them went out of the Simpson's Manson, Camille said, "I have to go to the hospital to

see my grandmother, so I won't be sharing the same car with you."

Camille came here with the driver separately and she would ask the driver to take her back.

As soon as she finished talking, Ayan looked at her with dark eyes. "Let's get in the same car. After we

send Sophia back to the hotel, I'll go with you to the hospital to see grandma, ok?"

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