My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 234 Goodbye
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Chapter 234 Goodbye

"Don't ask why. Do what you are told. Where are all these questions from?"

Irene grimaced, logged on to her microblog, and wrote a terse statement.

"I am so sorry that I have quit the competition because the work that I submitted did not belong to me. I

stole from others and kept them for myself. I feel uneasy in my heart and my conscience is also

condemned, I finally decided to admit it publicly. I am sorry and hope you all can forgive me. I promise

that I will never do it again. "

Irene's microblog had hundreds of thousands of fans, plus she often made posts, so there were quite a

large number of people online. Once this content was released, many fans immediately got upset.

Although a few of them chose to forgive her, most of them did not understand.

Some people also speculated about who did she steal the design drawing from?

Camille was mentioned. Of course, with no response or acknowledgment, it was just a guess.

The authority of the architectural design competition immediately replied and forwarded Irene’s post,

hoping that she would correct her mistake. It meant that it was confirmed.

Irene put on sunglasses and a hat and said to her assistant, "Off to the airport, back to Hance City."

The assistant nodded and told the driver to get the car.

The assistant whispered, "Irene if you're doing this, the company will take action on you. We can talk to

Camille directly."

"It's not my choice at all." Irene sneered.

From the moment Molly found her, she had no choice. After all, she couldn’t compete with Molly.

Although she was a friend, Molly was a member of the Walker family, the rich people of Flento City.

She was only a designer, no matter how talented she was.

Molly's father had just called her personally and told her to withdraw from the competition immediately

and apologize in public. He also told her that she could either apologize or completely quit the industry.

It was her choice.

Irene didn't have the right to say no. So, in the end, she had to follow Luke's request to write an

apology, as to why Camille's name was not public, she couldn’t understand.

Sienna couldn't figure it out, too.

Sienna was confused and asked, "shouldn't you mention the name in the apology at this time?"

"I don't want to make a big deal out of it, especially at this time. There are two more rounds to go. If

people found out that I was the one who was plagiarised, will the others think that I was bullying Irene?

It changes the whole point of the contest, and Simpson Group will be questioned about it. It's the best

like this."

As for the public apology, it didn't matter if her name was on it or not. What mattered was that she

showed Irene and Molly that she was not a pushover.

Irene returned to Flento City, and Molly was given a hard time by Luke, who eventually told her to

return to Flento City immediately or he would cancel all her cards and ban all her connections with the

Walker family.

Molly was not willing to leave but she could only obey. She hated Camille so much that she swore she

would make Camille lose in the next round.

Molly left on the same day, and Preston called Camille to apologize in person. Camille simply

responded, "this has nothing to do with you. You don't need to apologize for her."

Preston was worried and asked, "Cami, do you blame me?"


Camille responded in a low voice.

Preston said more apologetic things until Sienna interrupted the conversation.

Sienna asked Camille, "what did you do to get Molly's father to listen to you?"

Camille smiled. "Guess!"

Sienna rolled her eyes. This person was becoming more and more like Ayan. After living together for a

long time, they become more and more similar.

After the preliminary round was over, the second round didn't begin for another twenty days or so. In

the meantime, Camille had to work on the Simpson Group project in addition to preparing her work.

Camille was pregnant for more than four months. To those who didn't know she was pregnant, it was

hard to tell. But to those who did, it was very obvious that she was pregnant.

To ease her workload, Sienna volunteered to revise Camille's artwork and guide Yessica and her team

on their progress.

This allowed Camille to focus on Simpson Group's project for the time being.novelbin

She went to the construction site in the morning to meet with Mr. Moss, hand over the designs, and

check the materials. In the afternoon, she went to Simpson Group to show Ayan the designs.

She hadn't been here in a few days. Kian was surprised to see her, but he greeted her and took her to

the office.

When Camille knocked at the door, she thought Ayan was alone. She said with a smile, "Mr. Simpson,

are you busy? I..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she caught sight of someone else in the office.

It was Sophia.

She was sitting in Ayan's desk chair, and Ayan was leaning on his desk with his hands and seemed to

be talking. They both had smiles on their faces and seemed to be having a good time.

Ayan heard her voice and immediately looked around, then straightened up and walked towards her.

Camille calmly pulled back her gaze and said, "I'm sorry, am I interrupting?"

Ayan walked up to her, staring at her for a moment with his dark eyes. "No, I was talking with Sophia

about the project. Why did you come here at this hour?"

She kept calm. "Is it convenient to show you the design drawing? If you're not free, I can come back


"Any time is convenient for you to come over. "

He watched her expression for any change.

Camille pretended not to notice this, but followed him to the sofa and sat down.

Sophia also got up from her chair. She smiled and said, "Camille, your improvisations were great.

Congratulations on the competition."

"Thanks, but there's still a lot to improve." Camille smiled generously and responded.

They looked at each other in the eye and Sophia said, "Ayan, why don't you and Camille talk while I go

to take some coffee?"

"Well, if you don't know your way around, ask Kian to find someone to accompany you."

"Okay. "

Sophia waved to Camille. "Camille, I’ll leave first and see you next time. Bye."

"Ok, take care, bye!"

Sophia and Camille were done exchanging pleasantries until Sophia left. Camille’s face turned

expressionless again.

She looked at Ayan. "Can you have a look at the blueprints if there is anything wrong? If it's all right, I'll

turn it over to Mr. Moss."

"Are you coming here just to show me the blueprints?"

He squinted and stared straight at her without blinking. "Or what else could it be? I came straight from

the construction site. Ask Mr. Moss if you don't believe me."

"Oh, I was just hoping that you missed me. Why did you directly and mercilessly tell me the truth?"

Camille laughed. "I thought you liked the truth."

He frowned and watched her eyes become darker. Before she was ready, he pressed down on her.

Camille could clearly feel his body on top of her and his lips touching hers.

She was pinned down on the couch and had no chance to escape.

All his movements went so smoothly as if he had practiced or imagined them a thousand times in his


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