My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 210 Wedding
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Chapter 210 Wedding

Ayan didn't hide anything, his gaze always looking straight into Camille's eyes.

His low voice said faintly, "If the competition affects your mood causing you to wander off to make

things turn out the way they are between us, then I think there is indeed little need for you to continue

to participate."

"So are you threatening me?"

Camille questioned indifferently.

Ayan just said, "It's not a threat, it's a reminder that you're pregnant right now and getting angry and

affecting your own mood is not good for you or the baby, so I'm giving you time to think about it, hmm?"

"Is it bad for the baby or is it bad for me and the baby?"

Camille smiled faintly, but the arc of the smile was almost invisible.

Ayan said with a sullen face, "You think I let you out of the game because of the baby?"

"Isn't it?"

"Camille, even without this child, if you were like this I would not have agreed to your participation in

this competition."

"Ayan, it's true that this competition is organized by Simpson Group, but the participating designers are

all on their own merit. You made me withdraw from the competition before I even started, are you really

doing this for my own good or are you just looking for a grand excuse because you are afraid that my

participation in the competition will be bad for the baby?"

Although she had always known that Ayan had been almost submissive to her after learning she was

pregnant, she still felt very unspeakable being reminded of it so clearly herself.

Deep inside, it is as if an inexplicable emotion is at work to make her heart particularly gloomy.

The two men argued and the atmosphere became increasingly gloomy.

Ayan's attitude was insistent, but Camille was equally unyielding.

His meaning was simple and clear, but her attitude was also clear and unambiguous.

Finally because Ayan's cell phone rang so the argument did not continue, he went to the window to

answer the phone, look slightly serious, but Camille also did not listen carefully, he came at this point,

obviously to pick her up from work, so she also did not continue to work, but closed the computer,

organize the file.

Ayan finished answering the phone, he went back to his desk and looked at her, his words were still

very light but revealed a tone that could not be denied: "Camille, I've reminded you many times, you'd

better keep your distance from Preston, he is not pure-minded, not as good as you see on the surface."

Camille wrinkled her nose and wondered why he had suddenly brought the subject back up again. If

so, now that you've said your piece, you can go."


"Ayan, what exactly do you want me to do? Do I have to be manipulated by you like a puppet? If that's

really the case then I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't do it."

Camille's words are weak, but the determination and stubbornness in her eyes cannot be ignored.

The topic did not continue, the two left the office together out of the company, until the car did not have

any further conversation.

The journey back to the apartment was silent.

The aunt had already made dinner and saw that the two were not in a good mood, so she went back to

the Simpson's manson and casually mentioned it to Talia, who immediately had her driver send her

over to the apartment.

Talia this is the first time to come over, because grandmother's health reasons, until now also did not

officially meet with grandmother.

This time she came over, although it was already a little late, but she had specially prepared a gift.

When Talia knocked on the door, Camille and Ayan froze in their tracks.

Ayan wrinkled his brow, "What brings you here?"

"I came to see Camille and Grandma, why? You can come and I can't?" Talia glared at him, carried her

things and headed inside.

Camille also heard the sound of voices and immediately got up and walked over: "Mom, why didn't you

tell me you were coming? Have you eaten yet?"

"I've eaten, you don't have to worry about me, I just came to see you and Grandma."

"Grandma is across the street, I'll take you there now?"

"No rush, you can have dinner first, and I'll take a tour, how about that?"

Talia asked softly and Camille nodded her head, meaning it was a yes.

She poured water for Talia and brought fruit before resuming her seat at the table to continue eating.

Ayan kept staring at Talia with a slight frown and was urged by Talia, "Go eat with Camille, no need to

keep looking at me."

Ayan did not say anything, she came over personally at this time, I think there must be something, but

she did not say, he is not in a hurry.

The two sat down to eat, still without any dialogue or interaction throughout.

Talia also sensed that these two were really at odds.

Waiting for them to eat, Talia briefly strolled around, then Camille also finished eating, Ayan was

cleaning up the dishes, she showed a pleased smile: "Ayan, Camille is pregnant now, you have to take

good care of her, these household chores to grab to do, can not let her tired, understand? "

Ayan did not make a sound, just a faint glance at Talia.

Camille spoke up and said, "Mom, why don't I walk you over to see Grandma now?"


Then the two of them went to the opposite door together with the gifts for Grandma.

Ayan washed the dishes over when a room atmosphere is particularly good, completely without giving

him any look and reaction.

Talia is very chatty, coaxing grandmother especially happy, plus both are quality and cultured people,

each other's topics make each other very comfortable.

It was an hour on Grandma's side.

Talia suddenly mentioned at this point: "Grandma, you see Camille is also pregnant with a baby, to say

that we the Simpson family is also doing a very bad, the two have been licensed for more than a yearnovelbin

has not yet held a wedding, now there is a baby can not be held, so can only be postponed until after

the birth of the baby, you do not worry, I promise you, will not treat Camille The wedding will be decided

recently, right? This way we can also make preparations in advance, Grandma, what do you think?"

Talia expressed her apology with a sincere and earnest face, followed by a sincere inquiry about her

grandmother's opinion.

There was no hint of discomfort in her attitude, there was just a sense of good manners.

Grandmother is also frozen, after all, the word wedding is too sudden, and can only subconsciously

look at Camille.

The atmosphere gradually quieted down.

Talia hurriedly said, "Grandmother, you give me an answer, your side agreed, we two families will have

a meal together, and discuss the date set."

"We'll have to see Camille and Ayan and the two of them on that one."

"Camille side is not yet listen to you, as for Ayan, we the Simpson family always listen to the elders,

after all, there are the old Simpson above, it is not his turn to make the decision."

This definitely directly deprived Ayan of the right to make a decision, and at this moment, Mr. Simpson,

who was high up in the Simpson Group, was humbled to the dust.

Grandma would only smile and then look at Camille: "Camille, what is your opinion on what your

mother asked? What do you think?"

Grandma has always made her own decisions about Camille's education.

Camille lowered her eyes, her face as warm and light as water, she said lightly: "Mom, I'm pregnant

now, there is no rush for the wedding, right? Even if it's set now, it's only set for a time, but time doesn't

run, so there's no rush, right?"

"How can we not be anxious? Picking the time, preparing for the wedding, and ordering the wedding

dress and the wine list, the cuisine and whatnot and a whole lot more, it's not enough to count!" Talia

responded in a hurry.

After Talia finished, she hurriedly looked at Ayan: "Ayan, you also give a response, what do you think?"

"I thought you said my thoughts didn't matter?"

"Don't you talk poorly to me, what do you think?"

Ayan looked lightly at Camille and spoke warmly, "I can do both."

"How do you call it all okay?"

"It's just that the wedding can be held anytime."

Talia was satisfied: "Camille, listen to this, Ayan can't wait."

"Mom, I still think there's no need to rush, let's wait until the baby is born, after all, we don't know how

things are going to be in the future?"

Camille murmured a response without any expression.

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