My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chaper 202: To Be Softhearted
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Chaper 202: To Be Softhearted

"Didn't Camille tell you?”

Mario gave Sienna a faint look. A crafty look came to his eyes.

Then, without waiting Sienna to answer, he asked, "Just tell me the truth. Did you see him during your

trip to Hance City?”

Sienna's face suddenly cooled. "You have asked me many times. If you want to know so much, why

don’t you find out yourself?”

That done, she turned and walked away immediately without looking at him again.

Looking after her, Mario's face overclouded. He had no choice but to ask her again and again because

he couldn’t find anything.

Some things seemed to be out of his control, which made him a bit unhappy.

After a short time of silence, he picked up the internal telephone and called his secretary. "Get the PR

director in the office.”

Mario gave the order to them and sent them on their way to Hance City immediately.

As for what Camille wanted to do, he was not curious, nor would he ask. He was content to their deal.

When Mario's men arrived in Hance City the next morning, Camille sent them to Armstrong Corp

directly. She had informed Grace and she would arrange for them to enter Armstrong Corp and take

over everything until Brody gets back.

After that, Camille asked Yessica to accompany her to the hospital where the injured workers were


She found out which ward Kate was in ahead of time. When they came in, they saw that her room was

full of people. But there were three beds in the room, so they chose a middle-aged woman whom no

one cared about and asked as a colleague of her children, “Hello. Madam, we are your children’snovelbin

colleagues. We know that you are a bit under the weather so we come to visit you. How are you feeling


The middle-aged woman was a little flattered, "Are you Will's colleagues?”

"Yes, we are on good terms with Will." Yessica replied quickly.

The middle-aged woman whispered, "Are you also cooks?”

Camille was a little stunned, but only smiled faintly and did not respond. She changed the subject and

asked softly, “Madam, why are there so many people?”

The woman did not continue to worry about their identities. After all, they took flowers and fruits. She

replied in a low voice, “The one next to me was injured by jumping from a building. It seemed that she

was OK, which was judged from their chat. But she insisted that she was not well and asked the doctor

to write a report…”

"Injury report?”

"Yeah. I think it may be the injury report. These people are all their families. They are discussing to

compensate from the company the injured work for.”

Camille nodded but didn't say anything. If they were OK, why did they tell the doctor they were still


Could it have been planned from the beginning?

Camille's doubts grew heavier. She glanced at Yessica and said to the woman, "Madam, hope you get

well soon, we are about to leave.”

"Are you leaving now? Shall you leave when Will comes?”

"No, we've got work to do.”

Camille and Yessica left the room and walked out of the hospital in silence. It was only when they were

in the car, Yessica asked, “Camille, are these people trying to blackmail?”

"You feel it, too?”

"Well, sort of, the Madam said she was all right.”

Though there was nothing wrong, they didn’t want to leave the hospital. It was obvious that there

existed conspiracy.

Camille thought about it carefully and then drove back.

However, she had to go to Simpson Group to see Ayan.

After dropping Yessica at the office, Camille didn’t get out of the car. She just told Yessica, “Don’t

mention it to anyone that we went to the hospital. There are a lot of people here, and I’m afraid that

they might slip up.”

Camille has always been very cautious at her work, and she would try to prevent any conceivable risks

and accidents.

Yessica nodded. As she walked into the office building, Camille stepped on the gas and drove toward

Simpson Group.

She didn't get Ayan informed and went to his office directly.

The reception recognized her and greeted her warmly.

Camille arrived at the floor where Ayan's office was located. And as soon as she reached the office

door, she saw Kian come out of it, “Mr. Reid, is Ayan inside?”

Kian nodded politely and said, “Yes.” He pushed open the door that had just been closed, and the man

on the opposite side whispered, "Mr. Simpson, Mrs. Simpson is here.”

Ayan looked up, and his deep sight fell on Camille.

Kian closed the door, leaving Camille and Ayan alone in the office.

Looking at each other, Camille asked, "Don't I bother you?”

Ayan could tell a hint of strange, his eyebrows were obviously slightly wrinkled, and he asked in a low

voice: "Is there something wrong here?”

Camille went to the couch and sat down. Ayan walked over slowly and she said, "I went to the hospital

just now.”

"To see your dad?”

"No." Camille shook her head, “I went to see the two employees who jumped off the building.”

He frowned. “By yourself? That's when they can’t find anyone to claim. It must be dangerous. Was

there any argument?”

His inquiry was a little urgent, one question after another, which made Camille a little unsure which one

to start with.

She pursed her lips slightly and said in a low voice, “I didn't directly reveal myself. I just pretended to

visit a friend, and they didn't know that I was there.”

Ayan's solemnity relaxed slightly.

He said, "So what did you hear?”

Well. She nodded and told Ayan exactly what she had just heard in the hospital.

Ayan asked, "So you think that the employees jumped off the building not just because of the

unwillingness caused by layoffs?”

"Of course. If it is just a matter of unwillingness, there is no need to invite so many relatives and friends

to brain storm constantly.”

He smiled faintly, "You are quite good at speculating what people are thinking about.”

"Isn't that a normal psychological reaction, Mr. Simpson?”


Ayan smiled and looked at her. Especially after the incident, he suddenly realized that he never knew

the woman in front of him completely. It seemed that she hid many other sides that he didn't know.

He said, "You could command Kian for a period of time.”

"Is that OK?”

She looked expectant.

Ayan laughed and said, "Have you already thought about it?”

"Of course not.”


"Well, I did think about it. It’s unexpected that you could spell over my mind, so you must keep your


Camille herself did not realize that her tone was a little coquettish and domineering when she said

these words, and the man’s dark eyes were fixed at her without blinking.

In the end, Camille exchanged a meal for Kain with Ayan. And she waited here for him to return


Because Camille was here, Ayan didn’t ask Kian to deliver them and drove the car himself.

On the way back, Ayan asked Camille, "Why did you become so interested in the Armstrong Family?”

Camille was a little stunned, but simply said, "No sweat.”

He took a peak at her head leaning toward the window, then lowered his voice, “Isn't it because you are


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