My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 200 Oops
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Chapter 200 Oops

Ayan looked at her and was a little surprised because she hadn't been forthcoming after all that had

happened and he thought she wouldn't seek him out.

He asked, "What kind of favor?"

Camille pursed her lips and thought about what to say.

In Hance CityAyan's words have a lot of prestige, both black and white will give him face and respect

him, and at this time can only look for him.

She was briefly silent for two or three seconds before she slowly spoke, "I want you to help me talk to

those debtors who are chasing Armstrong Corp, so that they can give Armstrong Corp and the

Armstrong family some grace for your sake, especially now that the news of Dad's hospitalization has

spread they will definitely try to get the I am worried that it will affect his health, and Dr. Ellis also said

that if once again stimulated the consequences may be unthinkable."

Ayan stared at her for a few seconds before saying, "Still can't bear it?"

Camille shook her head.

She said, "Not intolerant, just do not want someone to step on the cold feet at this time, after all, the

debt is bound to be paid back to others, just a little bit of a respite to let the Armstrong family have a

chance to breathe."

In fact, she also thought that if she had agreed to Brody's request and asked Ayan to help restore the

project, then probably such a god thing would not have happened now, right?

But all help is only temporary, long and not face, when things completely erupt far more serious than


Ayan said yes.

He said, "I'll let Kian go and arrange it right away, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Okay, thank you."

Ayan just a faint smile, have to say, he really do not want to hear these three words.

Kian quickly contacted all of Armstrong Corp's creditors, and also arranged for someone to guard the

hospital room on a 24-hour basis without allowing anyone other than the family to enter.

But Kian found something strange when he contacted the debtor, he rushed back to the company and

reported to Ayan truthfully: "Mr. Simpson, Armstrong Corp owes a high interest rate on the debt, which

is equivalent to all the repayments after the debt is interest, the principal of the debt has never been


Ayan frowned, his eyes narrowed slightly, and asked in a deep voice: "Did you check the contract?"

"Checked, all autographed by Mr. Armstrong, but don't you think it's strange?"

"What's so strange about it?" Ayan faintly Ni Kian like, a handsome face without the slightest

movement and reaction.

Kian said: "Why should Mr. Armstrong owe this kind of unequal contract? It is right to pay back debts,

but it has been two or three years, and all the repayments are interest, which has exceeded the

principal, doesn't Mr. Armstrong know that?"

"You think he wouldn't know?" Ayan remained warm and low.

Kian was also slightly stunned and said in a low voice, "I think I know, otherwise why would I sign?"

"If you know and have signed it, why do you accept it?"

"Yeah, why?" Kian repeated what Ayan said, and the more he said, the clearer the consciousness in

his mind became, and his mouth subconsciously blurted out, "Unless he was blinded from the

beginning and didn't know the real situation?"

Kian said it out loud before he realized it afterwards.

Compared to his shock, Ayan was very calm, as if he had already guessed it.

Ayan lightly said: "You find someone to keep an eye on Armstrong Corp, this time is very easy to

happen employees nuisance for profit."

"Yes, I'll go and arrange it."

Kian nodded and exited the office.

Ayan sank his face, the Armstrong family matter if it is really as he suspected, then I am afraid that it is

not just a simple corporate fundamental issues, this may also involve other things.

Otherwise Brody has how it is possible that until now has not found out where the problem of things


Things were still festering with the Armstrong family, and while Brody was hospitalized, the company

was having new problems.

Armstrong family is to do goods design start, even if these years has not been hot, but the cooperation

of many companies, so the hands of many goods and materials, piled up several large warehouses.

Because Brody was hospitalized, many employees at the bottom felt that Armstrong Corp was failing

and going bankrupt, so they stole goods from the warehouse in groups to sell them for profit.

Grace was informed by Alfie that because of Brody's health, she had to deal with the matter as the first

lady of the Armstrong family.

On the way to the warehouse, Alfie asked, "Grace, why don't we talk to Mr. Armstrong about this?

Otherwise, we can not pay attention to deal with ah!"

"Alfie , my dad can't be stimulated right now and needs to recuperate, so he can't know about this."

Alfie has been with Brody for many years, and Grace has always called him Alfie, and usually respects

him very much.

She said so, Alfie also just a slight stiff not to say more.

Half an hour drive, the two arrived at the warehouse.

Grace saw a mess, the floor was littered with scattered cardboard and boxes, and the head of the

warehouse was the first to rush over and apologized, "Alfie , Miss Armstrong, I'm really sorry, I don't

know why it turned out like this?"

"You are in charge, which means you are in charge of the warehouse too, you should have prevented

these accidents long ago." Grace voice was gentle, but she was showing a cold look, because the

situation at the scene was too bad.

The person in charge turned pale and started to pass the buck: "Miss Armstrong, it's really not that I

didn't prevent it, it's mainly because there were too many of them, I couldn't defend myself!"

Grace did not speak with a cold face, although she did not understand, but still very clear to know that

the person in charge in front of her did not take her seriously at all.

She did not say anything, the person in charge simply posed rotten: "Miss Armstrong, if you think it's

my problem, then I big deal, I quit, you settle my salary to me, I will leave immediately!"

"Leo, you are also the company's old man, Mr. Armstrong did not treat you poorly, now the company

has difficulties you also have to be more or less burdened, when these difficulties have passed, Mr.

Armstrong will not forget you."

"Alfie , of course I understand what you mean, it's just that Miss Armstrong's meaning gives me chills,

how come it seems like she's blaming me and it's my fault?"novelbin

Alfie hurriedly explained, then took Leo's shoulder and walked aside with him to talk properly, Alfie's

prestige in Armstrong Corp is still very big.

But this does not let Grace heart of anger dissipated, she knows very well that these people these

people are old oil, she a newcomer simply do not have any ability to solve.

Suddenly, she remembered what Camille had told her earlier: "To solve the company's problems, you

have to start at the root of the operating model."

She called Camille while Alfie was calming Leo down.

She explained the situation and the reason for her visit to Camille and asked, "Can you help me help

the Armstrong family? Cami, we need you to step in and solve these problems right now."

Camille was also a bit surprised, she didn't expect Grace would ask her to go to Armstrong Corp, but

accidents are accidents, she wouldn't go.

She knew very well that if she showed up at Armstrong Corp, word would spread quickly that Ayan's

wife had taken the resources of the Simpson family and the Simpson Group to save her mother's

family, which would not only fail to help the Armstrong family but also implicate the Simpson Group and

the Simpson family because of the Armstrong family's problems, leaving the The Simpson Group will

also be subjected to questions and criticism from shareholders and employees.

Another point is that she remembers Page's words very well.

So she could only say to Grace, "I'm sorry, I'm not in a position to help with this, you're more qualified

and capable of solving these problems than me, in the Armstrong name only."

"But I don't understand at all, I can't do anything, and now that the theft happened in the warehouse,

the person in charge just simply put me off with a resignation, Camille , are you really going to see

death like this?"

Grace was on the verge of tears, but with Alfie and Leo not far away, she could only manage, almost

begging, "Cami, can you help the Armstrong family?"

Listening to her voice, Camille fell silent.

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