My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 197: Dilemma
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Chapter 197: Dilemma

##### Chapter 197 Dilemma

Kian lowered his head and responded softly, "Your guess is correct, it does have something to do with

Miss Khan."

Ayan slightly narrowed his eyes, the coldness under his eyes deepened, the handsome face flooded

with cold hostility, he was silent for a long time did not speak.

In an instant, the atmosphere in the office also suddenly became gloomy.

Ayan has been sullen face did not speak, Kian is also plucked up a lot of courage to try to ask a

sentence: "Mr. Simpson, to the police side to deal with?"

"No need." He slightly narrowed his eyes, words coldly spit out two words, and then waved his hand:

"You go out first, this matter should not be mentioned to anyone for the time being, withdraw everyone

back no need to continue to follow."

Kian nodded, "Yes, Mr. Simpson , I understand."

After Kian exits the office, Ayan looks down at the photo in his hand again.

The more he looks back, the thicker the color of his eyes, as if they were splashed with thick ink, and

black and heavy so that people can not see the bottom.

He didn't finish reading it, he just shoved the photo back into the envelope and put it in the innermost

drawer of his desk.

After that, he lit a cigarette, through the curl of smoke, the reserved face looks cold and cold.

A cigarette ended before he dialed the intercom to let Kian in, he said to Kian, "The people watching

her change every ten days, don't let her get suspicious, if there is anything wrong you can change

them, I need to know what kind of people she has contact with every day?"

"Okay, I got it." Kian did as instructed next and then asked softly, "Mr. Simpson , so does this matter

need to teach her a little lesson?"

"No need for now, just maintain the status quo, what her purpose is not yet revealed, doing anything at

this time is very passive."

"Available at ......."

"What do you want to say?"

"Mr. Simpson , I'm afraid her ladyship would blame you if she found out?"

Ayan did not say anything, but just lightly Ni Kian like.

Kian understood that he had said the wrong thing before he hurriedly said, "Sorry Mr. Simpson, I was

talking too much."

Ayan did not bother with him, just said in a shallow voice: "You arrange this matter properly, so far I do

not want Camille to know, Eileen's purpose has not been revealed so far, this matter involves too many

people, a little accident can not have."

Kian nodded his head and answered.

After Kian left the office, Ayan sat alone in his leather chair for a long time. If Camille found out, would

she blame him?

The man's eyes grew deeper and deeper gloomy, and at the end of the day, they were shrouded in a

thick layer of fog inquisitive.

Just as Ayan was about to call Camille and ask her to have dinner tonight, Kian suddenly and anxiously

pushed the office door open.

Ayan looked at him with an unpleasant frown, "What is it?"

So anxious that they don't even knock on the door.

Kian handed over the tablet with the words "Armstrong Corp Crisis" on it.

Kian immediately stated: "Mr. Simpson, just received word that Armstrong Corp has been chasing

debts for the last two days, Mr. Armstrong side because they were forced to desperate to start laying

off employees, just did not expect two laid-off employees directly from the Armstrong Corp rooftop

jumped down. "

Armstrong Corp has been largely in debt in recent years, with money earned from this project filling in

for the last project and so on day after day.

"How are the people?"

"Currently still in rescue, the specific circumstances I am not too clear, but it should be determined that

there is no life threatening, from the scene of rescue video and photos to see the two jumpers did not

fall directly to the ground, but was caught by the sun partition."

If there were any life-threatening situation, it would be much worse than now.

But Armstrong Corp and the Armstrong family are not at peace today, as the media's exaggerated

reports have put the Armstrong family directly on the front burner of the storm.

Ayan immediately told Kian to prepare a car to pick up Camille, and then called as he walked out the


When he called, Camille had just finished reading the Armstrong family news.

She picked up the phone and walked to stand by the window, her voice inaudible emotion asked,

"There is still an hour before the end of the day, are you already absent from work?"

Ayan frowned slightly and said lightly, "I am the boss, you are also the boss, and we are not allowed to

leave work early?"

"Mr. Simpson , this temple of mine is small, I can't be capricious like you."

"I'm off, down in ten minutes, eh?"

Ayan jumped straight away without giving her any chance to hesitate.

Camille also just gave a low hmm, and then asked, "Are you afraid I'm going to worry about the

Armstrong family?"

"Meet and greet?"


Hanging up the phone, Camille held the phone tightly, then sighed silently, before turning back to her

desk to pack up her computer and grab her bag and head out.

She had just come out of her office when she ran into Preston, who was about to come to her, and

when she looked at him, Preston asked, "Going out?"

"Well, something's going on."

"Is it the Armstrong family thing?"

Camille nodded, the story had been widely reported by the media.

Preston looked a little heavy, he said: "What do you plan to do about it? Do you want to talk to Ayan

about resuming cooperation? That way Armstrong Corp can solve the dilemma."

Camille frowned slightly as she said lightly, "Preston, do you also think this can be resolved by simply

resuming cooperation with the Simpson Group?"

"Of course, isn't that the truth?"

Camille just smiled as she shook her head, "It's not that simple. If it's true that just working with

Simpson Group can solve all the current debt problems as well as troubles, then Simpson Group is too

important to Armstrong Corp, right? I think a business is independent and cannot become fragmentednovelbin

by losing any partner, this is the most taboo point for a business."

While everyone may think that Armstrong Corp is having problems without the Simpson Group to

support its projects and partnerships, Camille knows that the loss of the Simpson Group is simply

bringing to light the problems that already existed.

Her voice subconsciously intensified as she spoke, and the whole person could not help but get a little


Waited until she was finished, then lowered her eyes and said faintly, "Sorry Preston , I was a little too


Preston is also hurriedly said: "No, you seem to be quite right, is my idea is too simple, I thought that as

long as Simpson Group agreed to continue to cooperate to Armstrong Corp immediate difficulties are

resolved before dealing with these problems you said would be more appropriate, perhaps my idea is

relatively simple, do not want to see too much trouble and problems appear, so ......"

"I understand that it's normal for everyone to think differently, but Armstrong Corp's problems can't be

solved by just one cooperation and project, after all, all the problems are caused by years of old

problems buried."

Camille didn't say anything else, because the phone in her bag rang at that moment too.

She took it out and glanced at it, then casually pressed hang up.

She said to Preston, "That goes first."

"Okay, be safe on the road, and if there's anything you need me to do just let me know, Cami , we're

friends, don't be polite to me, okay?"

"Of course!" Camille smiles and leaves the office as Preston looks on.

But where she could not see, the man's eyes gradually dulled, to the end only a layer of obvious deep


Camille took the elevator downstairs and Ayan's car was already waiting at the curb.

She walked over and Kian immediately got down and opened the back seat for her to sit on.

In the car, Ayan whispered, "What took you so long?"

"Had a little chat and got delayed."

Camille didn't say much, just sighed helplessly.

She took the initiative to ask Ayan : "What do you think caused the Armstrong Corp thing?"

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