My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 189 She Cares
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Chapter 189 She Cares

All along, she knew she was dispensable to the Page or Armstrong family.

Later, after marrying Ayan, except for Page, the Armstrongs will be a little more relaxed towards her,

but only to the face, as for the back who knows how?

But Page was always cold to her whenever she was there, and to put it mildly, not as good as a


Upon hearing Camille's response, Page was briefly silent and then repeated, "Are you really


Camille frowned slightly and said lightly, "If you don't believe me, why are you calling?"

"Cami , why didn't you tell mommy when you were really pregnant? Are you at home or at the office

now? I'm going over with your dad to check on you."

Camille was slightly taken aback by the magnitude of Page's transformation.

Without waiting for Camille's answer, Page asked again, "Is it at home? Then Daddy and I will go over

there now. You are pregnant now, you need to eat more fruits, I will buy them for you."

Page's enthusiasm kept Camille on her toes for a long time.

The only thing she could think of at the moment was that it was good that Ayan had gone to the office

after dinner so that she wouldn't have to see Brody, Page, because her mind was subconsciously

thinking about Armstrong Corp being rejected by the Simpson Group for the partnership.

She just prayed that she was overthinking it.

Nearly forty minutes or so.

Brody and Page arrived at the apartment, the two sat on the couch and looked around the apartment,

then said lightly, "You're pregnant now, why do you still live here?" Ayan and the Simpsons have no

plans to change your apartment?

"It's good for me to live here now and to take care of my grandmother."

Camille intentionally mentioned her grandmother, but Page didn't react, just wrinkled her nose and

said, "Cami, now that you're pregnant, you should take this opportunity to sit back and enjoy the

benefits you're entitled to."

Probably worried that Camille did not listen and pulled Brody, Brody is also hurriedly echoed: "Your

mother is right, since you are pregnant, then in the future do not mention the word divorce, in addition,

after you are pregnant, Callum there did not say to give you shares?"

"Told you, I turned it down."

"Refuse? What's wrong with you Camille , how can you refuse?"

Brody was immediately excited to hear this.

Brody said, "Camille, do you know what you're doing, the shares that Callum gave you are not only

yours but ours, the Armstrong family, why didn't you talk to me about it?"

"I don't think this needs to be discussed. the Armstrongs are the Armstrong family and the Simpsons

are the Simpson family, how can they be confused?"

"You ....."

Brody was furious.

He glared at Camille: "Tell Ayan to resume the partnership with Armstrong Corp, which is seriously

affecting Armstrong's profitability."

"So that's why you made a special trip over here?"

Camille looked warmly at her parents sitting on the sofa and the fruit basket they had bought in front of

her on the coffee table, and she felt clearly at this moment what hypocrisy was like.

Brody sulked and didn't say anything.

Page said, "Whatever our purpose is, we're doing it for the good of the Armstrong family, and you're the

Armstrong, so of course you have to look out for the Armstrong family."

Camille pursed her lips and didn't say anything.

The atmosphere then quieted down.

Brody asked lightly, "What do you mean you're not talking?"

"There's no point, it's just that I may not be able to do what you're asking because I'm not in charge of

the Simpson Group, so there's nothing I can do about it."

"You talk to Ayan, he'll say yes, you're pregnant with the Simpson now, he won't be inconsiderate."

"I don't use children to get what I want, Simpson Group's termination of contract with Armstrong Corp is

the reason for both companies, you shouldn't go to me, but from Armstrong Corp."

She asked Ayan if it was simply because the two of them were getting divorced that they were

terminating their contract with the Armstrong family; if it was because of her, she would have already

mentioned to Ayan about resuming the partnership.

But since it's not because of her, she won't mention it, much less use the child to kidnap Ayan .

Camille's attitude is so firm that Brody and Page are furious.

There was a heated argument at the end, and the whole time it was Brody and Page who were angry

at Camille for being wrong.

Even Grandma was alarmed at the end.

Grandma looked at the two also with a sullen and somewhat displeased face and asked, "Is this how

you are parents?"

Page and Brody were silent, but they didn't stay much longer and left.

Mileage didn't mean to say hello to her grandmother, leaving Camille feeling chilled and sulky.

She helped her grandmother sit down, then whispered soothingly, "Grandma, don't take it to heart, they


"Afraid that I'll be sad and upset?" Grandma interrupted, "I'm not that glassy-eyed, I'm too old to think

that much. I just want you to be well now, as for the rest, I don't care!"

"I knew you loved me the most."

"Okay, I'm tired, I'm going back to rest!" Grandma pushed Camille's head away from leaning on her

straight away, with a slight look of disgust on her face.

Camille gives a slight pause, a little hurt.

After Grandma left, her melancholy eyes deepened, Brody, Page's behavior made her really feel quite


She still overestimated them.

What did not want to happen, still happened.

So what else is there to remember?

Brody, Page did not give up on this, in Camille here can not be said, Brody went directly to the Simpson

Group to Ayan.

When Ayan returned in the evening, he brought it up with Camille, who asked him point blank, "Would it

be good for Simpson Group to continue working with Armstrong Corp?"

"Can't talk about it!"

Ayan looked at Camille and understood what she meant by this question, but finally chose to answer


"Since there is no benefit, let's follow the normal Simpson Group procedures, I don't want you to dole

out charity to me and the Armstrong family because of the baby, after all, I won't thank you if you do."

"Alms? You're good with words, but isn't it a little harsh to go straight to the heart like that?"


Camille looked at him lightly, she didn't think it was cruel because it wasn't something trivial, it was

between two businesses, and she didn't want to use her unborn child to gain advantage.

So what's wrong with being straightforward?

Faced with her rational decision, Ayan also subconsciously narrowed his eyes slightly, he asked in a

low voice: "Do you just choose to work with Armstrong Corp because you don't want me to do it for the

sake of the baby or do you not want to feel indebted to me because of this?"

"What's the difference?"

"How is there no difference? The former is your concern, and the latter is because you're afraid of

owing me so you won't."

"But isn't the end result the same for both?" Camille looked at him, her eyes were light, and her tone

was inaudible with too many emotions and ripples, she said, "Ayan, it doesn't really matter what I thinknovelbin

about this, because you are the final decision maker, you are making the decision from the perspective

of the Simpson Group, not from the perspective of our relationship as a couple, so whether you say the

former or the latter is is irrelevant to me."

Camille's too much sobriety left Ayan in silence.

He didn't quite understand whether she was analyzing this rationally because she didn't want to bother

him or for some other reason?

This topic did not continue, if we say more probably will happen again different disagreement.

But Ayan suddenly thought of something and his deep eyes gazed at Camille and asked in a low voice,

"Are you angry with me and therefore upset?"

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