My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 184 Intentional Injury
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Chapter 184 Intentional Injury

Camille heard the loud sound of a car engine before she subconsciously looked back and saw the

white car speeding towards her.

Almost instinctively, she subconsciously avoided to the side, this point is also the end of the day, more

people around, Molly this series of actions caused a huge turmoil.

Because she didn't hit Camille, she started to steer in Camille's direction again, she was completely out

of her mind and just wanted Camille to disappear.

Just then, Ayan drove up and from his car he saw many people in front of him dodging in panic, he got

out of the car with a wrinkled brow and saw Camille in the crowd in just a second.

He strides towards Camille and takes her hand in his just as Camille doesn't know what to do.

Camille subconsciously exclaimed, "Ah ........"

"It's me." The familiar sound of a man's voice gave Camille's heart a slight sense of security as she

looked back at him, her eyes trembling with panicked fear.

Ayan's face is extremely manly as he protects Camille while taking out his cell phone to call the police

and inform Kian to come over immediately.

Camille took a deep breath before speaking in a low voice: "She's Preston's sister Molly, she's

depressed, I'll call Preston to come over."

Ayan did not speak, a handsome face is also very low unpleasant.

Camille looked at him, then decided to call Preston first, let Preston down in order to let Molly

temporarily calm down, otherwise hurt the person, the consequences are unthinkable.

After Camille briefly spoke to Preston on the phone, Preston came down within minutes, rushed right

up to the front of the car, stared at Molly in the car with one eye and yelled, "Molly, what are you doing?

You pull over and get out of the car right now!"

Preston's voice was loud, and Molly heard it loud and clear.

But she did not have any intention to come down, emotions instead of more and more acted, she

waved her hand to let Preston go away, mouth also in the excited shouting: "brother you get out of the

way, I want to run over Camille, I do not want to see her, I hate her, why she is married and still haunt

you? You said you were just friends with her, didn't you? Why do you want to help her now?"

Preston said coldly, "Molly, you haven't had enough of this, have you? Then come at me, huh?"

"Brother, why are you forcing me?"

"You don't want to run someone over? Then come on, come and run me over."

Molly's emotions are getting out of control as Preston approaches.

Molly probably also panicked, mistaking the gas pedal for the brake and stepping on it directly, and the

car's speed suddenly picked up.

Preston was pushed forward by the front of the car, and he ended up almost crawling on the front of the

car to keep himself from getting hurt.

Molly also told him over and over to go away, but he didn't want to come down, and so it continued until

the police arrived.

Molly was contained and Preston fell from the car, but it was nothing serious. He rushed over to the

police and tried to explain, but the police side was like, "Someone called the police and we followed the

normal procedure."

Preston was a little anxious and asked who called the police.

Ayan took Camille's hand and walked slowly over to her, saying in an indifferent tone, "It's me."

The two men looked at each other and Preston looked to Camille: "Cami, is everything okay?"

Camille shook her head slightly.

"Molly's physical condition is something you know about, she just did something impulsive like this due

to emotion-induced excitement, give her a chance, I won't let her do it again."

"Mr. Walker, I'm afraid I can't agree to your request, after all, my wife is pregnant, so many people have

seen the scene, she even you dare to run straight over it, let alone others?"

Ayan did not allow Camille to respond directly to Preston's words, and he poked holes in everything in

a few words, and the onlookers instantly echoed the sentiment that this was not a mere accident, but a

deliberate one, not to mention that Camille was pregnant, which added to the seriousness of the


Molly was taken away directly by the police.

Preston tried to explain to Ayan, but Ayan only responded tersely: "Your sister's actions now constitute

intentional harm and are directed at you, so Mr. Walker, do you really want me to let her off the hook or

do you want me to put her on the hook?"

Ayan hooked his lips and smiled, and the meaningfulness of his eyes made Preston's face fade.

Their eyes locked, and Ayan took Camille's hand the next moment and walked straight towards his car.

He explained to Kian: "Find witnesses and surveillance and hand them over to the police, and this

matter will be handled according to the normal rules."

Kian nodded and withdrew, Ayan then looked at the woman sitting in the passenger seat, his voice low,

"Why don't you say anything?"

Camille looked back at Ayan , who had been silent since just now, not really silent, just never had a

chance to speak.

She pursed her lips lightly, "What did you mean by what you just said to him?"

Ayan smiled: "Why do you ask so clearly? Are you still going to leave it at that?"

Camille did not respond, she certainly did not think so, Molly did this is very dangerous behavior, is her

good luck and Ayan arrived in time so there is no accident, but later?

She couldn't guarantee that Molly wouldn't do something like that again.

So she also thought Molly needed to be taught a lesson.

But Camille was still curious about Ayan's comment, and she asked, "I wanted to ask for clarification

because I was curious."

Ayan watched her without moving a muscle: "Do you think what Preston just did was the right thing to


Camille wrinkled her brow and didn't say anything.

Isn't that incorrect?

She looked up at him in a daze.

He said lightly: "Why can't he just go along with his sister and enlighten her? Isn't provoking her in such

a way that she gets emotional and does something that everyone sees her losing her mind and hurting

people on purpose? The law can't just pretend that nothing happened because it was her brother she


Camille was stunned by Ayan's words.

She frowned and fell into silence with a slightly sullen expression.

Ayan looked at her: "What's on your mind?"


She shook her head.

"Is it because you think I'm turning the tables on you and deliberately framing Preston?"

His voice was cold and his tone was unpleasant to hear.

Camille pursed her lips and explained in a low voice, "I didn't think so."



Ayan did not continue the conversation, he looked at the time, then his eyes fell on her again, "Let's eat


Camille nods and the car starts the next second.

The two went to lunch first, but the atmosphere was always rather quiet, with little communication or


She is very clear feeling Ayan's mood is not very good, but she also do not know what to say, so simply

do not say anything good.

They had just finished eating and Kian called from his side.

"Mr. Simpson, all certified physical evidence has been submitted, and the police department will charge

Molly with intentional injury."

"Hmm." Ayan responded lightly.

Kian didn't quite understand what Ayan meant, and was about to ask what to do when Camille's phone


It was Preston who called.

He probably received the news from the police and came to Camille at the first opportunity.

Camille subconsciously looks to Ayan and taps the answer: "Hello, Preston, what's up?"

"Cami, can you give Molly a chance for my sake? I know I'm not in a position to talk to you, and I

understand that what Molly did was not a trifle, and that I'm responsible for most of it, and I'm sorry that

I didn't keep an eye on her and caused you trouble and danger!"

"Preston , if I let her go this time, then can you guarantee there won't be a next time?"

Camille shallowly asked, although not injured, but at this moment will still feel some fear when looking


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