My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 176 Seamless Flawed Connection
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Chapter 176 Seamless Flawed Connection

Rex came out of the club with Ayan after drinking, and they met Bella who had just arrived in front of

the club.

When she saw Rex, Bella immediately came up and took his arm: "Rex, you're drunk, I'll take you


Then she looked over at Ayan. Although Camille had taught her a lesson, Ayan's identity could not be

ignored, and she took the initiative to greet her: "Ayan is here too. It's late, can I call a chauffeur for


"No need." Ayan didn't drink, then looked lightly at Rex: "I'm going back."

Rex ditched Bella and immediately followed: "Let's go to your house tonight."

Bella was left in the same place, she said with some aggression, "Rex, I came to pick you up, if you

look like this, if you are photographed tomorrow grandpa will know."

"So you want to threaten me with grandpa?" Rex was drunk, but his heart was clear, he stared at Bella

indifferently and said with coldness, "Don't think I don't know what you've done, I'm telling you, just this

once, if you dare to bother her again, then get out."

Rex's warning left Bella stunned.

She did not dare to make any more noise, but could only watch silently as the man drifted away and

finally left by car.

She pursed her lips, and the coldness under her eyes deepened.


The next morning, Callum was discharged from the hospital.

Kian drove Callum back to the Simpson's manson and then rushed to drive Talia to Camille's office.

Kian relayed Ayan's words to Talia, who simply asked, "What does Ayan mean by this? Am I supposed

to be a lobbyist?"

"Madam, I don't dare to speculate what Mr. Simpson means, but Madam is pregnant, and Mr. Simpson

should be uneasy so he wants you to go and see."

Talia laughed: "You're a good talker. You should teach Ayan to say nice things in front of Cami, or he

won't have a place in this family when my grandchildren are born."

The corners of Kian's mouth twitched slightly, not daring to continue to answer, only the heart felt some


Kian dropped Talia off at Camille's office and left. Talia took the elevator up alone, having been here

once before, so it was a breeze.

She also packed coffee in the cafe downstairs to give everyone a boost in the morning.

Yessica was the first to see Talia and greeted her warmly, then took Talia to the office to find Camille.

Camille wasn't surprised to see Talia, because she was pregnant and her grandfather had known about

it for a long time, but TaliaFletcher had only found out about it in the past two days.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other and both smiled.

Yessica also hurriedly exited and closed the door as well.

Camille said, "Mom, why are you here at this hour? Grandpa is out of the hospital?"

"I just got home, so I rushed over to check on you." Talia pulled Camille over to the couch and sat

down, then asked in a whisper, "How are you feeling? Are you and the baby doing well? "

Camille nodded: "That's good."

"Good just, you are now pregnant with the baby is also hard, work should also be properly reduced, not

too strenuous know?"

"Okay, I know, all yours."

"Really listen to all of me?" Talia had a new idea when she took the words.

But Camille didn't think twice about it, she just smiled and said, "Really, when have I ever lied to you?"

"Since you say all listen to me, then move back to the Simpson's manson with us to live together, so I

take care of you is also convenient, your diet now can pay attention to the nutritional balance, you live

alone I will be heartbroken, just move back to let me take care of you, OK?"

Camille froze.

I didn't expect Talia to be here waiting for her.

After saying that, without waiting for Camille to say anything, Talia said forcefully, "You can't say no tonovelbin

me, you've said yes to everything."

Camille cried and laughed as she said lightly, "Mom, I didn't know you were going to say that. I thought

you were just telling me to cut back on my work schedule and not make myself work too hard."

"So you mean you don't want to move back to the Simpson's manson to live with us? You'd be happy to

move back in with Grandpa."

"Mom, it's not that I don't want to."

"It's not that you don't want to then it's decided that way."

Talia clapped directly off the board.

Camille pursed her lips and was briefly silent before saying, "Can I talk to Ayan about this?"

"Why do you need to talk to him? You move back to the Simpson's manson he can't wait!"

Talia muttered in a low voice.

Camille froze slightly: "Mom, what are you talking about?"

"I said no need to negotiate with Ayan, you're a girl, a girl speaks, and you're the biggest."

Talia is very good at coaxing people, so the relationship with Fletcher is still as close and friendly as a

young couple.

Camille was also amused, but she didn't let up and said, "Mom, I want to talk to Ayan about it because

our habits are very different from yours and Dad's and Grandpa's, and I'm afraid we'll disturb you, and

we can't break our habits just because we have a baby, don't you think?"

Talia didn't insist any more, or she would have made it unpleasant.

She just nodded her head and echoed Camille's sentiments, asking Camille to talk to Ayan and give

her answer.

She then took the initiative to change the subject and talked to Camille about her experiences related

to pregnancy.

The two were so good at talking that they lost track of time, and it was nearly two hours before Talia left

the office.

Camille also called Ayan immediately, and she relayed Talia's message, and then heard Ayan ask,

"Don't you want to move back in with the Simpson's manson?"

"Don't you think that's not very convenient?"

"Well, if you don't want to move back to the Simpson's manson, then move back to Hanyama Manson;

that way mom and grandpa's side will be at ease and you'll be more comfortable."

Camille instantly understood what was going on.

Her face was light and she did not answer Ayan's words.

He continued again, "Camille , I promise you that your worries will not put happen and I will not touch

you without your permission, okay?"

Camille's eyes were narrow, of course she wouldn't want to.

If she had this idea, she would have said it yesterday when Kian asked, but she didn't do that because

it's not just a simple matter of moving back in, if she wants to move out again after the conflict with

Ayan, she is unreasonable.

Since it's quite comfortable to live like this now, she doesn't want to change it.

Camille said lightly, "Ayan , I don't think what you're saying is what I think, so I don't want it."

She bluntly refused.

The call was also instantly quiet.

But Camille doesn't let up.

The next thing you know, Ayan's low voice is slowly ringing in your ears, "Camille, you said you didn't

want to, right?"


She pursed her lips lightly in response.

Ayan laughed lowly, his mood seemed a bit gloomy, but finally did not say anything, after a few

seconds, heard him faintly said: "Since you do not want to move back to the Simpson's manson nor to

Hanyama Manson, then I move to the apartment to live with you."

"Ayan ......"

"Don't you say anything, that's the last line I can back off on, Camille , I've given you enough space

alone to cause you to be pregnant for almost four months before I knew about it."

Ayan's attitude was so insistent that Camille acquiesced.

She just thought he would move over in a couple of days, but she didn't expect him to have his clothes

and household items sent over already in the evening.

Sienna was also scheduled to fly back to Flento City this evening, so when she saw Ayan's series of

actions, she exclaimed, "Cami, this is a seamless transition!"

She hadn't even left yet, and Ayan had already moved in.

Camille gave her a breathless look and didn't say anything.

Sienna asked in a low voice: "So is this him chasing you? "

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