My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 164 His Excess
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Chapter 164 His Excess

"You can go now." Ayan coldly swept her a glance, his gloomy low cold voice without any temperature

or emotion.

His words are even more irrefutable.

The woman also just lightly pursed her lips, and then she said, "Then Mr. Simpson, you promised to let

me transform ......"

"Go straight to Kian and he'll make the arrangements for you." Ayan withdrew his gaze and stopped

looking at her, then simply closed his eyes and leaned back in the leather chair.

The woman didn't stay much longer and left the office.

The woman is a famous netizen, her agent informed her to come to the Simpson Group president's

office early in the morning to meet Ayan, and then there was just that scene, she did not dare to ask for

too much, so just want to use this tree to climb into the entertainment industry.

Camille left the Simpson Group after exiting the office.

Ayan's words and actions with the woman in the office were all too vivid for her to remember.

She silently hooked her lips to reveal a sneer, it turns out that his favorite in addition to Eileen can be

given to others, but only unwilling to give her.

Camille drove straight back to the office.

Seeing her coming, Yessica hurriedly followed her into the office and Yessica said, "Ms. Armstrong, Mr.

Walker just called and asked you to give him a call back."

Camille nodded and took out her cell phone to call him back, but the response was unavailable.

Camille frowns, then calls from Yessica's cell phone.


After two rings this look answered.

"Cami ?"

"It's me." Camille asks, puzzled, "Why can't I get through to your cell phone? Have you blacked me


"It's not me, it's Molly. She's in a bit of a bad mood, the doctor said she's slightly depressed." Preston's

voice sounded a little tired.

Camille hurriedly said, "It's okay, you stay with her, if there is anything you can call Yessica directly."

"Not angry, right? She blacked out all the opposite sex in my phone, there is no way to pull it out for the

time being, I may go back in a couple of days, depression still has to rely on her to come out, I can't

accompany her for life."

"No, it's understandable." Camille's impression of Molly Walker ends up resting on Molly's inexplicable

hostility toward her, so there's not much she wants to say.

Camille then told Preston about the project, and Preston asked, "Has the Fumiko Estate approached

you again?"

"Not yet, I'm not really sure if Kian has been notified yet?"

She just went to Simpson Group and also forgot to ask.

Preston thought about it and said, "According to what I know about Fumiko Estate, this should not end

like this."

"It's okay, it's not my decision to make after all, and it's true that Fumiko Estate didn't play much of a

heavy role in this project."

Fumiko Estate is the equivalent of an intermediary, bringing Camille into the project, but after that all

the work is done by Camille, Fumiko Estate is just involved otherwise receiving the benefits.

According to the reasoning is also dispensable.

But finally Preston instructed, "Cami, no matter what, you should be careful, and if there is anything

that needs to be confronted, then wait until I get back?"

"Okay, I got it."

After Camille finished talking to Preston, she gave her phone back to Yessica and then wasn't in the

mood to work.

It's been three days and Sienna still hasn't heard anything.

Rex was unwilling to relent or even admit it, so there was nothing she could do.

Camille spent the morning in a daze. I don't know if it was because of her pregnancy, but she was not

feeling as well as she used to, she was tired when she did something, and her mood was the same,

fluctuating a lot.

Near noon, her cell phone rang.

It was Kian who called.

Seeing this note, she felt nothing good.

After answering, Kian's low voice came in, "Ma'am, Mr. Simpson wants you to come to Darkmoor now."

When she heard Darkmoor, Camille froze.

In the office he asked her to tell Kian to book a private room at Darkmoor for dinner with someone.

So he's having dinner with another woman, what does he want her to do?

Camille said lightly, "What can I do for you?"

"Mr. Simpson said there are some things about the project that he can't understand and would like you

to come over and answer them."

"Can't it be at the office? And it's lunchtime and I ......."

"Madam, you'd better come over, Mr. Simpson has other work schedule this afternoon, so he may not

be able to spare time."

Camille No more sound, Kian is also the afterglow swept aside the cold face of the man, he forehead of

cold sweat are emerging.

There was a brief moment of silence before Camille said lightly, "I see."

Kian was relieved and looked to Ayan after ending the call: "Mr. Simpson, Mrs. Simpson said to come

over now. "

Ayan did not sound, that handsome face without the slightest ripple or emotion.

In the private room, Ayan was already seated when Camille entered.

He and a model named Snow, the winner of this year's modeling contest, were the only ones in the

large private room, so Camille was somewhat impressed.

She stood frozen in the doorway and saw the smiling woman sitting beside him laughing crisply, "Mr.

Simpson, didn't you say you would only accompany me to dinner? Why is there someone else?"

"Of course there's no one else, she's just here to discuss a project." He glanced away lightly, his brow

flushed with displeasure.

Camille narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at him with warm eyes as she spoke, "Ayan, if you want

to eat now, we can talk later."

"You think I have a lot of time on my hands?"

Ayan sat there, his eyes were slightly pale, and he looked at her with a bit of impatience.

Camille didn't want to get into an argument with him, so she went in anyway and pulled out a chair at

the table and sat directly across from him.

She was holding a backup copy of the design, the original was brought to Simpson Group for him

today, and she expected he wouldn't carry it with him.

She opened the drawing and handed it to Ayan: "Have you read the drawing? You can tell me if there

are any changes or suggestions."

"Mr. Simpson, try this, it tastes very good, it's Darkmoor's signature!" Snow also served a bowl of soup

in the next second and handed it to Ayan, looking at him with a light smile and expectant eyes.

Ayan just glanced at Camille, then reached out to pick up the bowl of soup that Snow was holding, he

brought it to his mouth and took a sip, his expression mild, "Well, it's really good."novelbin

"Mr. Simpson, this is also delicious, shall I give it to you?" Snow hurriedly picked up chopsticks and put

the fish into Ayan's bowl.

Camille's eyes fell on Ayan's bowl as she did so. He had a cleanliness problem and hardly ever

touched anything other people's chopsticks touched, even when he was eating with Rex and the


As she was thinking about it, Ayan's faint voice followed: "What did you just ask me?"

Camille looked back at him, realizing as an afterthought that the question was asked of her, before

responding, "Do you have any complaints about the design?"

"I haven't seen it yet, so I don't know if I'm satisfied with it?"

"So are you going to read it now or later?"

Ayan looked at her indifferently, his delicate features were expressionless, his brow was slightly

furrowed with vague indifference, he asked, "Camille, are you not too impatient now?"

"No." She lowered her eyes to the drawing in her hand, and her mood did feel a bit like unspeakable

emotions were bubbling up to the surface, and the table in front of her, which she would normally find

delicious, did not whet her appetite in any way.

Their eyes locked, Camille pursed her lips, then stood up: "I'm going to the bathroom."

Then, without waiting for Ayan's response, he left the room directly.

Coming out of the private room, she walked to the restroom, she took a deep breath and her whole

body gradually relaxed a little.

The cell phone in his pocket also rang at that moment.

It's an unfamiliar number.

She pressed the button and before she could speak, Eileen's urgent question came through: "Camille,

you're really not capable of anything. How can you let him get so close to other women?"

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