My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1488: Easily
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Chapter 1488: Easily

Chapter 1488: Easily

As soon as he finished speaking, the other party quickly agreed, and then they didn't chat muchbefore hanging up.

Ayan put down his phone and continued working, while Kian, from Simpson Group, went straight tothe coffee shop Daisy usually frequented.

The coffee shop wasn't too far from the Simpson Group's hotel, and there were other hotels in thearea, so Daisy chose this place for a reason that piqued Kian's curiosity.

He had contacted the coffee shop owner through a network of connections and met the owneracross the street from the coffee shop.

Kian did not disclose his identity, and the coffee shop owner had received a call from his wealthycousin, asking him to help meet someone, so he hurried over without delay.

Upon seeing Kian, the coffee shop owner quickly greeted him, "Brother, are you familiar with mybrother? Old friends?"

"Um, sort of," Kian replied casually, not wanting to chat.

Sensing his aloofness, the coffee shop owner didn't speak much either, as his wealthy cousin hadbeen very good to him, so his cousin's friends were his friends too.

He asked Kian, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Kian got straight to the point because the person he was looking for seemed reliable, so he didn'tbeat around the bush.

Kian explained his purpose and showed the owner Daisy's photo, knowing that as a foreigner, shewould have left a deep impression.

So when Kian showed the photo, the coffee shop owner immediately recognized Daisy.

He quickly said, "This foreign lady has recently become a regular customer in my shop. Being aforeigner, she has made a big impression, staying for up to two hours each time. She is verygenerous, our small coffee shop is not like those star-rated ones, we basically don't receive tips, butthis foreign lady always tips my staff generously, sometimes even exceeding their wages. To behonest, this has put a lot of pressure on me, but if someone is willing to help me support myemployees, I am happy."

The coffee shop owner spoke with excitement, as having such a rare big customer in his coffeeshop had brought him a lot of benefits.

After he finished speaking, he involuntarily looked at Kian and asked, "Is this foreign lady yourwife?"

Why did it feel like an interrogation?

Kian didn't answer, just gave the coffee shop owner a cold look before saying, "Just think back, wasshe always alone when she came?"

The coffee shop owner hesitated, as telling the truth would mean losing a valuable customer, whichwould be a loss for him and his employees.

But he couldn't lie to his cousin's friend, so after much hesitation, he said, "Brother, I find it hard tosay."

Kian said straightforwardly, "Don't worry, I didn't ask you to say it for nothing."

"I didn't mean that." He really didn't mean it.novelbin

But Kian interrupted, "Your coffee shop wants to expand, don't they? I can invest in you, how aboutthat? Do you want to franchise? I'll not only help you expand but also help you franchise, what doyou think?"

Having a franchised coffee shop and someone investing in it was much better than dealing with aforeign woman.

He naturally chose the immediate benefits.

He said, "I haven't thought about it, but I just didn't know how to tell you. How about this, I'll showyou the surveillance video from the shop, you can see for yourself."

He directly pulled up the surveillance video and handed his phone to Kian.

Kian stared at the video intently. In the video, Daisy sat alone for about ten minutes before a manappeared and sat opposite her.

The man wore a cap and a mask, so his face couldn't be seen clearly.

But Kian directly recorded the man's appearance on his phone. After going through this series ofactions, he returned the phone to the coffee shop owner.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, brother," the coffee shop owner said politely.

Kian nodded slightly and said, "Keep our meeting to yourself, no matter who asks, don't mention itto anyone."

"I understand."

"About what I just told you, someone will contact you later, just let him know your requirements,"Kian instructed the coffee shop owner.

The owner expressed his gratitude and thanks.

Kian quickly went back to Simpson Group with the video.

He handed the video to Ayan. While Ayan watched, Kian whispered, "Mr. Simpson, I've talked to thecoffee shop owner. Daisy has been going there quite frequently recently, but she only started goingrecently, so we need to ask his staff to find out the exact dates."

"That's Preston," Ayan said without hesitation, putting down his phone.

Kian was surprised; he hadn't figured it out at all.

He looked at Ayan and asked, "Mr. Simpson, is that really Preston?"

"Yes, it can't be anyone else," Ayan replied. "Only Preston has the ability and conditions to makeDaisy want to collaborate with him."

If Preston didn't have something to offer, he wouldn't have caught Daisy's interest.

Ayan continued, "Let our people keep a low profile. Don't let Daisy suspect anything. Right now,Preston is in the dark while we are in the light. If we make any moves, he will notice, but we needevidence of his actions."

So the best course of action was to wait and see. If they did nothing, Preston couldn't predict theirnext move, which would keep him from moving forward.

Kian nodded in understanding but had a question, "Mr. Simpson, won't Preston be suspicious if wedo nothing?"

"No, he's very confident. He'll need concrete evidence to believe anything. He expects me to bewary of him, but my caution will catch him off guard," Ayan explained cryptically, leaving Kianpuzzled about the true meaning of his words.

Ayan didn't elaborate on Preston any further; instead, he looked at Kian and said, "Just make sureDaisy doesn't suspect anything, and keep in touch with Kerry. Let Kerry figure out a way to inviteDaisy. If he can't pique her interest as bait, I don't mind if he uses me."

Ayan wanted to quickly deal with anything related to Daisy, as Preston's connection with her wasmost likely a means to exploit her for his own agenda.

Ayan wouldn't let Preston have his way so easily.

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