My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1476: Understanding
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Chapter 1476: Understanding

Chapter 1476: Understanding

In the evening at Franklin Bay, at Camille and Ayan's villa, Grace, Horace, Rex, and Sienna, the sixof them were eating hot pot and chatting.

Camille was feeling particularly relaxed, so she decided to open a bottle of wine and toast witheveryone, saying, "Let's celebrate, shall we?"

They all raised their glasses and clinked them together.

Sienna asked, "This is really something to be happy about."

"Yes, very happy!" Camille said with a faint smile.

She gently swirled her wine glass with her finger and softly said, "Could you three help me withsomething?"

Camille looked at the three men.

Ayan didn't say anything, just rested his hand on her chair and gazed at her intently.

Rex and Horace were slightly surprised and asked, "What do you need us to do? Mr. Simpson byyour side can do anything."

"I know that, but I need to cast a wide net for this matter. I don't want Mr. Simpson to be too busy onhis own, so could you two also help?" Camille glanced at the men beside her and then reached outto lightly touch Ayan's knee, only to have his hand grasp hers in the next moment.

He remained silent, but showed his respect for her.

Rex asked, "What do you want us to do?"

"We don't really need to do anything, just find out about potential merger candidates for me. Age isnot a problem; the main thing is a strong sense of tolerance."

"Who are you finding a merger partner for?"

"My brother, who has just joined the Armstrong family today. I also need to take on the responsibilityof finding a partner for him. I can't let my brother join the Armstrong family for nothing, can I?"

This was Camille's unspoken plan all along.novelbin

Since they were going to be adopted into the Armstrong family, they naturally had to assume theresponsibilities that came with it.

While the Armstrong family wasn't a prominent clan, and Armstrong Corp wasn't a large enterprise,they still couldn't afford to let others play around with them.

Camille's words immediately made everyone present understand her intentions. Rex glanced atAyan and then suggested a name - Campole, a woman who was thirty-five this year, had beenmarried twice, and her first husband died while her second husband was paralyzed. She came froma wealthy family involved in the mining business, and her parents doted on her, seeing her asflawless.

To outsiders, her only fault was her bad temper, along with some idiosyncrasies.

Apart from that, she treated every ex-husband very well, spending money freely, but theconsequence of her spending was obedience.

She had been single for two years because everyone knew about Campole and no one wanted tomarry their son off to her.

After hearing Rex's description, Camille also fell into a brief silence. This woman was indeed quiteformidable. If her older cousin ended up marrying her, the married life would certainly not be easy.But her uncle liked money and everything related to power, didn't he?

She sighed softly and said, "Alright, first, you help me make contact, then I'll discuss it with myuncle. Although my older cousin has been adopted into the Armstrong family, my uncle and aunt arestill his parents, so it's better to discuss it with them."

Rex nodded, "Okay, let me know when you have a result from your discussion."

"Okay," Camille nodded.

Grace looked at Camille with concern and said, "Camille, are we doing the right thing?"

"We're not doing anything, we're just passing on this information to them. Ultimately, the decisionshould be theirs to make." Because she knew that public opinion could not control the two uncles'intentions for the Armstrong family.

Even though her older cousin and his family were being criticized for this matter, it was onlytemporary. Once the heat died down, everything would return to normal.

Camille's thoughts were very simple. If they wanted to covet Armstrong Corp and the Armstrongfamily, she certainly would not let them have their way.

But Camille also had other voices in her mind that were not in line with what she was doing now.

She didn't say it at the dinner table but waited until everyone had left, leaving only her and Ayan.That was when she couldn't help asking him, "Ayan, am I being too ruthless with this?"

Because the woman described by Rex didn't have a good reputation, and she had a lot of history,considering that both of her ex-husbands had met unfortunate ends.

So she had a voice in her head asking if she was being too ruthless.

If it really happened, then her older cousin's future would definitely not be easy.

Camille had lost all her attention and thoughts, and once the doubts arose, they would only growlouder, and she couldn't control them.

Ayan looked at her, his eyes filled with tenderness, and his voice unusually soft as he said, "Whywould you have such thoughts?"

Camille sighed, "Perhaps it's the kindness in my heart playing tricks on me."

Ayan smiled and looked at her despondent expression, his voice became even softer, "Dealing withthat type of person should involve no kindness or compassion. If you show them kindness, thenyour kindness becomes their weapon against you. On the contrary, if you reserve your kindness forthose who truly deserve it, then how can you be called heartless to those who don't deserve it?"

Ayan rubbed her hair, his voice even softer, as he continued, "Don't question yourself, and don't feelthat you owe anyone anything. Those who truly understand you don't need excessive explanations,and as for those who don't understand you, then there's no need for any explanations, becausethey don't matter."

Ayan told Camille that once she had made up her mind, she shouldn't regret it or waver. If she didhave doubts about her decision, she should give others a chance again, and just consider it achance to make a new decision. If the result remained the same, then it meant that everything wasmeant to be.

Camille nodded lightly at Ayan's words. She fully agreed with his advice. If there was a change inthe final outcome, it was probably a sign that fate was giving her a chance to reconsider.

So she left everything in the hands of time.

Camille took the initiative to link her arm with Ayan's and said, "Thank you, Ayan."

"Silly," Ayan indulged her with a smile, and then reached out to embrace her.

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