My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1463 Withdrawal
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Chapter 1463 Withdrawal

Chapter 1463 Withdrawal

"No," he looked at her, his eyes filled with tenderness. He wouldn't reveal his thoughts to Camillenaturally and simply said to her, "Now that everything is settled, you shouldn't dwell on this matteranymore. As for the past, let the good and the bad all come to an end."

Camille nodded lightly, but a voice in her heart whispered, "Is it really all in the past?"

She sighed silently and then tucked away her emotions.

Next, Ayan asked about Armstrong Corp. Currently, in the eyes of outsiders, Armstrong Corp andthe Armstrong family only have Camille and Grace. Therefore, the shares of Armstrong Corp andthe real estate of the Armstrong family should be evenly distributed between the two sisters.

However, on Page's side, there are relatives, two brothers, and nephews eyeing the situation. As forthe Armstrong family, there is not much to worry about.

Ayan asked, "How do you and Grace plan to handle the assets of Armstrong Corp?"

Camille paused at this question, she really hadn't thought about it. She instinctively looked at Ayan,"Why ask this suddenly?"

"Just came to mind. This matter will need to be handled sooner or later. Since we are discussing itnow, I just want to know your thoughts."

"Do you not know what I want?" Camille said lightly. "I don't want anything to do with ArmstrongCorp. Let Grace handle it all."

Because Brody and Page both favor Grace, and because she already has a family with Timmy,Ayan, and the Simpson family, the Armstrong family only has Grace left. Camille's only contributionmay be to take a step back in terms of material possessions.

The rest will be up to Grace to handle.

Furthermore, Grace and Horace will be getting married in the future. Having shares in ArmstrongCorp and other assets of the Armstrong family will give her enough confidence in front of Horace'sfamily.

But these are just Camille's thoughts, and she hasn't discussed this issue seriously with Grace.

What was said previously was just a response to outsiders.

Since the topic has come this far, Camille also asked Ayan, "What do you think?"

"Well, I have no objection. It's your decision. As for everything related to the Armstrong family,whether you want it or not, I support you. I understand your intentions. However, you need to makeit clear to Grace. You also need to be aware that those two uncles are not to be underestimated."

Although Ayan temporarily silenced them, it doesn't mean he will stay silent forever.

Ayan's words also made Camille fall into a brief silence. Ayan's reminder was sensible, so she hada thought. She directly told Ayan, "I don't want anyone to know about me giving up everythingrelated to the Armstrong family. This way, I can use your influence to make those who have illintentions fear."

Camille smiled and said, "You would agree, right?"

"If I disagree, wouldn't it be against your will? Are you sure you won't be mad at me?"

"Of course, I will."

"So, what else can I say?" Ayan replied.

"Then you agreed." Camille smiled, her smile evident on her face. She flirtatiously said, "Thank you,Ayan!"

"If you want to thank me, show your sincerity. Cook lunch for me tomorrow and let the driver takeyou to the company to have lunch with me." This request wasn't excessive, and Ayan naturallydidn't leave her any chance to refuse. It was settled like that.

After their walk, they returned home.

It wasn't time to rest yet, so they had a brief moment to do their own things separately.

Camille hadn't been to the office lately and didn't want to be busy with work, so she called Sienna todiscuss the design competition.

While the design competition didn't encounter any major troubles despite the malicious rumors, theorganizers made it clear, "We, the organizers of the design competition, have no doubts about it.But we do not want any negative publicity in the future."

This implied that even if innocent, any negative publicity caused by them would require withdrawalfrom the competition.

Therefore, Camille and Sienna silently hoped that the competition would proceed smoothly,regardless of the final outcome.novelbin

Camille asked Sienna about the progress. Sienna said, "Everything is going well. I feel like aninvincible warrior right now, and this incident has given me new inspiration to make some morechanges."

Camille said, "Send it to me to see." From her words, it was clear she had confidence in this matter.However, for safety's sake, Camille suddenly said, "Forget it, don't send it. I will see it tomorrowmorning or evening when we meet!"

They were supposed to drink together in the evening, and Sienna had received the notification aswell.

Sienna agreed, asked about the Armstrong family's situation, and upon learning that Camille hadgiven up everything related to the Armstrong family, Sienna said, "I had already expected you to doso."

No one in this world would reject more money, or more properties and assets under their name. ButCamille didn't value these things much, due to her upbringing, which led to her indifferent attitudetowards material possessions.

Camille just smiled and asked, "Is it okay for me to do this?"

"It's fine. Your relationship with Grace is good now, and I believe it will only get better in the future."


She didn't have many desires, she just hoped there wouldn't be any conflicts or unpleasantsituations.

They chatted for a while until Ayan finished his work in the study and returned to the bedroom.Camille then said to Sienna, "It's getting late, it's time to rest."

"I don't think you're going to rest. Mr. Simpson is coming, right?" Sienna understood her well. Shesent two unhappy emojis, and Camille just smiled without replying.

She put down her phone and looked at Ayan. "You seem busy lately too. How is the project withMario going? Did it get affected by the Armstrong family's situation?"

"Of course not. Everything is going smoothly. However, Mario has been away from Hance City for awhile now. It seems there are some issues on his side, so he went back to deal with them. Hissubordinates are currently handling things here."

Camille knew about Mario's return to Flento City, which was beneficial for Sienna and Rex.However, she was curious. She asked Ayan, "Mario has been back for many days now. Hasn't Rexmade any moves?"

She meant something specific by 'moves,' which she knew, and Ayan knew as well.

Their eyes met, and Ayan said, "Wouldn't it be more appropriate to ask Sienna about that?"

"She wouldn't know either. She's relaxed now. I'm asking about Rex, like proposing, quicklyorganizing the wedding, and openly announcing it. What else can Mario do then?"

Camille felt Rex's efficiency was a bit too low. If it were her, she would have managed everythingsuper quickly to leave Mario no chance to react.

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