My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1442 Contradiction
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Chapter 1442 Contradiction

Chapter 1442 Contradiction

Rex had been talking a lot, to the point where it seemed like he had run out of saliva, but little did heknow that in another villa just beyond his sight and separated by a wall, Ayan and Camille weresitting on the sofa in the bedroom, listening to his voice and laughing uncontrollably. Originally,Camille had not intended to interrupt Ayan's phone call, but Ayan had suddenly sat next to her andlistened to Rex continuously talking about how Ayan should treat Camille well.

After shouting at Ayan several times, Rex finally received a tepid response.

Ayan said, "Are you done talking?"

Rex replied, "Ayan, did you listen to what I said?"

"I can consider your words, but I'm tired now and need to rest. Can you please not disturb meanymore?"

"Ayan, you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ayan abruptly ended the call.

This behavior drove Rex to the brink of madness. He was losing control and had the urge to storminto the neighboring villa.

Taking a deep breath, feeling extremely disgruntled, Rex cursed Ayan in his heart, convinced thatthe man would regret his actions sooner or later.novelbin

But for now, he had to go back inside and respond to Sienna. Watching him enter the house, Siennaimmediately asked, "How did it go?"

Rex replied, "Ayan seems busy, probably with this matter, so there's no need to worry. Camille is hiswife, and he will naturally be considerate of her."

Sienna didn't quite understand Rex's meaning, so she remained silent, gave him a glance, andasked, "So he didn't say anything at all?"

"He did say something, just not much. It seems like this matter is still under wraps for now."

"Even this needs to be kept a secret? Aren't we on the same side?"

"Darling, let's not dwell on this matter. Ayan will handle it. If you're truly concerned about Camille,you can talk to her and see what she says."

Sienna didn't have a strong reaction, just looked at him briefly and then spoke, "I don't know how toapproach her or what to say."

Rex briefly pondered and then said, "Do you have any reservations about your relationship withCamille? You don't need to hesitate. If you want to show care, just ask her directly. If you keephesitating, it might give the impression of a distant relationship between you."

Not knowing how to further advise Sienna, Rex decided to say nothing and let Sienna reach out toCamille. If there were any emotions or suspicions on Camille's side regarding Ayan, Sienna wouldbe the first to know. He could always support Sienna in confronting Camille about it, without letting itaffect their marital relationship.

Thinking this way, Rex became more convinced that his approach was correct. He didn't want anyconflicts with Sienna due to anyone or anything, let alone jeopardize their relationship.

The journey of the two of them until now had been extremely challenging, and they certainly didn'twant any disruptions in their relationship.

Every word Rex spoke was in consideration of the friendship between Camille and Sienna. So whenSienna heard this, she also found some logic in it and followed Rex's advice to message Camille.

When Camille received the message, she was inquiring to Ayan, "If Rex finds out how you've beento him, he'll be angry. He's doing it for our own good. Later, send him a message to reassure him,so he doesn't overthink it. It'll save me from having to tell Sienna, and if she comes knocking toscold you, I won't be on your side."

As Camille finished speaking, Sienna's message popped up on her phone.

Camille picked up the phone and saw Sienna's name, instinctively bringing it in front of Ayan,saying, "Look, the queen is reaching out. I bet Rex spilled the beans to her."

Ayan remained unresponsive and calmly replied, "Let's see what she has to say."

Ayan knew Rex well enough to understand that he wouldn't directly relay his attitude to Sienna.Based on past experiences, such directness would only create more problems for everyoneinvolved.

Opening the chat with Sienna, Camille saw the message, "Cami, everything okay? Are you doingwell? Don't let internet trolls affect you. Ayan will handle this matter, so don't worry too much. Ifanything, just talk to me, okay?"

Confused by the message, Camille asked, "What does Sienna mean by this? Didn't Rex tell herabout your attitude earlier?"

Handing the phone to Ayan, Camille wore a puzzled expression on her face.

After glancing at the message, Ayan smiled faintly and replied, "Rex wouldn't tell her. He'll keep it tohimself and then come to Simpson Group tomorrow to talk to me in person."

Ayan briefly explained, helping Camille understand the situation.

Rex was afraid of repercussions, so naturally, he wouldn't disclose everything to Sienna.

Camille chuckled and said, "You really understand him!"

"When it comes to Sienna, he won't be careless. After all, Mario is still eyeing us too!" Ayanremarked. Mario had recently returned to Flento City and had yet to visit Hance City. Initially, hekept his return secret, but due to the prolonged absence, he had to confess to Ayan. Mario wantedAyan to take over as the project's main overseer, but Ayan declined, citing the collaboration withTillery's Corporation. Mario then temporarily assigned someone from the King Group to handle theproject.

With Mario's absence from Hance City, Rex and Sienna could breathe a bit easier. At least theydidn't have to constantly worry about unexpected appearances.

Their relationship had grown even more intimate, reminiscent of their past closeness.

However, this phase was short-lived. Once Mario returned from Flento City, all their worries wouldreturn.

Therefore, Rex was keen on avoiding any issues or conflicts with Sienna due to any reason. Hisapproach had always been simple and direct.

So, he would never have spoken about it.

Camille couldn't help but smile at Ayan's speculation and asked, "If it were you, would you treat methe same way?"

End. translation.

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