My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1438: Ruthless
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Chapter 1438: Ruthless

Chapter 1438: Ruthless

Ayan took Camille to the newly opened restaurant nearby. This restaurant focused on tea-infuseddishes, each dish carrying a unique tea flavor. This distinctive feature naturally attracted manypeople, so reservations were necessary.

After the two left, they decided to eat at this restaurant, and it was Ayan who had Kian make thereservation. In order to properly arrange for the CEO and his wife, Kian had spent a considerableamount of money to secure a spot for today's reservation before letting Camille and Ayan cut in line.

After all, the CEO was not lacking in money.

Although they managed to secure a spot, there were no private rooms available, so they had to sitin the general seating area, causing many people not to recognize Camille and Ayan.

Eating a meal was a normal thing, but the timing was not quite suitable, at least not in the eyes ofothers.

After all, Page had just left, and Camille was already out eating and having a date. Did this meanCamille was not greatly affected by Page's departure?

At first, neither Camille nor Ayan realized this, until in the afternoon, the Armstrong family's situationwas announced by the authorities, and discussions about the details of the matter began.

The police were not sparing with the information, publicly revealing Brody and Regina's situation,along with the existence of a child.

However, the child's identity remained confidential, so information related to the child could not befound.

But Brody and Regina were already being criticized online. In this era of the internet, anytimesomething happened, netizens would dig up all the details, even if they were buried deepunderground.

Some netizens even shared videos and photos of the couple meeting, which had not been revealedbefore the incident. This added to the intrigue of the situation.

The police had announced that the two had been detained and would be prosecuted according tolegal procedures.

The netizens' anger was not small, and people began to dig deeper into the matter. Some evenleaked photos of Camille and Ayan dining at the specialty restaurant.

Naturally, when two people eat together, they will converse and talk about interesting topics, sosmiles adorned their faces.

However, these smiles were misconstrued as Camille being happy. Despite such a major incidenthappening in her family, Camille showed no signs of sadness or distress, but instead, a full-facedsmile.novelbin

This naturally led to misunderstandings and accusations that Camille was being irresponsibletowards her parents' situation.

Even though she had already married into another family, she still bore some responsibility for theArmstrong family's affairs. But now, Camille appeared completely indifferent, not caring at all abouther parents.

The comments continued to ferment, with many self-proclaimed righteous netizens beginning tospeak irresponsibly.

"I think Camille is only climbing higher and has completely disregarded the Armstrong family.Seeing how happy she looks dining with her husband, it seems this woman doesn't care about herown parents. I suggest the Benson family think carefully about keeping such a woman around. Shemight even corrupt the children."

"I agree with the previous comment. People should stay away from women like her. Her parentshave faced such a serious situation, but does she feel no sadness?"

"Sorry, I see no hint of sadness on her face. Instead, she looks happy."

"I want to say, does Camille actually wish for such a situation to happen to the Armstrong family? Iaccidentally stumbled upon some previous topics related to the Armstrong family. The media haspreviously revealed that Camille's relationship with the Armstrong family was not that good. Maybeher parents treated her poorly, and she's seeking revenge. Of course, I'm not Camille, so I don'tknow what she's thinking. But we should be careful with our words. If Camille finds out, Mr. Simpsonmight send us a lawyer's letter!"

"I'm not afraid. This woman is truly ruthless. She should be exposed so everyone knows what kindof person she is. We shouldn't stay silent just because we fear authority. The Simpson Group is acharitable organization, and since they've done so much good, we need to protect them. We mustopenly reveal her actions and let the Simpson Group see."

At this moment, online rumors and gossip had escalated to a fiery level.

What was supposed to be a simple dinner had turned into a difficult situation unexpectedly.

It was only after Camille and Ayan returned to the Simpson Group that they learned about thesituation. The heat of the matter had skyrocketed like a rocket, catching them completely off guard.

In the current atmosphere of the Simpson Group's office, tensions were high.

Camille sat on the sofa, and Ayan stood upright by the desk. Kian, speaking softly, briefly explainedthe online situation to Ayan and handed him a tablet to show the comments and current heat online.

Kian stared at Ayan and glanced at Camille, noticing that Camille, as the main person involved,showed no significant reaction. She seemed indifferent.

Kian's expression was grave because handling this situation would be demanding. Knowing Ayan,he understood that those speaking without using their brains and without verifying the facts wouldlikely face consequences.

Although the internet was vast, the society operated under real-name regulations, and Ayan hadways to deal with them. No one would be able to escape.

But the process was cumbersome. Kian, being responsible, would first gather the identities of thoseinvolved and prepare responses, waiting for Ayan's orders to address the situation.

After Kian left, the atmosphere in the office became somber. Ayan set down the tablet and turned tolook at Camille sitting on the sofa. Camille's expression revealed nothing, making it impossible toguess what she was thinking at that moment.

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