My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1432 Root Growth
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Chapter 1432 Root Growth

Chapter 1432 Root Growth

Regina was stunned by Camille's words, her face instantly turning pale. She gazed at Camille,unsure of what to think, but her eyes reflected a sense of unease and apprehension.

Camille, however, smiled and spoke slowly, "You are envious of others, so you believe that theirexcellence is a competition with you. Of course, I don't deny that she may have flaunted herachievements in front of you. But why use others' flaunting as a thorn in your heart? Instead ofconstantly comparing yourself to others, strive to improve yourself. Only by becoming stronger canyou ignore the presence of others. Yet, you cannot do this, which is your first pitiful aspect. Andthen, in order to feel that you are better off than her, you are willing to be a woman who hides in theshadows. This is your second pitiful aspect."

"Your third pitiful aspect, and also your most pitiful part, is that you think you have outsmarted asister who cares for you and toyed with a man who betrayed you. You think you are very clever, youthink your cunning is unmatched, and you believe that no one will ever discover this secret. Buthave you ever considered that someone may have known all along, but chose not to expose you?Your existence, or the existence of your child, has become insignificant. The reason he doesn't wantto contact you is simply to cover up something he doesn't want to be revealed. In comparison, thisis your most pitiful aspect."

She thought she was clever, but everything she portrayed was clear to others.

She thought she had disguised herself well, but was her facade truly good?

Certainly not. Such a disguise is only to deceive herself.

She thought she was deceiving others, but in the end, she deceived herself.

Isn't that pitiful?

Certainly, it is not just pitiful, but also makes people find this person very ridiculous.

Camille's words seemed to strike a chord in Regina's heart. All of this was the truth, and she wasvery aware of it. But no one had said these things to her for so long. Though she knew it in herheart, there was no voice reminding her of self-awareness. She could not come to terms with this.

Thus, Regina's emotions plummeted, her whole being staring blankly into the distance with a rigidand dazed expression on her face.

Camille looked at her, showing no emotion or reaction. She simply said indifferently, "In fact, youshould have known His suspicions about you, or else he wouldn't neglect the child. After all, he isingrained with a preference for boys over girls, so how could he let his own son be ignored? Oh, Iforgot to tell you, are you planning to take the child abroad? But have you considered that if Gracehad not stopped you, you would probably have taken the child to another world by now."novelbin

She wanted to leave, but how could Brody truly let her go?

Regina widened her eyes in disbelief, seemingly unable to believe that Camille knew more than shedid about many things.

She looked at Camille, unable to believe it, and asked, "Are you lying to me, aren't you?"

Camille showed no expression, just looking at her indifferently, and asked back, "What benefit wouldI gain from lying to you? I am sitting here having a peaceful conversation with you not to harm you,but simply to tell you what I want to say."

As for Regina's words, they were not important at all.

Grace couldn't bring herself to deliver the final blow to her, so let her be the one to do it.

Camille looked indifferently at Regina, her face particularly devoid of emotion as she said, "We allknow everything about you. To us, it's not a secret at all. But for you, we are not important, so youdon't need to worry about our thoughts. It's him that you should probably care about. After all,you've been with him since you were young for so many years, naturally there is some feelingsinvolved, even if it's based on manipulation and revenge, there is still some sentiment."

Camille told Regina that Brody knew everything about her, but had been tolerating it. As long as shecould maintain this charade, and as long as their affairs could remain hidden as a secret.

But Regina instigated his relationship with Page, leading him to push Page step by step towards theedge. Although Page fell off the cliff on her own accord, the two of them had an undeniableresponsibility and connection.

Brody confessed everything because the drugs Regina provided caused Page's mental instability.Initially, only sedatives were detected by the forensics, but the drugs Page ingested were notactually sedatives, they were psychotropic drugs that could cause significant brain problems.

Continuous doses of such drugs for several days would naturally make Page's mind uncontrollable.So when Brody accompanied her across the glass walkway, Page had hallucinations, and ended upfalling off the cliff herself.

Brody knew that if he continued to remain silent at this point, all the blame would eventually fall onhim.

At present, due to the incident involving Vere, Brody's hatred towards Regina had reached deeplevels. So he was unwilling to hide anything. He had investigated all the allegations, he was not themastermind, he had evidence to prove this. Therefore, if he confessed and cooperated, he had agood chance of receiving a lighter sentence.

Brody saw this opportunity, so he had to be completely honest.

Now that Regina knew that Brody was already aware of her actions, she felt like a deflated balloon,devoid of the arrogance and fearlessness she once had after her downfall.

She stared blankly at Camille, who remained unresponsive and motionless.

Camille squinted her eyes slightly, and calmly said, "By the way, Vere's biological father actuallyknows who he is. But Vere's father column is filled with his name. If he does not want to change it, Isuspect it will remain unchanged for the rest of his life."

"Hah, I don't care at all. Do you think I care? I still haven't received any news about my child untilnow. I don't care who the biological father is, I truly don't care at all, whatever!!"

"Do you really not care? So, you don't want to look for your child anymore?"

"Will you help me look for him?"

Camille remained silent, and then smiled, "Since you are unwilling to help, why bother asking?"

Camille deliberately asked her in this way, she naturally would not answer this question. She simplylooked at her casually, intentionally trying to make her emotions collapse and suffer inner torment,even if she was to stay in prison next, she would carry a lifetime of worries and fears.

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