My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1428: Better
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Chapter 1428: Better

Chapter 1428: Better

It was a call from the police station.

Kian pressed the speakerphone button after picking up so that he wouldn't have to repeat theinformation to Ayan.

"Hello, Kian," the police officer responsible for the matter on the police station's side said, "We justreceived a distress call claiming to know the whole truth about Mrs. Armstrong's incident."

Given the involvement of Page and the high current attention on the matter, it was impossible forthe police not to take it seriously.

Faced with this inquiry, Kian naturally couldn't provide an answer and subconsciously looked atAyan.

Ayan's face remained cold, showing no obvious expression. He only squinted his eyes slightly andsaid in a calm voice, "Since the other party knows the truth, please have the police stationinvestigate in detail and provide our family with the truth as soon as possible."

The police on the other end also recognized Ayan's voice and quickly responded, "Certainly, Mr.Simpson. We will dispatch officers to communicate with the informant."

Ayan didn't speak further and handed over the matter to Kian.

While Kian was wrapping up the call, Ayan had already walked over to the desk and sat down. Heleaned back on the chair, emitting an air of chilly detachment.

After finishing the call, Kian approached the desk, put down the documents in his hand, andwhispered, "Mr. Simpson, do you think this so-called informant might have some ulterior motive inwanting to gain something from this?"

"Is it important? This matter has nothing to do with us. As for the motives of others, it's their ownbusiness. We only need to hand everything over to the police for handling. After all, I'm just doingwhat a son-in-law should do. If someone doubts or makes a fuss about it, we can also play thesympathy card."

Ayan seemed to anticipate something. A handsome face exuded a cold chill, and his gaze becameparticularly indifferent and sinister. After he finished speaking, Kian fell into a brief silence for a fewseconds, then whispered, "Mr. Simpson, should we temporarily assign someone to keep an eye onthe police's actions? I'm concerned that if we neglect it, the police might think we no longer care,and they won't communicate with us promptly. It seems a bit passive."

"Hmm, I understand what you mean." Ayan squinted his eyes slightly, his expression turning colder.He said, "Handle it as you see fit. You can communicate with Logan and keep each other informed.That way, we won't end up in a passive situation."

"Okay, I understand. I'll contact Logan later," Kian quickly responded.

After their conversation ended, they continued to busy themselves with work.

It wasn't until close to lunchtime that Kian received a call from the forensic examiner, naturally aboutthe detailed examination report.

After an in-depth conversation with the forensic examiner, Kian obtained the results and thenknocked on Ayan's office door.

He truthfully conveyed the examiner's words to Ayan and asked, "Should we release the resultsdirectly?"

"No rush. First, communicate the results with the police, and then talk to the two individuals incustody based on the results," Ayan said calmly. In fact, he wasn't surprised by these results at all.After all, when something happened, there would always be someone who had to pay the price forthose results.

Just learning about the result, Ayan felt a bit gloomy. His gloominess wasn't for anyone involved inthe matter but solely for Camille's sake. Even though they hadn't been kind to Camille, she still feltsad and hurt. This was an indelible point.

So he started to regret a bit, wondering why he didn't tell Camille the truth about certain thingsearlier. If he had told her, would she have been less distressed? After all, they had been extremelyindifferent to Camille, and if she hadn't married him, perhaps their attitude toward her would havebeen even worse?

It was evident from Camille's childhood that they had sent her straight to Flento City to live with hergrandmother. Ayan was grateful that Camille received abundant love from her grandmother.

Ayan took a silent breath, his voice shallow, as he said, "You should personally go to the policestation and tell them about this evidence, let them make a choice!"

Kian was momentarily stunned, but he immediately understood the meaning behind Ayan's words.

Kian said, "Mr. Simpson, wouldn't it be unwise if this were to get out?"

"The forensic examiner is on our side; no one will leak anything." Besides, even if this matter did getleaked, it wouldn't matter. They had complete control at the moment, so he wasn't worried aboutthat.

Following Ayan's instructions, Kian went to the police station and personally met Brody. Heexplained the forensic examination results in detail and then asked, "Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Simpsonwants you to make a choice. I believe you understand what choice he's referring to."

Brody remained silent with a stern face, his expression filled with indifference.

He seemed hesitant and conflicted, but no matter how hesitant and conflicted one might be, whenfaced with self-interest, one would inevitably succumb.

Brody looked up at Kian and asked, "Is Ayan really willing to help me?"

"Mr. Simpson is not helping you; he just doesn't want to see Mrs. Armstrong hurt." Kian noticed thatwhen Brody mentioned Camille, his face twitched slightly. Kian also knew the reason behind hisreaction. He continued, "Mr. Armstrong and Mrs. Armstrong haven't been good to the lady. I thinkMr. Armstrong is well aware of this. However, the lady still considers the bond with the Armstrongfamily. Now that the Armstrong family has experienced such a significant event, and considering therumors that have been circulating, it would be better for Mr. Armstrong to make a decision soonerrather than later."

After hesitating for two or three seconds, Brody spoke up, "I want to report Regina. My wife's deathis related to Regina."

As Brody finished speaking, Kian also stood up.

In truth, Kian had already developed a strong contempt for Brody. Although it was Ayan'sarrangement for him to ask Brody, it was still disgusting how Brody readily implicated the woman hehad been with for many years with just a slight hesitation.novelbin

Naturally, that woman deserved to be condemned, having destroyed someone else's marriage. Itwas truly disgusting and repugnant.

However, as a man, Kian found Brody, who showed no sense of responsibility, even moredetestable. Men who only pushed all the blame onto women when faced with a situation were trulyunlucky. Page and Regina were the best outcome in dealing with such men.

Kian looked at Brody expressionlessly and said, "I will have the police come in and take yourstatement. You can have a detailed conversation with them later!"

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