My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1424: Oppression
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Chapter 1424: Oppression

Chapter 1424: Oppression

"Armstrong Corp is currently fine. It's likely because Mr. Burris issued a statement, so the situationhas almost no impact on Armstrong Corp," Kian truthfully replied. Then he briefly explained thecurrent online situation to Ayan. Ayan didn't respond much, so Kian quickly added, "Mr. Simpson,when do you think the police should issue a response?"

"No rush, let the heat rise first."


"In the evening, make a trip to the Simpson's mansion. Arrange for Cami to come from Franklin Bayin the afternoon."

"Yes, I know."

Ayan had other work, so he didn't continue the conversation with Kian.

Now, Kian was having a detailed conversation with the two uncles on the Armstrong family's side.Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible for the uncles to agree to appear in a video to issue a statement.

After finishing the call with Kian, Ayan received a call from Kerry.

On the phone, Kerry said, "Mr. Simpson, my people just informed me that Mr. Tillery has arrangedfor someone else to come to Hance City. They should arrive in the next few days. He didn't informme, probably wanting to secretly investigate the situation between the Simpson Group and us,considering our cooperation. Mr. Tillery is a very suspicious person. He won't easily trust anyoneand will try every means to uncover our negligence and the true situation."

"Mr. Kerry is worried that our cooperation will be discovered by Mr. Tillery?"

"Yes." Kerry didn't hide anything. He openly expressed his concerns. He said, "If this situation reallyhappens, Mr. Tillery might take measures against me because what I'm currently doing concernsDaisy. It may have crossed some boundaries for him, so..."

"Mr. Kerry, the person hasn't arrived yet. Why are you so anxious and nervous?" Ayan asked calmly.

Kerry was indeed very nervous. His words were filled with anxious concerns. He said, "Mr.Simpson, you still don't understand Mr. Tillery. Once he has even the slightest suspicion, things willspiral out of control."

"So, does Mr. Kerry mean to end the cooperation?"

"Of course not." Kerry denied with a more excited tone. He said, "Since I've already agreed tocooperate with Mr. Simpson, naturally, I will see it through. I don't have any ulterior motives. I justwant Mr. Simpson to provide me with more effective and faster ideas. I want to solidify therelationship with Daisy before Mr. Tillery finds out."

"Just a few days, and Mr. Kerry seems too impatient. This doesn't seem like a good solution. Afterall, Miss Daisy is an individual, capable of independent thinking, not like a robot that we cancontrol." Ayan disagreed with Kerry's proposal. He felt that Kerry was too anxious because he hadbeen secretly infatuated with Daisy for a long time. Now, with a little progress, he wanted quickresponses and results, which was clearly not reasonable.

Kerry fell silent for a moment on the other end. He briefly explained the situation of the past fewdays to Ayan. Daisy had a significant reaction to his coldness because Kerry had always beenattentive to Daisy's needs and didn't refuse any of her requests. However, ever since the meetingwith Ayan and the private conversation about Simpson Group, he seemed like a different person.

Daisy couldn't ignore such a significant change.

Daisy wanted to figure out the reason, so she took the initiative to approach Kerry. But each time,Kerry's attitude was indifferent, so much so that Daisy couldn't sense his emotions and attitude.

Daisy asked with some confusion, "Kerry, what's wrong with you?"

"Hmm? I'm not quite sure what you mean," Kerry replied.

Daisy continued, "What's been going on with you these past couple of days? Did somethinghappen? Or is there an issue with our collaboration?"

Kerry met her gaze without any evasion, looking directly into her eyes. He said, "Nothing is wrong,and our collaboration is going smoothly."

"Are you sure everything is fine?"


Daisy was somewhat skeptical, but since he said so, she didn't ask further.

Kerry still couldn't quite grasp Daisy's reaction and couldn't help but ask Ayan, "Mr. Simpson, do youthink Daisy is acting this way because she has changed her feelings towards me?"

"Mr. Kerry, have you ever heard a saying?"

"What saying?"

"Haste makes waste. This saying describes your current state of mind."

Kerry didn't quite understand the meaning, so Ayan explained it in detail, and then Kerry fell silent.

The atmosphere became briefly silent, and then Ayan spoke again, "Mr. Kerry, there's no need toworry. Taking things step by step is actually a good approach. The frog in warm water may not showmuch reaction or movement, but it will ultimately reach your desired goal. As for Mr. Tillery sendingother people to Hance City, with my position in Hance City, I believe I will be the first to know."

Finding out who came to Hance City from abroad was not a difficult task, as long as the individualsdidn't come directly to Hance City but took a detour through other cities.

However, there were solutions to this problem as well. After all, if someone wanted to focus on theaffairs of the Simpson Group or anything related to Ayan in Hance City, it would naturally benoticed.

Otherwise, Ayan would have experienced all those storms in vain over the years.

Kerry was always anxious, but after hearing Ayan's words, he felt slightly more at ease.

Personally, he trusted Ayan more and felt that he wasn't the type of person who just talked for thesake of it.

Kerry chatted with Ayan for a long time before finally hanging up the phone, and the rest of the daywent relatively normally. Although the situation regarding Page continued to escalate, it had nothingto do with Camille, Grace, the Simpson family, and everything was blamed on Brody. It was nowknown that it wasn't just about Brody and Page having a bad marital relationship; it was alsodiscovered that Page's relationship with her two brothers wasn't as close as everyone thought.

Once something slightly controversial emerged, a continuous flow of information would follow. Avideo of the two uncles and Page arguing about the inheritance left by their deceased father wasposted online by someone unknown.

After this news broke out, people naturally cursed Brody while also criticizing the two uncles, whichled to a temporary restoration of their freedom but brought about a new wave of pressure.

The uncles had no way out and could only contact Kian immediately for assistance.

Kian sincerely asked, "Why didn't you all ever mention that your relationship with Mrs. Armstrongwas not good? Instead, you deliberately created the illusion of a good relationship to deceiveothers?"novelbin

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