My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1417: Obstruction
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Chapter 1417: Obstruction

Chapter 1417: Obstructionnovelbin

Regina's face immediately darkened after hearing Grace's words. She frowned and looked atGrace, saying, "Please don't call the police. If you do, those people will definitely harm Vere. Grace,you must promise me that you will rescue Vere from their hands. Money can be earned again, butyou only have one brother. You two are siblings, and you must take care of him!"

Regina had no reservations when it came to Vere. After all, he was her own child, so she naturallyfelt deeply concerned. She didn't even consider whether her words would breed more resentment inGrace's heart.

However, Grace didn't try to interrupt or stop her. She thought, let her say whatever she wants.Whether she would actually follow through with it was Grace's business.

After Regina finished speaking, Grace calmly responded, "Auntie, I also want to do as you say, butas I mentioned before, I don't have any money. I need to seek help from Camille and Ayan.However, you know Camille's personality. Our parents weren't kind to her in the first place, and withthis situation now, she definitely needs a solution. She doesn't want this incident to affect theSimpson Group, herself, Ayan, or the Simpson family. So, Auntie, you're the only one who can saveVere."

Grace also reminded Regina that several hours had already passed since Vere was abducted. Ifthey continued like this, no one knew what unforeseen accidents could occur. She urged Regina tocarefully consider and make a clear decision.

After their lengthy conversation, the silent female police officer sitting on the side spoke up andreminded, "Miss Armstrong, time is almost up. We need to document everything on our end. Do youhave anything else you would like to say?"

This was a reminder to Regina that Grace was preparing to leave, leaving Regina alone.

Grace glanced lightly at Regina. She wouldn't press Regina further but simply said, "Auntie, I'llleave now. If there's anything, I'll find a way to let you know as soon as possible."

After saying that, Grace got up and began to leave. Her actions clearly indicated her intention todepart.

Regina, witnessing this, felt her heart in disarray. She stiffened her face, turning pale to an extreme.Seeing Grace about to reach the door, Regina quickly stood up and grabbed Grace's arm, saying, "Ihave something to say."

Grace wasn't surprised at all. She looked at Regina calmly, as if she had long anticipated Regina'sreaction.

Regina remained silent for a moment before speaking slowly, as if she had made up her mind,saying the words that Grace wanted to hear.

Grace stared at her expressionlessly, and fearing that Grace wouldn't believe her, Regina hurriedlysaid, "Grace, everything I've said is true. I swear on my life, if a single word is false, I won't have agood death."

"It's meaningless to say that. I can tell whether it's true or false," Grace responded, no longer callingher auntie. She gave Regina a cold glance and said, "I still need to meet my father, so I'll leavefirst."

Regina looked bewildered. "What do you mean? Don't you believe what I said?"

"Does it matter?" Grace's demeanor had completely changed from when she called her auntie.Now, her face was cold, and her eyes held a faint indifference. She resembled Page so much in this

moment that Regina was filled with questions but dared not ask. After all, Page had just had anaccident, and Regina's heart was somewhat fearful and anxious.

Grace said, "I will tell Dad what you just said. This matter is far from over. Neither of you canescape. As for your child, let him stay obediently with the kidnappers. I won't treat him like a brother.He has nothing to do with me."

"What do you mean, Grace? Are you lying to me? Are you deceiving me?" Regina panickedbecause Grace didn't seem to be lying at all. She desperately grabbed Grace's arm, but Grace hadno intention of changing her words. Instead, she looked at Regina with a smile on her face, as if tosay, "Yes, that's right."

Regina was extremely anxious, worried about Vere. She felt like she was falling apart. She lookedat the female police officer beside her and said, "I need to call the police. My child has beenkidnapped. Please, help me save my child."

But her words were drowned out by the sound of the closing door. No one would believe herbecause the police had already thoroughly investigated and confirmed that her child was safe in thecottage. They believed she was just trying to escape from the police station, so no one trusted herwords.

Regina was completely unaware of all this, and she didn't need to know. Let her suffer in agony!

After seeing Regina, Grace didn't go to see Brody. Originally, she planned to meet him together andjust talk things through. However, Camille suddenly changed her mind and said, "Don't rush. Youknow, his mental strength is better than yours and mine. If we talk to him directly, we might fall intohis trap without even realizing it. So, don't talk to him directly."

"What else can we do if we don't talk to him directly?" Grace asked in a low voice.

Camille smiled and asked, "Aren't you curious why he doesn't want to save Vere? But he reallywants a son, doesn't he? If it's not because he wants a son, the Armstrong family wouldn't haveended up like this. If he truly loved Regina, he could have announced their discordant relationshipafter marriage and gotten a divorce. Why go through all this trouble? I think he probably wants touse Regina to have a son."

Perhaps, at first, it was only to satisfy his liking for Regina. Because Regina and Page werecompletely different types. Page was straightforward and generous, even when things got out ofhand, she didn't play any tricks. But Regina was different. Regina was gentle, and she exuded thedemeanor of a delicate woman in every aspect. How could Brody resist such a woman?

But Camille carefully calculated and realized that there was quite a significant age differencebetween Vere and them. If Brody wanted a son, he should have had one a long time ago. So whydid he wait until middle age to have this child?

Doesn't this situation seem a bit inconsistent?

Of course, maybe it's Regina's or Brody's physical condition. If they had planned for this earlier,maybe they could have made adjustments sooner?

All these questions left Camille without a reasonable explanation. She wondered if there might besomething else they hadn't discovered yet.

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