My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1400 Danger
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Chapter 1400 Danger

Chapter 1400 Danger

“Now, it seems like saying so much is of no use, Mom is already gone, will never come back, | don't even know how to face Dadnow. Especially now, the police are still investigating whether Mom's accident is related to Dad."

Grace, of course, wouldn't respond directly to Regina's question, but instead kept digging, continuing to follow her own pace andstrategy with Regina.

She used a gradual approach to disrupt Regina's words, make Regina more and more flustered, and then she would reveal hertrue colors.

Sure enough, when Regina heard the words related to Brody, her face froze for a moment, but it didn't last long. After all, shedidn't want Grace to suspect anything. She stared blankly at Grace, softly asking, "Grace, what are you suspecting? Althoughyour parents’ relationship is a bit rocky, as | mentioned earlier, they did argue often when you were not at home. But your dadwouldn't do something dangerous to your mom. You can still trust in that because they've been married for many years. If he hadsuch thoughts, wouldn't they have shown up long ago?"

Regina still stared at Grace with a probing look, as if waiting to see if Grace would pick up any hints from her words.novelbin

But Grace remained silent and unresponsive, with almost no expression on her face. This made it hard for Regina to read her.Regina asked softly, "Grace, what are you thinking? Did you hear me? | didn't mean anything by it, just don't want you to makethe wrong choice, and don't want there to be any distance between you and your father. At this point, your only family is yourfather."

“Aunt, are you saying that although my parents' relationship is strained, Dad wouldn't do anything dangerous to Mom?"

"Yes, think about it. They've been together for so many years, there must still be some feelings between them, even if it's justsimple family affection. So how could he harm your mom?"

"Yes, you're right. | just have a question."“What question?"

“Aunt, shouldn't Mom have told you many times that her relationship with Dad is not as harmonious as it seems on the surface?Dad is not as good to her as he seems, right? Since Mom has such a good relationship with you, she must have told you, right?"

Grace looked at Regina with wide eyes, not accusing, just asking innocently. It was as if she was saying, 'My parents fought, youmust have heard about it, right?"

Regina was completely taken aback. Her eyes blinked rapidly, and there were complex emotions flashing in them. She couldn'tmeet Grace's gaze directly and became more nervously tense.

She kept exploring Grace's every move and word, but Grace kept staring at her, making Regina slightly incoherent.

Grace pretended not to see Regina's reaction, just asking calmly, "Aunt, even though you're looking out for me by saying this,wanting to keep me from having a strained relationship with my father, shouldn't we let the police investigate this matter? Thereshould be results by tomorrow morning, as the forensic team works quickly."

Regina nodded, her face looking unpleasant. She furrowed her brow and asked, "So what do you think? Do you suspect yourfather?"

"| don't know. I'm confused. That's why | came to you, Aunt. What should | do? | really don't know who to turn to now, so I canonly talk to you."

"Silly child, I'm your aunt. You can tell me anything. But | don't have a definite answer for you in this matter. One side is yourmother, my best sister, and the other side is your father, who has been good to me too. Over the years, both your mom and dadhave been good to me. In my heart, they are my brother and sister. I've always hoped they would be okay. But | don't know howthings turned out this way. It's really disappointing."

Regina's words didn't provide any answers. It seemed like she was deliberately confusing Grace's feelings.But Grace remained calm. No matter what Regina said, her reaction didn't change much.Grace's lips tightened, questioning herself - maybe she hadn't been forceful enough to make Regina slip up?

After deep thought, she spoke again, "Aunt, | understand your words. | just have a doubt, something my mother mentionedbefore | left home."

“What doubt? What are you suspecting?"

Regina asked immediately, her eyes filled with surprise and caution.

Grace could see everything clearly,but she wouldn't say anything or

show it. She just Bee teomsitatg-fqokii (OUbre as if

reluctant to speak. In her heart, shesneered. She looked at Regina, with ahesitant expression on her face, as ifconflicted about whether or not toshare her thoughts. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Regina didn't want to miss out on anything. She hurriedly said, "Grace, is there something you can't tell Aunt? Whatever it is, justtell me. I'll analyze it for you. Maybe your mom told me about it, but I'm so confused right now that | can't remember manythings."

Grace nodded subtly, still lookingvery hesitant and troubled. After along silence, she spoke softly, "Aunt, |don't know if Mom has told you

she has known fon,q white that BadHapa chisivess. Their relationshipseems quite close. Dad confides inher about everything, and Mom evenknows this woman's address and hasrecordings of their conversations.Mom mentioned to me before thatshe has something that could ruinDad's reputation, but for now, | don'tknow what she was referring to."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"Did your mom mention this to you?"

"Yes, once. At that time, | just thought she was upset and tried to comfort her, telling her not to overthink. Looking back now, Iwas really naive. Mom probably knew a lot of things, but she kept it to herself."

The more Grace thought about it, themore uncomfortable she felt. Itwasn't just for show in i nt efomResa cherub GN nested Thethought of Page, of what Page haddone for Regina, and how Regina hadrepaid her by stealing Page'shusband and living in a house thatbelonged to Page. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

If it were someone else, Grace might not have felt so resentful. But why did it have to be Regina?

Grace was filled with a mix of emotions, but she held back, knowing that things weren't completely clear yet. She didn't want topretend to be friendly with Regina as she had been before.

Grace pursed her lips, took a deep breath, and looked at Regina, saying, "Has Mom ever mentioned any of this to you?"

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