My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1367 Subtle
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Chapter 1367 Subtle

Chapter 1367 Subtle

Next, concerning the Ward family, the Ward family treats Sienna very well. She is very concerned about what the Ward family'sparents might think of this matter, as Mr. Ward and Mrs. Ward have just made many calls to Rex, to which he casually repliedwithout any problem.

Sienna has her own worries and thoughts, so she cannot just sit idly by.She can only coax Rex, but Rex is not willing at all.

Rex remains silent, and Sienna can only softly coax him. Eventually, she says, "How about | stay on the phone with you, andthen I'll leave. This way, no matter what is said, you'll know, okay?"

Perhaps he was persuaded, as Rex did not resist and even loosened his grip on her hand gradually. Seizing the opportunity,Sienna withdrew her hand, saying, "I'll step out for a moment, no more than two minutes."

With that, she got up.The call had already started.

Upon leaving the private room, Rex's expression remained indifferent, and Ayan calmly remarked, "Stop pretending. Sienna hasalready left, so who are you pretending for now?"

His words were merciless, and there was a hint of disdain that he couldn't contain.

Camille wondered if he was being too harsh and thought about reminding Ayan discreetly to be more careful. However, beforeshe could even raise her eyes, she heard Rex lowly grumble, "Ayan, | am the victim here. Don't you owe me something for this?

Ayan didn't even spare a glance, merely stating indifferently, "You don't seem like a victim to me. Besides, haven't you alreadybeen compensated? As far as | know, because you have the identity of a victim, the Ward Group has profited significantly. So,how can you still have the audacity to ask me for compensation?"

“Ayan, you've changed. It's quite heartless of you to say that. At the moment, it seems like I'm the victim in this situation. Onceeveryone reflects on it later, they'll just see me as a joke."

Rex was joking with himself. In truth, he didn't have much reaction to this incident. Perhaps it was due to growing up in such afamily and environment, where he and Ayan had long developed a resistance to oppression. This minor incident didn't stir upmany waves for him.

Originally, Camille thought he might be somewhat upset, as nobody wants to be caught up in public opinion. However, she nowrealized she had overestimated his feelings.

Given the circumstances, Camille chose not to speak and let the two men quarrel.

However, during the call, the sound of a conversation suddenly came from the phone, which was Rex's. Sienna had dialed herown number just before leaving and left the phone on the table, so Camille could faintly hear some voices.

She decided to discreetly put the call on speaker. The two men who were talking paused when they heard the unexpectedsound.

Mario's voice came through the phone, his tone calm as he asked Sienna, "Sienna, by now you should know how many peoplehave been hurt and implicated in this matter. Setting aside whether Rex will be laughed at, Camille will also suffer significantharm. Especially now, she is already surrounded by criticism. If this matter escalates further, Camille will undoubtedly face moredisdain. Even though it was not my intention, this is the situation. So, do you want to give me a different answer?"

An answer.What answer?

Sienna naturally understood. As she listened to Mario's words, the three individuals sitting in the private room fell into acontemplative silence.

Especially Rex, who had just slightly recovered some color in his face, now looked particularly gloomy and unattractive.

Camille pursed her lips, feeling nervous, fearing that Rex might rush out to confront Mario. His words were more subtle thandirectly asking Sienna to divorce Rex. They carried a threat that could shake hearts, filled with many interests andconsequences.

Camille knew Sienna very well. They were of the same kind, thinking similarly-willing to endure suffering but not willing to seetheir closest ones suffer. Therefore, Camille was also worried about how Sienna would respond.


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