My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1348 Joy
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Chapter 1348 Joy

Chapter 1348 Joy

Originally, Camille was supposed to meet Jillian for dinner yesterday, but Camille couldn't find the time. With Ayan just returning,they rescheduled for dinner together the next evening. Up to this point, Sienna still hadn't told Camille who this friend was, andboth were hoping to surprise Camille and see if she could guess.

Camille was someone who could stay calm. Her curiosity was not high at all, so Sienna and Jillian didn't feel any sense ofaccomplishment. Just like at this moment, even though Camille knew this friend was Mario's blind date, her focus was not on thefriend but on Mario's blind date.

Camille widened her eyes and asked, "Mario is willing to go on a blind date?"Sienna stared at her displeased and said, "Camille, don't you care about who this friend is?"

"Since we're meeting tomorrow anyway, why be curious now? After all, she will tell me eventually, no point in being curious, it'sjust uncomfortable."

Before Sienna could speak, Camille asked, "Tell me, did Mario agree to this willingly? Isn't his behavior indicating he's willing tolet go?"

Shaking her head, Sienna replied, "You're overthinking it. When he called, do you know what he said?""What did he say?"

"He said he knew this was purposely arranged by his mother and that | agreed. But he will do it to give my friend face. It's likecooperating with the date to make a point? Listen to what he's saying, isn't he threatening me?"

Sienna felt a surge of anger, feeling uncomfortable at the mere thought of it. She pursed her lips, her expression very ugly.Every time she thought about how Mario held her words in his hands, Sienna's anger flared up instantly.

She looked at Camille and said, "Do | look easy to bully to you? Why does Mario always act like he can lead me by the nose?"Camille's gaze also became serious, not expecting Mario to say such things.

Mario wanted to use Sienna's friend as leverage against her, which Sienna wouldn't ignore. She would tell her friend or find otherways to hinder the friend from continuing to interact with Mario. In this process, the misunderstandings between Sienna and Rexwould increase, allowing Mario to benefit.

Camille walked over to Sienna, linking her arm with Sienna's, and said in a low voice, "Since Mario is so confident inmanipulating you, are you also thinking the same way?"novelbin

Sienna was taken aback and retorted, "Of course not. | don't want to be manipulated by him. But if he treats our friend as hesaid, giving me face, then | would be in the wrong, right?"

Camille smiled faintly and said, "That's just what she thinks. Since she's your friend, why not tell her directly? If she canunderstand, it's best. If not, at least you haven't hidden anything. Even if she doubts you, she should have an idea, right?Besides, the people who are friends with you and me are not fools, right?"

“But | can't guarantee | won't get emotional!!" Sienna said lightly.Camille just smiled, "Even if you get emotional, there will be moments of clarity. As long as your mind isn't broken, it's fine.""So you're saying | don't need to worry at all?"

“Of course. What should | worry about? | think Mario should be the one worried. After all, if he goes to such lengths and ends upwith nothing, it's all in vain."

Sienna's face showed a hint of realization at Camille's words. She also considered the presence of Mrs. King. Would Mrs. Kingreally stand by and watch?

Sienna looked at Camille and said, "I'm glad to have you, or | would really feel constrained."

"Such things should be told to me right away, then we can discuss together. If there's no solution, we can worry together. At thevery least, | can ask Ayan for advice. After all, men are best at dealing with men, right? | don't believe the three of us can't matchMario alone.”

"That's true." Sienna finally smiled,but she told Camille, "Don't tell Mr.Simpson for now. |'m afraid he'llRex. You know, thei elstionSit isrio) erent from ours. Somethings probably can't be kept secret,and Rex's dissatisfaction with Mariois almost reaching its peak. If hehears about this, he won't be able toresist confronting him!" Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Sienna didn't want Rex to have any contact with Mario at all, as she knew how to provoke Rex. If Rex was successfullyprovoked, it wouldn't be good for him.

So Sienna didn't want Rex to know about it. With Camille's help, handling this matter didn't seem difficult, and she could manageit well.

The two chatted for quite a while, and their initial gloomy mood gradually turned into joy. Ayan, who was standing by the studywindow, heard snippets of their conversation.

Ayan had just wanted to open thewindow for some fresh air, but hehadn't expected to hear about mSienna's situation, kyaierit stir Shyemationd him, as he wasn'tinvolved. He subconsciouslyfurrowed his brows because he neverthought Mario would have time todeal with Sienna's matters whilebeing in charge of the project. Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

He gave a light sigh, covered by anindifferent expression, then turnedand walked back to the desk

looked at the project Groposa sentbythe} oject team responsible forthe Tillery Group. Although theproject contract hadn't been finalized,if nothing unexpected happened, theproject was a sure thing. Please readthe original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Ayan always liked to be prepared, so he had already started preparing for the project team's matters upon returning from HanceCity. However, this matter was kept confidential and not disclosed to anyone in advance, especially Daisy and the Tillery Group.Since they wanted to cooperate with the Simpson Group, it was none of their business who Ayan arranged to lead the project.Ayan had planned this from the beginning.

As Ayan read the project proposal, Kian's call came in. Seeing it was Kian, he answered directly and switched to speaker mode.

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