My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1294: Patience
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Chapter 1294: Patience

Chapter 1294: Patience

"What Mr. Tillery said, I am well aware of the capabilities and influence of the Tillery Group, so how

could I possibly underestimate them? Mr. Tillery seems to have had too much to drink. It's better for

him to go back and rest. We can discuss work-related matters tomorrow."

Although it was still late at night here, not even midnight yet, in foreign countries, it would be dawn in a

little while.

Ayan hadn't experienced jet lag and was grateful for waking up late during the day. Otherwise, enduring

like this would surely lead to sudden death!

Ayan's words were already indicating to Mr. Tillery that the phone call was coming to an end, right?

Mr. Tillery didn't say much more either. Perhaps he was really drunk and didn't want to escalate the

situation with Ayan. Although Tillery Group was formidable, Ayan was someone he wanted to

cooperate with and utilize. He certainly couldn't afford to fall out with Ayan so quickly. Ayan had great

value to him!

Mr. Tillery hung up the phone as he wished, and then his secretary took the phone from Ayan's hand

and returned to the car. However, his mood seemed quite bad, so he didn't even let the secretary get

into the car. He directly told the driver to leave, leaving the secretary standing alone in the wind, dazed.

Naturally, Ayan also witnessed this scene. He exchanged a glance with Kian, and Kian understoodnovelbin

what he meant and got out of the car.

Kian left for about five or six minutes, then came back with Mr. Tillery's secretary.

Kian was driving, Mr. Tillery's secretary sat in the passenger seat, and Ayan was alone in the back


Kian asked Mr. Tillery's secretary, "Where do you live? Give me the location."

Kian wasn't very familiar with the roads here, and this car was arranged by Tillery Group for his


After Mr. Tillery's secretary provided the location to Kian, he remained silent in the passenger seat

without making any sound. The journey went smoothly the whole way. It was a less crowded time, so

there was no traffic congestion.

They quickly arrived at the secretary's apartment. The area wasn't particularly busy, and the apartment

was quite ordinary, which made Kian suddenly feel fortunate.

Compared to Simpson Group, Tillery Group naturally had greater influence internationally, but Simpson

Group's influence in the country and in Hance City couldn't be underestimated either.

If we compare the two, Mr. Tillery, as a listed corporation, naturally had broader business and

connections than Simpson Group. However, Simpson Group had steadily and solidly progressed step

by step. Every project they undertook was well thought out and could withstand scrutiny. Tillery Group

couldn't match that.

Especially when the secretary of a chairman of a listed corporation lived in such an ordinary small

apartment, it clearly didn't align with his status.

But that was someone else's business, and Ayan and Kian certainly wouldn't meddle.

After bidding farewell to Mr. Tillery's secretary, Ayan restarted the car and returned to the hotel with


Perhaps Kian had been influenced by Yessica, as he had developed a bit of curiosity.

He glanced at Ayan through the rearview mirror and whispered, "Mr. Simpson, do you think Mr. Tillery's

secretary could be a breakthrough?"

Ayan had originally closed his eyes, but upon hearing Kian's words, he instinctively opened them. He

squinted his eyes and looked at Kian with a faint hint of indifference shimmering in his gaze. He didn't

speak, but he had already conveyed his thoughts.

Kian immediately closed his mouth, unsure of whether to continue speaking. At that moment, Ayan's

voice slowly resounded, as he said, "We don't need to find someone close to him as a breakthrough.

As long as we don't reveal our intentions and what we want, Mr. Tillery won't be able to blackmail us.

Let's meet Horace tomorrow; he probably has some news. Also, take advantage of these two days to

find out if there are any illegal aspects to the project Mr. Tillery mentioned tonight."

Ayan's silence and lack of response were simply because he didn't like the project and felt that it

concealed some unspeakable secrets. However, he couldn't find any evidence to prove it. Only with

evidence could he completely convince himself to stay away from Mr. Tillery, a businessman driven

solely by self-interest. Even if he had the desired project in his hands, he would give it up. Kian

understood Ayan's meaning and subconsciously nodded in agreement.

Back at the hotel, it was already very late. After sending a message to Camille, Ayan went to take a

shower and rest. Camille only saw the message in the morning. By the time Ayan was resting, it was

already past four in the morning in the country. Seeing him staying up so late, she couldn't help but

worry, despite knowing there was a time difference.

However, Camille didn't have a chance to express her concerns to Ayan. She had already left early in

the morning with Sienna to go to the company. The second round of the design competition was

tomorrow, so Camille was busy accompanying Sienna these past few days, and the busier she was,

the more things piled up.

"He caught a cold and is working from home," Camille said indifferently.

Preston clearly didn't believe her, so he instinctively asked, "He's working from home? So he's been at

home these past few days?"

"Yesterday he was at home," Camille replied, of course not revealing that he had been at home all this

time. After all, Preston had called to ask, so she couldn't answer like that.

Preston still didn't believe her, and suspicion flashed in his eyes. In a low voice, he said, "So he's still at

home now?" Reаd at Dramanovе

From his questioning tone, Camille could sense his doubt about the situation. But at the same time, she

also realized that he didn't know where Ayan was at the moment. As long as he didn't know where

Ayan was, she would feel relieved. So Camille's response was calm and composed as she said, "Yes,

he's at home."

Preston still didn't believe her, but he didn't express any further doubts. He simply asked, "If Ayan is at

home, then where is Kian?"

"Kian isn't my secretary. How would I know where Kian is? Kian is Ayan's secretary. If Ayan is working

from home, then obviously Kian wouldn't be at home with him," Camille replied impatiently, but she

couldn't afford not to answer.

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