My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1266 Examples
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Chapter 1266 Examples

Chapter 1266 Examples

Kian: "It's already arranged. It's divided into two parts. Mr. Nores and Mr. King are in charge of the

guests outside, while you and Mr. Burris will be in the private room."

"Well, let's go now!" Ayan said.

Then Kian led the four of them directly to the private room. The dining room was only separated by a

door from where the guests were eating. Along the way, Kian explained to Ayan in detail, saying, "After

Mr. Nores and Mr. King finish toasting, they will come back to the private room and have dinner with

you. So, seats have been reserved for both of them as well."

Kian's words were actually meant for Rex. He was Ayan's secretary and naturally knew about the

situation between Sienna and Mario, although not in great detail. He was one of the few people who

knew the most about it, apart from the parties involved.

Ayan instinctively glanced at Rex, and their eyes met. Rex calmly said, "It doesn't concern me. It

doesn't matter. It's just a meal. Besides, this is your territory."

Ayan's lips curved slightly, revealing a hint of a smile. He casually replied, "I haven't said anything yet.

Why are you in such a hurry?"

Rex fell silent this time. Although there were no outsiders present, he still had his pride.

Camille gently tapped Ayan's arm with her finger, reminding him not to continue. Naturally, Ayan fell


When they arrived at the private room, Horace was already seated inside.

Seeing the others, he immediately greeted them. Rex smiled and said, "Horace, you're a bit too fast,

aren't you?"

"I didn't mean to disturb you. I just came early to secure a seat for myself."

"Why didn't you go outside and get to know people?"

"I've already met those I needed to meet. The ones I don't know are probably the ones I shouldn't


Horace was also quite straightforward, and his words brought smiles to everyone's faces.

They all took their seats, and the guests outside also returned to their tables under Mr. Nores'


Then, the dishes were served in an orderly manner. After waiting for so long, everyone was hungry, so

the meal was enjoyed in silence.

The atmosphere among the five of them was quite pleasant, quiet yet very comfortable.

Seeing Horace sitting alone, Sienna couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Burris, when are you going to bring your

beloved back?"

Knowing who she was referring to but worried about being overheard through the walls, they all

referred to Grace as Horace's beloved.

Naturally, everyone at the table knew who they were talking about.

Horace felt a bit embarrassed by the question and replied, "I want to bring her back as soon as

possible, but you know the current situation. The Armstrong family is still unwilling to let go. I can only

rely on this project to make a breakthrough."

"Don't worry, we all support you," Sienna responded. After all, she had experienced hardships herself,

so she wanted to support others as well.

Rex added, "Yes, we all support you."

Horace looked gratefully at both of them and said, "Thank you."

Camille also turned to Horace and said, "She seems to have exams these days, right? She messagednovelbin

me, but due to the time difference, I always miss her. Ayan, can you visit her while you're on your

business trip and bring her some local specialties from Hance City?"

Ayan didn't respond with a yes or no because he was focused on peeling shrimp for Camille. After

finishing, he wiped his hands with a wet towel and then spoke, "I won't bring them."

Ayan refused directly, leaving Camille stunned. When did he become so unyielding? However, before

Camille could speak, Ayan's voice rang out, saying, "I've asked him to accompany me on the business

trip and consider visiting her as well."

All eyes turned to Horace in an instant.

Camille was the first to ask, "Have you thought it through? Are you going to go with him?"

Horace put down his fork and spoke gently, "When do we depart?"

"Tomorrow night at the latest," Ayan responded.

Horace seemed hesitant, but Sienna didn't wait for him to continue pondering. Sienna said, "Don't you

want to see your loved one? It's been so long since you last met. She's all alone overseas, and aren't

you worried that she might develop feelings for someone else? Let me tell you, girls are most likely to

change their hearts when they're at their most vulnerable. Because you can't be there for her all the

time when she needs you, she will naturally fall for those who are constantly by her side."

After Sienna finished speaking, she couldn't help but sigh, as if she had seen such girls before.

Rex, in agreement with Sienna, chimed in, "I think she's right. Look at Ayan and me, always by their

side, and we still need to be on guard against them falling for someone else. So, you should be more

attentive. It's best to take this opportunity to go with Ayan and see her."

Sienna rolled her eyes at Rex's words and said lightly, "Say what you want, just don't involve me,


Rex quickly added, "I'm just giving an example, just an example."

Their banter had become a habit, so no one found it strange.

Camille spoke casually, but she actually hoped that Horace would go and see Grace.

Camille said to Horace, "Go and see her. Otherwise, if she really gets taken away, I won't be able to

help you." New chаpter av?ilable on Drаmanоvels.cом

Under everyone's persuasion, Horace began to waver.

So he nodded slightly and said, "Since you all say so, I'll comply. It's about time I went to see her. It's

just that there have been too many things recently, and I haven't had the time. Now that there's an

opportunity and time, I'll go."

"Okay, I'll take care of it," Horace agreed with a nod. After all, it was his loved one, so he naturally

agreed without hesitation.

As the group was chatting happily, the door to the private room was pushed open from the outside.

Mr. Nores and Mario entered. The door was opened by the secretary, and Mr. Nores was the first to

step inside. Seeing everyone engaged in conversation, he quickly spoke up, "What are you all talking

about? I hope we're not interrupting."

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