My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1262: Cooperation
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Chapter 1262: Cooperation

Chapter 1262: Cooperation

The two of them went to the restaurant together, and Nanny had already served the dishes.

In order to praise Ayan for his cooperation today, Camille ate a full bowl of rice. Yes, she had quite the


After the meal, Ayan said, "You find a movie to watch, I'll go to the study to handle some work."

"Are you busy today?"

"Yeah, a little bit. After finishing the tasks at hand, I'll be dealing with the final stages of a project

overseas in the next few days." Ayan gently touched her cheek and patiently explained his work


Upon hearing this, Camille felt a bit guilty and openly confessed her thoughts for the day.

Ayan just smiled upon hearing it and said, "I'll consider you honest."

He didn't seem surprised at all and even had the appearance of someone who had known about it all


Camille furrowed her brows slightly, curious as she asked, "So you're not surprised at all?"

"It's not surprising. After all, you're not the type to act spoiled with me for no reason." He looked at

Camille as if he could see through her thoughts, with a faint smile between his eyebrows. His deep

eyes seemed to be telling Camille that he could discern what she was thinking just by listening to her


Being seen through, Camille naturally didn't feel embarrassed at all. On the contrary, she confidently

said, "Well, I won't apologize because I don't think I did anything wrong!"

Ayan laughed and gently pinched her cheek. He said, "I've never thought you did anything wrong, nor

did I want you to apologize. So rest assured, I don't have such thoughts or expectations!"

Camille covered his mouth with her hand and whispered, "Shut up, don't say anything more."

Ayan held her hand and his voice remained gentle as he said, "Treating Yessica so well?"

"She's been with me for so long and has never betrayed me. She's very loyal to me. Besides, isn't she

Kian's girlfriend now? By doing this, I'm just trying to win over Kian and make him more loyal to you,


Camille finished speaking with a smile and then quietly waited for Ayan to praise her.

As expected, Ayan didn't disappoint and commended her, "Hmm, very good. You truly deserve to be

my capable assistant!"

He deliberately emphasized the words "capable assistant." His voice was deep and magnetic, like a

rich piano melody that tugged at the heartstrings.

Camille pressed her lips together and softly said, "You always like to make fun of me."

"I'm only speaking the truth. I have no intention of deceiving you at all. Come on, feel it for yourself." As

he spoke, he grabbed Camille's hand and placed it directly over his heart. The strong and rhythmic

heartbeat in his palm was particularly clear. He asked, "Can you feel it?"

Camille withdrew her hand firmly without answering, only asking, "When do you plan to go on a

business trip? Will you visit Grandpa at the hospital before the trip?"

"Yes, I will go, but I won't accompany Timmy at the Simpson's mansion. I'm a bit busy these days, and I

might not have enough time," Ayan replied.

"That's alright. Timmy will understand. After all, his dad is Ayan, and it's normal for Ayan to be busy,"

Camille's words carried a hint of pride.

Ayan couldn't help but show a faint smile and then spoke in a warm voice, "It's okay if he doesn't

understand. As long as you understand me."

Ayan was the typical type who wanted a wife but not children. Children were just accidents, but his true

love was his wife.

Afterwards, Ayan went back to being busy, and Camille passed the time on her own.

She took a shower and was about to have a video chat with Timmy. At this stage, Timmy was in the

talking phase, and he would babble a lot, with countless "whys" every day, constantly bombarding Talia

with questions. Sometimes, when she video chatted with Camille, it was the same. Camille would be

left feeling dizzy from all the questions, so one could imagine how helpless Talia must be on a daily


But just as she picked up her phone and was about to make the video call, an unfamiliar local number

called in.

Camille looked at the string of unknown digits, and her heart started pounding.

She hadn't even touched the answer button yet, but she already had a vague guess, and her face

stiffened with seriousness.

Her eyes stared blankly at the phone screen without blinking, her facial expression cold and indifferent.

The phone kept ringing, and Camille bit her lip forcefully. Then she answered the call. She raised the

phone to her ear, but there was no sound, not even a breath. She held her breath, waiting for the other

person to speak.

Perhaps seeing that she wasn't saying anything, the person on the other end spoke lightly, "It's me."

The familiar voice made Camille's expression even more solemn.

Camille remained silent.

The person on the other end said again, "Cami, are you listening?"

Only then did Camille ask indifferently, "Is there something?"

Her tone was extremely cold, so cold that it lacked any warmth.

The other person seemed somewhat dissatisfied and said, "You don't want to receive my call?" He

chuckled and added, "But didn't we agree?"

Camille didn't answer his question and simply asked, "Just say what you want to say!"

She had no intention of wasting time with him, and if there was something to say, he should get straight

to the point. Since they had reached this point in their relationship, there was no need for any kind of

tact or good attitude between them.

Her attitude was excessively cold, to the point where the other person could clearly feel it.

The atmosphere gradually grew colder, and the man's voice resounded again. He said, "Since you

don't want to be friends with me, let's keep it strictly professional. Do you remember the request you

promised me? If you want everything to be calm and prevent me from hurting Timmy, then please

cooperate with my arrangements."

"So, what arrangements do you have? Just say it," Camille remained equally cold.

Preston's voice also became indifferent as he said, "I want Ayan's itinerary. Give it to me tomorrow


Camille immediately furrowed her brow and asked, "What do you need his itinerary for? I won't give it

to you. I did promise to cooperate with you, but I won't cooperate if you plan to harm anyone from the

Simpson family."

Camille naturally and without hesitation refused. She didn't even hesitate and directly refused on the

grounds of excuses.

Naturally, her response displeased Preston, and he said in a cold tone, "Cami, do you know whatnovelbin

you're saying? Are you rejecting me now? Have you forgotten my warning?" He asked with a hint of


Camille pursed her lips tightly, her voice carrying an excessive seriousness. She said, "I've told you, I

won't harm anyone from the Simpson family. If you think I'm not cooperating, then do as you please.

But if you try anything with Timmy because of this, Preston, I will make you pay the price, no matter


"Cami, are you threatening me?"

"If that's how you perceive it, then so be it. I am Timmy's mother. Do you expect me to stand by and

watch you harm my child? I don't know what deep grudges or hatred you have with the Simpson family,

but I hope you can confront them openly instead of hurting a child who has absolutely no influence on

you. Don't you think that's despicable?"

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