My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1255: Sincerity
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Chapter 1255: Sincerity

Chapter 1255: Sincerity

Ayan remained motionless, his gaze still cold and indifferent. He looked at Mr. Nores and said calmly,

"Mr. Nores, let's not forget our agreement for tonight. I don't want Nores Group to have no credibility,

and I certainly don't want this project to be suspended for a second time. After all, things should notnovelbin

happen three times. Repeated occurrences will only erode our patience, and the ultimate result will be


Ayan's implication in his words was clear, and Mr. Nores understood it well. He quickly nodded and

then firmly grasped Alicia's hand, escorting her to the side. He watched as Ayan and Camille got into

the car and left before finally releasing Alicia's hand. His voice carried a tone of displeasure, "What

exactly do you want? Are you only happy if this project fails?"

Alicia's face turned cold, and she pursed her lips, seemingly lost in thought. She remained silent for a

while without uttering a word.

Mr. Nores grew even more frustrated. His words were filled with a sense of displeasure, and his voice

was exceptionally cold, "I've already told you that I will handle this matter. Your apologies are

unnecessary. Not everything requires forgiveness. From now on, you should not interfere or be

involved in this project. If you're not in a good mood, then go abroad and relax!"

Brody's words carried no hint of kindness, but Alicia immediately retorted, "I don't want to withdraw

from this project. You promised that I could be a part of it, Dad. I've already apologized. It's them who

refuse to forgive me. What else do you want from me?"

"Enough talking. Now, follow my instructions and listen to my arrangements. You're not participating in

this project anymore, and I will assign you to other projects."

"I don't want to! This project belongs to the Nores family. Why should I be forced to withdraw?"

Alicia's voice was loud, and she reacted with great excitement. She looked at Mr. Nores, her eyes filled

with tears.

Mr. Nores felt helpless as well. They were still in Ayan's territory, so he couldn't say too much, fearing it

would reach Ayan's ears. He could only try to ease the situation slightly and said, "Let's go home first,

and we'll talk about it there, alright?"

Of course, Alicia was unwilling. Not only was she unwilling, but she also said, "I won't withdraw from

this project. This is simply bullying. Just because of a few words I said, must I pay such a great price?

I've already apologized. What more do they want from me? They don't have to forgive me, but they

shouldn't force me to withdraw from this project. Ayan is just bullying people!"

Alicia's unrestrained remarks made Mr. Nores's face darken even more. Before Mr. Nores could say

anything, a man's light cough came from the side. Mr. Nores followed the sound and saw Horace. His

expression immediately became grave, and he quickly signaled his secretary with his eyes to take

Alicia away. Even though Alicia was unwilling, she was no match for a man in terms of strength.

After Alicia was taken away, Mr. Nores hurriedly walked towards Horace. He looked at Horace with a

pleading gaze and said, "Mr. Burris, please don't take those words that my daughter said to heart. She

has been spoiled by the family. I will definitely educate her properly. She is just being foolish."

Horace had no intention of meddling in their affairs. He had just taken a phone call and hadn't

immediately left. It was only when he came over after finishing the call that he noticed the scene.

His expression was indifferent as he said, "I don't care about these things. It's Mr. Nores's family

matter, and he should make the decision himself. However, I would like to kindly remind Mr. Nores that

sometimes even a simple word can harm oneself and others, especially in the business world.

Although Mr. Simpson is easy to talk to, he also has his limits. So it's better not to touch those

boundaries lightly. I assume you wouldn't want our cooperation to be suspended again, right? That

would be a fatal loss for us, don't you think?"

Mr. Nores quickly nodded and said, "Yes, you're right. So, Mr. Burris, can you please not mention what

just happened to Mr. Simpson and Mrs. Simpson?"

"Mr. Nores, you're overthinking. This is your matter, and it has nothing to do with me. I don't want the

project to stop either. I am currently in charge of Armstrong Corp, and I take responsibility for it. So,

there are some things I will pretend not to have heard."

Horace's response made Mr. Nores immediately express his gratitude, "Thank you so much for your

understanding, Mr. Burris. I will always remember your kindness. If you ever need anything from the

Nores family, just say the word, and I will do my best to assist you."

Horace only smiled faintly and said, "I appreciate Mr. Nores's goodwill. This cooperation is beneficial for

me as well, so I will definitely do my best to avoid any accidents. After all, our losses have been

significant, especially for Armstrong Corp, which hasn't fully recovered from the previous ordeal.

Although the Armstrong family is Mrs. Simpson's maternal family, their relationship with Mrs. Simpson

is not good. This time, Mrs. Simpson only intervened because of her sister's friendship with me. But it

may not be the case next time. So, Mr. Nores, you need to have a good talk with Miss Nores and

ensure that no more inappropriate incidents occur. What do you think, Mr. Nores?"

He deeply understood that Horace's words were not just a simple reminder but had a valid point. Mr.

Burris was speaking the truth for himself and Armstrong Corp, and their current situation was

intertwined with the project.

Mr. Nores nodded gently, his voice filled with sincerity as he said, "I understand what Mr. Burris means.

Rest assured, I will take your suggestions to heart."

"Well, as long as you have it in mind, it's good. It's getting late, so let's head back. Tomorrow, we have

a meeting at Simpson Group to discuss the next steps for the project." Co?tent оf Draмa?ovеls.cом

Mr. Nores nodded again and watched as Horace got into his car before heading towards his own


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