My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1240: Pure
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Chapter 1240: Pure

Chapter 1240: Pure

"Well, of course. After all, she was the one who made the mistake. Even if you're reluctant to let it go, I

don't think anyone can morally pressure you. And please don't misunderstand, I didn't have any ulterior

motives when making this call. I simply wanted to ask you. As for the Nores family, I actually think they

were in the wrong this time. Although it was just a verbal dispute, words can sometimes kill a person."

Camille subconsciously looked at Sienna, their eyes meeting. Then Camille calmly said, "Mario, you're

being too serious."

"It's not that I'm being too serious. These are thoughts that normal people would have." Mario still stood

on Camille's side.

Because his attitude was more approachable, Camille responded to him with a relatively warm attitude.

They chatted for several minutes, and then Mario suddenly said, "Although the Nores family was at

fault this time, I also have a concern."

Camille asked with some surprise, "What concern?"

"Actually, I shouldn't be the one saying this because I'm also a partner in this project. For me and

Armstrong Corp, we are somewhat innocent in all of this. So, I feel that what I'm about to say might

make you misunderstand the purpose of my call today."

Mario's tone remained as natural as ever, making it difficult to question his words. However, Sienna,

who knew Mario very well, naturally wondered if his way of speaking was truly pure.

Camille and Sienna had analyzed Mario many times together, so they had some understanding of his

character and actions. Their gazes met, and Camille calmly responded to Mario's words, "Mario, how

could I misunderstand you? Besides, this time it's Alicia's responsibility. I feel like no matter what

decision I make, no one will blame me, right? The same goes for you, Mario, doesn't it?"


"Good. As for the Armstrong family, I don't really care anymore. Our relationship wasn't good to begin

with, and Armstrong Corp no longer has any stake in it. So whether there's a project or not, it doesn't

concern me. As for Ayan, I think one more or one less person doesn't really matter, so it's also


Camille repeatedly emphasized her indifference, causing Mario to suddenly fall silent.

Camille pursed her lips, and there was certainly an element of intention in her words. Originally, both

she and Sienna speculated whether this call was about Sienna's matter. However, as they listened, it

became clear that it had nothing to do with Sienna, which was a relief. As long as it didn't involve

Sienna, Camille wouldn't feel restrained or hesitant.

However, Camille was somewhat surprised that Mario would speak up for the Nores family. This was

something she hadn't anticipated. After all, if he wanted to speak up, he should have done so on the

evening of the incident or the next day. Now that Alicia had already apologized, why did he decide to

make this call? How could she not be surprised?

After Camille finished speaking, there was a brief silence on Mario's end. Sienna gave her a

meaningful look, prompting Camille to ask, "Mario, why aren't you saying anything?"

Mario's voice sounded slightly stiff as he spoke, "Um, I'm wondering if I should bring this up to you."

"Just say whatever you have to say!"

"Well, it's not something I wanted to mention, but the Nores family insisted I do so. They hinted that if

the project doesn't resume, there might be rumors spreading."

Mario's words were somewhat cryptic, but Camille understood the implications. She was not someone

who feared being threatened. On the contrary, upon hearing Mario's words, she felt skeptical. Was the

Nores family really daring enough to say such things? If they were, then why did Alicia apologize?

Camille furrowed her brows slightly, and her speculations grew more and more, disturbing her

thoughts. She asked indifferently, "Is the Nores family threatening me?"

"How could that be? It's not exactly a threat. They probably just want the project to resume quickly!"

"Isn't that still considered a threat? I find it quite threatening. If the Nores family really has the guts, they

can start right away. It doesn't matter to me because I'm not the one who made the mistake. Besides,

Ayan already has the video of my direct conversation with Alicia at that time, so even if the matter gets

out, I'm not afraid."

Camille's words were forceful, and her posture remained firm, leaving no loopholes for Mario to exploit.

He found it somewhat difficult because it seemed that Camille was not following his lead and instead

went against his words.

Camille pretended not to understand what Mario was trying to convey throughout the conversation.

Eventually, Mario seemed a bit tired and simply said, "Cami, the Nores family contacted me and told

me about this. I thought I should let you know, just as a precaution."

"Alright, thanks for the heads up, Mario. I understand."

"Well, there's nothing else for now. So, let's leave it at that!"

"Okay, goodbye, Mario!"


The conversation ended with Mario hanging up first. Camille stared at her disconnected phone and met

Sienna's gaze. She asked, "She called me and said so much, but in the end, what was her ultimate

goal? Based on your understanding of him, is he feeling really upset?"

"He just said there was no specific goal and that it was all the Nores family's idea. He said he called for

your own good. But how could he be the kind of person who meddles in others' affairs?" Sienna

snorted coldly and said indifferently, "Others may not know him, but I understand him very well. In his

eyes, nothing is more important than his work and career. He probably made this call to try and use thenovelbin

Nores family's threat to make you afraid and stop pursuing this matter. It would be best if you

immediately tell Ayan to resume the project because in his eyes, this incident is not a big deal at all.

How could he willingly sacrifice or compromise this project for such a trivial matter?"

Sienna had a cold expression on her face, filled with indifference. She was even more annoyed by her

understanding of Mario's mindset. She had tried more than once, and every time she ended up losing

badly. She didn't really want to compete or compare with him, but she felt that Mario placed too much

importance on his career.

More important than anyone else.

Whenever it involved his career, he would without a doubt abandon the other party.

This was the answer Sienna had come to after all these years, an answer that had left her devastated.

As Sienna spoke these words to Camille, she became slightly more agitated. Camille naturally

understood her thoughts and reached out, gently holding her hand, and whispered, "I know. That's why

I won't follow his lead. But considering how much he values his career, I suspect he will continue to do

things that benefit him. He just mentioned that he fears the consequences if this matter is exposed, and

if it does come out, he won't be able to escape the repercussions."

Sienna nodded lightly and said, "Let Ayan know, okay?"

"Yes, I will tell him," Camille agreed.

However, she was now more worried about Sienna and asked, "Are you okay?"

Sienna smiled and replied, "I'm doing great. Don't worry, I won't be defeated. It's all in the past. What

do I have to fear? Didn't I tell you that my mother also supports me? She'll cover for me. I've made it

clear to her that I only have sibling feelings for Mario, and she probably believes me now. So, she will

let me know what Mario plans to do next."

"That's good, but even if she agrees, you should still be cautious. Whatever decisions or actions you

make, make sure to inform me or Rex, okay?" Camille said, concerned.

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