My Ex-husband Begs Me Back

Chapter 1238: Prompt
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Chapter 1238: Prompt

Chapter 1238: Prompt

"No need," Camille refused, saying, "I have already accepted her apology. Let's turn the page on this

matter. I don't want to continue dwelling on it. It's starting to annoy me a bit."

"Mmm, I understand," Ayan murmured softly.

As for the project, Camille naturally didn't ask another word. She had made it clear that if she wasn't

involved, she wouldn't participate.

After Alicia finished apologizing, she left Camille's company. Her friend was waiting downstairs in a car.

Upon seeing Alicia, her friend immediately greeted her and asked, "How did it go? Did she accept it?"

Shaking her head, Alicia replied, "She won't forgive me. Ayan will probably continue to pursue it, right?"

"She does have quite the personality," her friend chuckled lightly.

Alicia expressed her unhappiness, saying, "Why are you praising her instead?"

Her friend didn't explain but continued to ask, "Did she make things difficult for you?"

Alicia met her friend's gaze expressionlessly and calmly said, "No."

"Well, isn't that settled then? She didn't make things difficult for you."

"But she won't accept my apology. I've already made it clear that I'm willing to apologize with my

parents. I did make a mistake that night, and I can make amends, but she's not willing to accept mynovelbin

apology or forgive me."

"Alicia, you did apologize, and your attitude was humble. But her willingness to accept is already a

good outcome. Forgiveness, on the other hand, isn't something that must be granted just because you

apologized. People can refuse to accept and not forgive. It's understandable because not every

apology will be forgiven. If it were Camille apologizing this time, would you be the same as her?"

Her friend gazed at Alicia with a faint smile and asked. Alicia fell silent instantly, and her expression

remained unpleasant. But their relationship was strong enough that even if the words were not pleasant

to hear, they still needed to be said.

Her friend continued, "You definitely wouldn't accept it, let alone forgive. Instead, you would use words

to make things difficult, right?"

Her friend understood Alicia's temperament and nature well. She knew what kind of person Alicia was.

However, Alicia's heart wasn't entirely bad. She had just grown up in a privileged environment, which

had made her somewhat spoiled like a princess.

So her friend wanted to use this incident to make Alicia understand the ways of the world, and more

importantly, to make her realize that in society, there will always be someone higher than you. Unless

you stand above all others, you should never easily challenge someone's patience and boundaries.

Furthermore, it's important to note that forgiving someone is a matter of personal sentiment, and not

forgiving them is not necessarily wrong.

In the midst of her friend's words, Alicia wasn't sure if she had really absorbed them. She remained

silent for a while and then spoke in a subdued voice, "So what should I do now? If Ayan continues to

refuse to budge, does that mean the project will be completely over?"

"Taking responsibility for one's mistakes is natural. If Ayan truly decides not to continue with the project

because of this, Alicia, you have to be prepared for that outcome. It would be the price to pay for your

mistake. It's just that the price is quite steep. But we can't blame others; we need to reflect on

ourselves," her friend replied bluntly.

Alicia's expression grew even more solemn as her friend's words hit home. She began to feel a sense

of embarrassment, and she couldn't help but mutter, "Can you stop talking about me?"

Her friend simply smiled and said, "Alright, I won't say anything more. But you must face this matter.

Avoid Camille in the future, okay?"

Alicia sighed silently but realized that there weren't many other options available to her at the moment.

Following her friend's advice, Alicia returned to the Nores family.

Feeling a bit apprehensive, Alicia hesitated to enter the house, afraid of being scolded. Her once

arrogant nature had been worn down over these past two days, leaving her feeling somewhat timid.

However, her friend directly pulled her inside, and Mr. and Mrs. Nores, who hadn't even eaten their

meals yet, turned their attention towards the entrance upon hearing the commotion. The household

staff also joyfully reminded them, "Sir, Madam, Miss Alicia is back."

Mrs. Nores, upon hearing that Alicia had returned, was overjoyed and hurriedly approached to embrace

her. "Alicia, you finally came back! Your father and I were so worried."

Alicia instinctively looked towards Mr. Nores. Although he didn't say anything, the anger he had

displayed before seemed to have dissipated.

Alicia pursed her lips and muttered softly, "But it seems like Dad still doesn't want to talk to me."

Alicia once again displayed her childlike temper. Mrs. Nores understood that she was acting spoiled,

and Mr. Nores understood it too. Nevertheless, he coldly snorted and said, "Let's eat!"

Mr. Nores was giving both himself and his daughter a way out. Mrs. Nores quickly smiled and said,

"Alright, let's eat quickly!"

Mrs. Nores also promptly greeted Alicia's friend. These past few days, the Nores family had been quiet

and had lost their appetites. But tonight, they were lively. Mr. Nores even had a little bit of wine.

While eating and chatting, Alicia couldn't help but bring up her visit to Camille earlier that day.

She said, "I apologized to Camille, but she didn't forgive me."

"But Camille accepted her apology," her friend added, and continued, "Alicia has realized her mistake,

especially after this incident. She understands the seriousness of it and won't make the same mistake


After a heartfelt conversation with her friend, Mr. and Mrs. Nores naturally stopped blaming Alicia. Mr.

Nores simply said to Alicia, "You should know your limits from now on."

Alicia nodded lightly but still worriedly asked, "What about the project?"

"I will talk to Ayan about the project. Since you have already apologized, I assume Ayan knows about it.

He's not the type of person to hold a grudge," Mr. Nores sighed silently. He wasn't entirely confident

about the outcome of this matter. If Ayan insisted on not resuming the project, there wasn't much he

could do to persuade him.

After dinner, Alicia was asked to stay at the old mansion, and her friend also decided to stay there

since it was rare for her to visit.

Mr. Nores returned to his study after dinner. Leaning back in his office chair, he remained silent, his

face unusually serious.

He contemplated for a while before finally dialing Ayan's phone number.

This phone call was made with an anxious heart. He didn't know what decision Ayan had made.

However, regardless of Ayan's choice, he had to give it a try. How would he know what Ayan intended if

he didn't try?

During the call, Mr. Nores felt extremely nervous.

Soon, Ayan's voice came from the other end of the line, sounding indifferent and not in a good mood.

Mr. Nores cautiously asked, "Mr. Simpson, I apologize for bothering you. I was wondering if you have a

moment to talk?"

Ayan replied in a detached tone, "Mr. Nores, what do you want to say?"

Mr. Nores explained, "Mr. Simpson, it's like this. Today, Alicia apologized to Mrs. Simpson, and Mrs.

Simpson is willing to accept her apology. However, this incident still caused some discomfort for Mrs.

Simpson, and she doesn't intend to forgive Alicia. Is there anything else Mr. Simpson requires? If there

is, I hope you can consider my age and give me a hint. I will do my best to fulfill it, so we can resume

the project as soon as possible."

Mr. Nores' words were sincere, as he hoped to make Ayan let go of this matter through this approach.

Ayan understood Mr. Nores' intentions, but he didn't give a clear response. He simply said, "Since the

apology has been made, please tell Miss Nores that she should not be involved in any matters

regarding this project. Otherwise, I don't know if seeing her will remind me of this incident. In my eyes,

disrespecting my wife is disrespecting me. If a disrespectful person continues to be present in my

project, I can't guarantee that I won't do something about it."

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